Blogs from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 19


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 17th 2012

07.00 Hours Saturday 17 March I don’t know why I jump out of bed at 7 in the morning as it’s a waste of time because India sleeps till 8 or 9. Maybe now I know I go into the bathroom and after brushing my teeth then there he is. A cockroach. Not a baby either. I am surprised it’s taken this long to see one, But more surprised as where I am staying is a family home. It’s not dirty and I don’t think that they are associated with dirt anyway. So a Mexican standoff ensues, but there is only going be one winner. He makes the first the move, I jump and shout like a girl. He knows he got the upper hand. He stops. He reminds me in my endless seconds of panic ... read more
Amer Palace with the Jalgarh Fort above

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 17th 2012

14.00 hours Friday 15 March Ok so the upgrade was a fat mattress. Any upgrade is good. The rooms ok and I sleep as the area is out of town and a bit quiet for India. Manoj the owner of the Snehdeep has given me some really good walking tour maps of the old city and I decide to give it ago. I decide to find my bearing and head out. The Snehdeep is not central by any means but I do try to stay away from the main tourist areas which will mean walking or bus and at the last resort rick it. I go up to the main road back into Jaipur and walk to the edge of The Pink City. I turn into one of the main bazaars From there it’s follow the ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 12th 2012

Fortunately, after last night’s celebrations, we were able to have a lie-in but, by eleven o’clock, Pintu was already well on his way to wearing another smart costume and was having a new turban tied. Today, he wore a cream-coloured tunic coat over a white shirt, with matching trousers and some new brown, boot-style shoes. His turban was mainly in shades of blue with a red, white and green tail, decorated again with one of the family’s jewels. We drove first for about 15 minutes to Rajshree’s family home in another part of the city. Hot, sweetened milk was enjoyed in the lounge by members of the bride’s family and a few invited guests of the bridegroom, of which I was very privileged to be one. A short ceremony of welcome took place in the street ... read more
Hunt the ring
Part of the breakfast ceremony

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 11th 2012

March11 Hey everybody! We’ve been abit naughty & haven’t written for awhile so there’s quite abit to catch up on! As Jonny mentioned, we made some friends in Mumbai (its amazing how well people bond over upset tummies!) & although we knew they would be in Jaipur for Holi is was a nice surprise to see them walk past at the Elephant Festival. So the Holi Festival adventure began with Ellie & Thomas, I would like to mention if I hadn’t put my arm around the tuk tuk driver, I would have fallen off into the road & possibly the excrement of one of the following, cow, dog, pig, goat, monkey, human, camel or horse. And secondly, I don’t think I need to point this out but the male member of the group to wear the ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 11th 2012

I was showered, dressed and ready to leave the Maharani Bagh before 7.45a.m., the time Khuman and I had agreed the night before for our departure to Jaipur. He was to be one of my travelling companions for the long, long journey. We had to be there no later than 5.00pm to prepare for the marriage procession and formal ceremony at 6.17p.m.. Depending on traffic, the journey could take anything from six to nine hours. However, as I may have mentioned before, Khuman doesn’t do mornings. We set off an hour and a quarter later! The observant among you may have noticed that, so far, there's only been talk of a bridegroom and the happenings in Sadri. That's because Pintu and his family celebrated the up-coming marriage independently of the bride who, in this case, lived ... read more
Pintu in his wonderful costume
The elephant awaited the groom's arrival
Pintu on board the elephant

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 8th 2012

So we left Mumbai and headed to the next stop which was Jaipur. This was to see our main reason for coming to India the Holi festival. Holi festival is basically a huge party to welcome in spring where everyone chucks coloured paint, drinks bhang lassi and gets drunk. For a lot of indian men who seem to love a good grope of any western girl, I can only imagine this is like Xmas new years and their birthday rolled into one. The day before holi fest is the elephant festival, where loads of elephants, camels and horses are all decorated, possibly against their will and paraded in front of India’s media, a good helping of tourists and a load of Indians keen to party. We got a tuk tuk from our hotel to the event ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 8th 2012

Jaipur is called “The Pink City.” Pink being the colour of hospitality and friendship. Jaipur is known for jewellery, leather and the making of artificial limbs: they are shipped all over the world. This is also the area that supplied all that translucent marble for the Taj Mahal. The city’s founder, Maharaja Samai Jai Singh II, was a visionary. He wanted Jaipur—a city he named after himself—to be successful. It was India’s first “planned” city. He designed it with wide streets, streets that ran at 90 degree angles, and land separated into blocks. He wanted to attract merchants, so to entice them, he built stores along the main street and offered them rent-free. Of course he taxed them after things got going and that paid for the initial c... read more
Royal Palace
Peacock Entrance
Water bottle

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur March 3rd 2012

Nachdem wir endlich mal ausgeschlafen haben (um 9 Uhr erkundigte sich der Rezeptionist per Telefon besorgt ob wir denn wach wären und zum Frühstück kämen, denn wir hatten uns für 09.30 Uhr angemeldet) und im Garten gefrühstückt haben machen wir uns gegen 12 Uhr auf den Weg nach Jaipur. Unseren ersten Schub Postkarten geben wir im Hotel ab...ob das gut geht oder sich der Junge von dem Portogeld lieber was anderes kauft? Neeein, wir wollen ja nicht so misstrauisch sein...los geht es etwa 140 Kilometer nach Nordwesten, nach Jaipur. Auf dem Weg halten wir noch bei einem Straßenmarkt und kaufen Wasser und ein olivenähnlich aussehendes Obst, das jedoch wie eine Mini-Birne schmeckt. Nach etwa 3 Stunden Fahrt kommen wir in Galta an, einer kleinen Schlucht, die 5 km vor Jaipur liegt und in meinem Reiseführer empfohlen ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur February 15th 2012

Jaipur is a beautiful city and the city of Kings quite literally. Located in the state of Rajasthan, it offers a glimpse of the past, when the royalty of India held sway. Historically, there are innumerable attractions and some of the best forts and palaces, some of which still have the living quarters for the descendants of the royal families of Rajasthan. This is known as the Pink city since all the old buildings were made of pink sandstone. It seems my girlfriend back home had done a lot of research and was especially interested in the shopping at Jaipur. So after Delhi, here I was back to shopping. Getting to Jaipur is very simple and easy. There are plenty of tour operators that are available, private taxis, flights and trains which ensure that you have ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur January 31st 2012

Twenty one kilometres down the Jaipur road from Fatehpur Sikri is the Keoladeo Ghana National Park another World Heritage site and a former hunting preserved turned National Park set up in 1982 to protect migrating birds some from as far away as Siberia. We hired a horse and cart at the entrance to take us into the park for around an hour and a half, the cart was drawn by a native Marwari horse which had pointy ears that almost touched above its head. After only a few minutes trotting down the track we saw our first owl and then a Hoopoe. The weather is lovely today and the surroundings are for India extremely peaceful. Soon we were seeing Ringed Parakeets, breeding Painted Storks in their huge tree top nests, Greater Egrets, Chinese Coots, Magpie Robins ... read more
The horse and cart that carried us through the park
Colours of the marsh
An owl

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