Blogs from Sichuan, China, Asia - page 11


Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu August 24th 2016

Na een slechte nacht komt de trein gelukkig goed op tijd aan in Chengdu. Paul en zijn vrouw staan ons buiten het station al op te wachten. In het hotel checken wij maar in voor 1 nacht omdat dit hotel blijkbaar ver van het vliegveld ligt en wij moeten vrijdag vrij vroeg op het vliegveld zijn. Gelukkig konden wij vrijwel direct inchecken en even lekker gaan douchen. Dat was ook wel nodig na die nacht in de trein! Ons ontbijt was eerder een vroege lunch ( bij mc.donalds!). We waren op tijd terug in het hotel om even te rusten want rond 13 uur zou een vriend van Paul ons komen ophalen om naar het Panda centrum te gaan. Lisa en ik hadden geen zin om in het hotel te blijven en zijn wat gaan rondlopen. ... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Songpan August 4th 2016

Hi All, "The surrounding hills are equally good for hiking" - Lonely Planet. Hills is not the word I would use. We followed the stream north of the North Gate and after getting some help from some local children found the right track to follow. Songpan lies at about 2800 metres above sea level so strenuous activity is hard work. As you can see from the photos it was very high up and the pathway, sorry, track was a little scary at times, one slip and you'd be off. I never thought we was going to get to the top until into view came the West Gate with parts of the old Ming Dynasty walls. The final couple of hundred metres were a killer??.. The track went on to a Tibetan shrine but I couldn't go ... read more
Original City Wall
View Towards Tibetan Shrine
If you get this far you've gone wrong

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu August 4th 2016

Hi All, The hard travelling is all behind us now. The last leg to Chengdu, via Miangyang was hard. An 8 hour bus journey on some rather amazing roads, but unfortunately after about 4 - 5 hours the scenery just becomes a blur and you want it to be over. At the beginning we must have gone over 4000 metres above sea level as at one point we were above the cloud. From here it was downhill all the way through a gorge, at first fast flowing a mountain stream which became a big river. The towering peaks were incredible. We passed through a national park which again was just beautiful. So staying in Chengdu for a few days just to catch up with some friends before heading off into the countryside for some sitting back ... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu June 13th 2016

Chengdu, capitale du Sichuan -à l'ouest de la chine, avant le tibet,n'a pas tellement d'intérêt au niveau de ses bâtiments ou de ses monuments (à part une grosse statue de Mao, si on veut) mais davantage parce que c'est un point de départ pour les excursions au tibet ou à sa frontière, dans les parcs environnants, à Le Shan oùl'on peut voir une des plus grandes statues de bouddha au monde, ou dans le centre de préservation des pandas géants. J'ai pour ma part fait les pandas et le bouddha géant. Pandas : très belle expérience. On voit des pandas géant manger du bambou et se chamailler entre eux. Pour résumer, reprenons l'ensemble des touristes (dont moi) qui s'écrient en coeur "ooh, they are sooo cute !". Cf photos. Bouddha de Le Shan : très cool ... read more
Bouddha de Le Shan
Le Shan
Le Shan

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu May 11th 2016

Hey everyone! The new post is up! This one is kind of long, so I don't have anything to add here. Hope you all enjoy! Until next time!... read more
Chengdu Panda Base
Sleep? Or eat?

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 12th 2016

Geo: 30.67, 104.07No trip to Chengdu in complete without a trip to the Panda Research Base. This place just gets bigger and better each time we visit! This time, they had built a whole new enclosure with wobbly bridges and incredibly cute baby pandas. Love it!Back in Chengdu, we managed to find some Digding chaomian. However, Lewis seemed completely oblivious to the sacred nature of such an occasion and I spent the majority of the meal up to my arms in baby poo! Somewhat takes away from the taste!! ... read more
Sleeping pandas

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 10th 2016

This morning I received a text message from my beautiful wife, showing me a photo of the 6 inches of snow that landed in Toledo last night. I almost didn't have the heart to tell her that it was 75 and beautiful here in China, after all she did allow me to go alone. Fortunately, she told me the snow was gone by evening, so at lease she didn't have to shovel. Today we began our tour at 8:30. We boarded our luxury high rider bus and headed out of town to the Giant Panda Breeding Park. This is the largest Park of it's kind in the world catering to a population of endangered breeding Giant Pandas. The Giant Panda is a national treasure in China with about 1600 left in the wild and several hundred ... read more
Panda Park Entrance
Panda in a Tree
Pandas can climb

Asia » China » Sichuan » Leshan » Emeishan April 9th 2016

Geo: 29.6467, 103.278Still stunningly beautiful. Still incredibly infuriating!The overcrowded, non air-conditioned bus to Hongya seemed to take forever! Not much fun when you have 2 seats between 4, one of them being an incredibly wriggly toddler! I was not in the mood to undertake bus journey number two to Gaomiao on the same day but Bill was desperate to get home and after a tea stop in Hongya's main square and a chance to stretch Isaac's legs, we picked up the yellow bus to Gaomiao which is actually a pretty pleasant ride. Bill's Auntie and Uncle were there to meet us and we were made to sit and be polite whilst they finished a business meal in the private room of a restaurant. The last thing any of us wanted to do after 2 long, squashed ... read more
Bus one
Tuk tuk
Hongya tuk tuk

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 4th 2016

Geo: 30.67, 104.07After a never ending food hunt (Chengdu still wins no prizes for its food selection) we headed towards our old favourite 'jingli street.' This time we discovered a beautiful park next door that we hadn't found before. It was lovely to see some blossom trees. Jingli street was absolutely packed as it was the last day of the sweeping the tombs festival holiday. Trying to manoeuvre two buggies through the crowds was a challenge! I have to admire Isaac's stubbornness when moving through the crowds, hands over eyes shouting 'no photos!' Unfortunately for him, this makes him even more photo worthy to the many passerbys and his grumpy cross face is likely now adorning many a Chinese mantelpiece! In the evening, we went to watch a sichuan medley performance in a tea house featuring ... read more
Little jumping dragon
Time tunnel!

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 3rd 2016

Geo: 30.6632, 104.044Chinese parks are a huge amount of fun for young children (and their mummies!) We headed towards our old favourite park via the culture park. Isaac loved the 'bampoo' and collecting dinosaur leaves. Every time he was out of the pushchair, one of us was running after him, providing much entertainment for our ever present audience. We met up with Bill's cousin; Isaac's new best friend 'uncle.' Isaac is currently refusing to speak Chinese and is noticeably suffering from culture shock. He's commented on how everybody looks the same as him and daddy! However the bewilderment is easily cured with noodles!... read more

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