Blogs from Si Phan Don, South, Laos, Asia - page 12


Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don March 16th 2006

The 4000 islands is sort of a delta in the Mekong before it drops down about 50m along a long ledge of rock before becoming a river again. Don Det, where I spent most of my time, has sort of a laid back backpacker beach atmosphere surrounded by the astoundingly clear water of the Mekong. From Vientiane it took about 18 hours to get to the island, so I felt I deserved to lie down in a hammock reading books and drinking beer for the rest of the day. And the next day. And the day after that. On my fourth day in the 4000 islands I finally did something: I rented a bike the rode the 5km to the huge series of waterfalls that prevents boats going down the Mekong, and the French railway that ... read more
Kids walk across the only bridge
Fish trap in the waterfall
Log at the top of the waterfall

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don March 14th 2006

We spent our last day in Vang Vieng tubing down the river. It definitely gave us a new perspective on Vang Vieng because.... it was worthwhile! As we floated down, there were bars by the riverside and the workers there would hook onto our tubes and reel us in chanting Beer Lao, Beer Lao. At the riverside bars there were also huge rope swings that customers could use to jump into the river! It was a real great time but seeing as there is nothing else for people to do in Vang Vieng except drink happy shakes and watch Friends, we decided to head to Ventiane, the capital of Laos, the next day. There wasn't a whole lot to do in Ventiane except walk by the river and visit the fake Arc de Triomphe. After one ... read more
Typical Vang Vieng menu
At the end of the tubing ride
Laos version of the Arc de Triomphe

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don March 7th 2006

Forgive the briefness of this entry but the service here is very expensive. Man I've been on the Island of Don Det for just shy of a week. It's really cool and laid cars, no eletricity except for some generators that restaraunts use (so cold beer is always calling out your name). I have done nearly the same thing every day: Eating, swimming, eating, swimming, drinking beer, swimming, playing guitar, reading, and drinking beer. It's great. My mp3 player stopped working though so now I have no camera and no tunes. You know what that means? It's off to Bangkok, Thailand for me next. I can but stuff like that there. I'll write more from there. Should be less than a week! ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don March 4th 2006

Got the nightbus to Pakse from Vientiane last night, it took about 10 hours but I reckon i slept through most of it, so it was ok. We arrived at Pakse at 6am, feeling and looking pretty rough: We were greeted by tons of tuk tuk drivers offering to drive us everywhere- we managed to fend them off so we could get our bearings. We decided to leave Pakse straight away and catch a "bus" to the 4000 Islands (as the name suggests, these are simply loads of Islands that lie in the South of Laos in the Mekong river) The journey from Pakse to the Islands was quite an experience, we were in a truck typed thing that could hold about 10 people, but we managed to get 32 passengers on it (About five of ... read more
Dolphin Point
Mekong Sunset

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don February 26th 2006

My month in Laos has come to an end; I head to Vietnam in the morning. I am real excited about Vietnam. Since I have been out here I have heard mixed reviews about the country, but after the extremely mellow atmosphere of Laos, I think I’m ready for something a little more fast pace. I am alone again, and that is a good thing as well. I had a great time with Neal and Claire, but we had our last night a few nights ago in the south, and I feel more adventurous now that I am on my own again. Back on my journey. So Southern Laos…hot. Real hot. Suck the life of me hot. Beautiful, but hot. Somebody said one day that it was 41 degrees (around 106 F), with about 30-40% humidity. ... read more
Catching fish in the Mekong
Wat Phu at Dawn
Wat Phu at Dawn

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don February 19th 2006

To be fair, I was constantly on the move for the next week so I can't really pin this blog down to one particular place but I was in Si Phan Don for 2 nights so I'll put it under that. Anyway, as I was saying... If you read the last blog I did then you'll know that I got on a bus from Siem Reap absolutely shitfaced still and having had 1 hour kip so wasn't the most pleasant journey I'd ever had but I got to Kompong Cham by dinnertime and form there I got a share taxi with a Cambodian bloke and an Ausie couple (she was actually from Gosford in Sydney where I used to live years back and all, small world innit?!), to Kratie to get me closer to the Laos ... read more
A Buddhist temple in Vientianne
The waterfall on Don Khon
The view from my guesthouse

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don February 14th 2006

Okay, usual disclaimer about how this date is really not the date of entry but is the date of actual occurrence. Date setting helps keep the blog current and the people organized. That said... Our travels in Laos, originally scheduled for only 2 weeks, have now run in excess of three weeks and very nearly frighten a month. After Vang Vieng (which was completely un-Lao), we boarded some inflatable kayaks and headed south. Now this really was a good sell. Sign says, "Going to Vientian? Like Adventure?"or something like that. We thought 'sure' and signed up for what was billed as a kayak from VV to Vientian. In reality (which never seems to match fantasy for those of us not named Mick Jagger or George W Bush) we travelled for 2 hrs by van to the ... read more
Buddha Park
Bolaven Waterfall
Chillin on Don Det

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don January 22nd 2006

Nous nous rendons à l'ile Don Det, où l'électricité est assurée par une génératrice qu'on éteint à 22 h. C'est d'ici que nous partons en kayak pneumatique pour descendre le Mékong jusqu'aux chutes Liphi. Nous pagayons sur le fleuve, d'un coté le Laos, de l'autre, le Cambodge. Nous accostons du coté du Laos et suivons un sentier qui nous amène aux chutes, puis redescendons sur des rochers pour rembarquer dans les kayaks et franchir les rapides. Je suis avec un guide, mais Jim manoeuvre seul et s'en tire avec brio. Nous franchissons ainsi 3 séries de rapides, puis continuons à pagayer jusqu'à l'heure du lunch, que nous prenons au milieu du fleuve sur un rocher, dans l'espoir d'apercevoir les fameux dauphins du Mékong, une espèce adaptée à l'eau douce. Cependant, pas de chance... Nous pagayons encore ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don January 22nd 2006

An early buffet breakfast at the hotel. A nice selection and uncrowded as we got there before the Thai group. Bagettes could be toasted over an electric grill . The first toast in a week. Back across the river at 8 am for the drive downstream towards the Cambodia border. Another boat trip back across the Mekong to a small village where we start our kayaking. Our watercraft turned out to be inflatable rubber boats with kayak paddles. We had to get out to portage around Liphi Waterfalls. Here the river narrows to a rocky gorge. At the bottom of the falls is a class 3 rapid about 300 metres long. Our boats are lowered into the churning water and we are pushed out into the churning current. We watched some other people navigate the rapids ... read more
Lihpi Waterfalls
White Water Rafting
Khon Pa Peng Waterfalls

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don January 21st 2006

Départ de l'hotel à 4 h 30 pour le vol sur Pakse, au sud du pays, qui décolle à 6 h 30. Arrivés à destination, nous prenons un petit bateau pour nous rendre au site du Vat Phou. Construit sur une montagne, cet ancien temple, dont la partie supérieure date du IXe siècle et la partie inférieure, du XIIe siècle (il est donc antérieur à Angkor), est d'inspiration hindoue et bouddhique. Comme il est en montagne, tout comme le Macchu Picchu et les pyramides mayas, il faut grimper. Si je prends du poids au cours du voyage, ce ne sera pas faute d'avoir fait de l'exercice! Nous visitons le musée, qui renferme des statues (Vishnou, Brahma, Siva, Bouddha et beaucoup d'autres symboles) excavées par les archéologues, avant de nous rendre au site proprement dit. Trois allées ... read more

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