Blogs from Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Asia - page 19


Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore July 12th 2009


Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore July 1st 2009

Elk goed verhaal eindigt met een moraal, aangezien ik halverwege mijn India avontuur ben, lijkt het mij een goed idee hier alvast over na te denken! Nadenken heb ik veel kunnen doen omdat ik behalve eten en in het lab zitten de laatste tijd geen andere dingen te doen had zoals leuke uitstapjes maken of mooie verhalen schrijven! Ik was dan ook glad vergeten dat ik überhaupt dingen op kon schrijven op mijn weblog en dat ik gezegend ben met zoveel mensen die dit (willen) lezen dat ik de laatste tijd hier een beetje afwezig was! Mijn lieve vriendin heeft me herinnerd aan het feit dat jullie allemaal smachten om een nieuw stukkie uit India, nou daar gaat ie dan! De titel van dit stuk is: als ik later groot ben! Ik zeg dit nogal vaak ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore June 16th 2009

Went out for an amazing dinner with Ramki to Barbeque Nation. They have little bbq’s in the middle of the table where you get cook vegetables or meat (depending on your choice) and they gave us unlimited starters of Tikka/Fried Paneer. The main course was from the unlimited buffet which was amazing. A great way to try all the different curries at once (see pict). The deserts at this place were amazing too. There was treacle pudding type dish and unlimited ice cream!!! The next day I spent organising/posting back to uk things and went for one final meal to the Dahl and Roti café near Ramki’s flat. I took the night flight to Bangkok, which was supposed to be Indian Airlines but was replaced for a lovely Thai Airlines flight. Unfortunately I was sick on ... read more
BBQ nation
Dangerous desert buffet

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore June 11th 2009

Arrived super early on the sleeper train after only getting about 3 hours sleep. There was a man snoring sooo loudly on the train next to me I couldn't sleep very well. I got to my friends Ramki's house at about 7:30. In the morning Ramki's mum and auntie ( kind neighbour who cooks Ramki's food for him) took me to go and buy a Sari. They took me to a really posh shop which had AC, golden door handles and a guard. The poor shop assistant showed me about 50 different designs of ones, brown ones ,...they were all horrible and not very modern designs more for older ladies. I felt bad as they had taken the effort to bring me to the shop and I liked none of them. Suddenly the shop assistant ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore June 11th 2009

We woke at 5am, the earliest so far. We had to get to Ramki's new flat to set up before the Hindu priests arrived. I dressed in my Sari and put some lovely jasmine in my hair. Ramki wore a special sheet outfit. The 4 priests arrived late but went straight to work setting up all the offerings and flowers in the middle of the room, think the picture is better than my description. They chanted, sang and prayed for about 1 hour. A relative of Ramki told me they were praying to the 9 different planets. Then the priests built a fire in the middle of the front room!! They obviously don't have fire alarms or health and safely in these flats. They continued chanting and praying for another hour. The smoke from the fire, ... read more
Fire in the flat

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore June 2nd 2009

Monday, I arrived back to a smoggy, busy Bangalore very early in the morning. It was quite a difference from the calm relaxing Hampi. I got back to Dr Victors house ( if you missed earlier blog, he is the man who is running the VSFP volunteer organisation which I was staying with) at about 8 am just in time for breakfast which consisted of tea with awfully gone off milk. I gave it away to one of the other braver volunteers as I really couldn't risk getting any ill-er. My plan for the day was to spend the whole morning until 16:30 ?!?!? preparing a lesson to teach children. It only took me about 30 mins to prepare the lesson the rest of the day was spent waiting for Dr. Victor to arrive back. But ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore June 2nd 2009

Janapada Loka (translates to Folk World), is located on Bangalore-Mysore highway on the outskirts of Ramanagara. It's a 15 acre area containing museum, photo gallery, demo village, lake and open-air amphitheater. The entrance tickets are priced Rs. 10 and the photography permit inside the museum costs Rs. 100. The garden is well maintained with lots of flowering plants and bamboo trees as a result of which there is a healthy fauna presence inside. I was told that every second and last Sundays of all months will have folklore performance and the place is closed on Tuesdays. img={} center It's a good idea to start visiting the area from Lokamatha Mandira, the museum which has got a great collection of various materials used by the villagers in their routine - cradles, measures, ladles, ves... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore May 26th 2009

Grandma Victor was instructed to walk me ( by Dr. Victor) into the slums and visit a slum school/creche. Once there she insisted on us taking pictures and we left after about 30mins! I didnt want to take photos but she hardly spoke any English and insisted. The slums were as bad as expected open sewers, children playing in them. There was every type of pooh on the ground it really stank, Again we waited all afternoon for Victor to come back, about 5hours..!! arg, when he turned up to take me to the evening center he said did i want a tea....i said no as i had been waiting all afternoon for him and he still brought me a tea, which made me even more angry as he totally unhonored the fact i had said ... read more
Me attempting to teach
More sweet kids

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore May 25th 2009

So Day 1 of the volunteering. In the morning we were given breakfast cooked by the very kind granny and then taken to Dr.Victors posh college where he worked. We sat around waiting for instructions for about 2hours then were invited into one of his classes to interact with the ridiculously wealthy uni-students where i was asked if i was married by everyone i spoke to.We then went back to the house for some plain rice and bean curry ( the most bland curry i have had in india so far). Dr Victor was still at the college so we had to wait for him to get back. At 1630 he finally turned up, i was fuming angry as i still hadn't done a minutes volunteering and was paying almost 1000rs a day ( hostel 100rs ... read more
Me in a sari again
Me and Maheddine
Me and Maheddine and granny

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore May 24th 2009

Sunday was sight seeing day. We came downstairs to see this little spider blocking our way! First travelled across town to the Iskon temple, a huge temple complex which was packed full of people. It was very pretty inside there were lots of forms of the hindu gods and lots of gold. For lunch we went to the famous MTR ( Tiffen rooms) for an indian Thali, it consisted of loads of small currys and objects (such as breads, rice, poppadoms, donut type things & sweets) the best thing was it was unlimited meal so they would bring free refills. I ate so much my tummy hurt. We then went to a LP (Lonely Planet) recommended tea place which was ok, a bit posh. The tea came in pots with a timer next to it and ... read more
Iskon Temple
Random Temple
More temples

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