Blogs from Jiangxi, China, Asia - page 12


Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang January 1st 2010

it's 2010~! aside from a flurry of texts from all my friends back home, it doesn't feel like a special day. wei went to work as usual, and to his dismay, i recently discovered the joys of taobao (! of course, taobao is not as regulated as, say, ebay, so knowledge of chinese is necessary to review seller feedback, etc. but i see i can buy all kinds of things from innova dog food (which my joonie eats back home) to fake uggs (of course, with varying levels of fakeness: fake name brand but genuine leather and sheepskin; genuine leather, fake sheepskin; fake everything). i bought a couple of items with wei and xiao zhu's help, so we will see what actually arrives. if i'm feeling ambitious i'll report back. :) ate a lot this week- ... read more
partially built house
up a ladder
You need a suit

Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang December 28th 2009

Hello All: It has been a while since my last entry. I have been meaning to post an update but always fail to do so. Anywho.. I have 2 weeks left before the end of the semester and I literally cannot wait. Since I started a few weeks later than all the teachers I am now left being the only teacher still teaching. The halls in my appartment in the morning are quiet as everyone has the luxury of sleeping in, while I fume my bitter self to class this morning. Even the school is serene because it appears I am literally the only teacher still teaching and my students are the only ones awake and around. This morning I was a bit annoyed but ended up feeling bad because my students still have incredible enthusiam. ... read more
kids from school of hell
more kids from school of hell
more kids from school of hell

Asia » China » Jiangxi » jiujiang December 27th 2009

Christmas Eve was wonderful. I treated myself to a Fish Fillet at McDeath's. I was then invited to a dinner at a freind's house. He is Chinese-American-Chinese. Raised in New York by Chinese parents, living in Jiujiang for the last decade, has a wife and a kid. They had pizza with REAL CHEESE! I got to sit by my friend's father- an honored elder. Next was the party at my co-workers apartment. Lots of merriment, and a secret Santa game. I got a thermos, very useful for tea. I gave some Jinjou, a santa hat, and Mongolian milk-candy. Later on that night I met two tour guides while visiting my friends at the local watering hole. I was able to speak enough Chinese to have a very simple conversation (only one spoke English, at it was ... read more
Little Red House
Catholic Church
Buddhist Temple on the Lake

Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang December 25th 2009

for christmas, the management for our apt/condo building decided to decorate the lobby. i came home the other day to be greeted by bunches of pastel colored balloons- very easter-appropriate- all over the front entrance. loose balloons on the floor, balloon bouquets taped to the walls, and balloons strung up in arches to decorate doorways. somehow, i just am not in a holiday mood... i don't mean this in a negative way, really... it just doesn't feel like christmas. this is also despite wal-mart playing one song on repeat, a chinese girl with a heavy accent singing "jingle bells", in a fake cutesy voice. it was maddening to the point where i had to leave- after about the tenth time hearing the song, it felt like it was being sledgehammered into my brain. this afternoon we ... read more
Car accident

Asia » China » Jiangxi » jiujiang December 23rd 2009

I'm finishing up the semester. Yes that's right, of the nine month contract, two months are paid vacation! I love Socialism with Chinese Charactaristics! I had a good discussion in my class about China in 20 Years. I had them discuss good things that could happen, bad things that could happen, how to achieve the good things and how to avoid the bad things. "Increasing Economic Growth"- good thing, "More pollution"- bad thing, "India Will be #1 in Population" -good thing (they say), "Aging Population in China" -bad thing. I made a point to show how the good things and bad things are linked together- economic growth leads to more pollution, slowing of demographic expansion leads to an aging population. I was very impressed by my student's saavy. They seem to be well-informed, reasonable, concerned about ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang December 23rd 2009

yesterday wei had the day off so we went to hong cheng market in search of appliances to finish setting up the apartment. we got a rice cooker for 70 RMB (this was after a long debate- do we buy the pretty pearlescent pink one or the larger, more practical midea model? wei threatened that if i didn't hurry and make a decision, he would buy the crappiest one we saw). but aesthetics won and we came home with the pink one, as well as a pink mop, a couple random scarves, and a five-tiered shelf for my makeup/perfume/other girly stuff. all in all, a nice day for walking around and shopping- i'd say it was about 60 degrees out. we dropped all the stuff off and then finally! went to geoby where i got my ... read more
Papa John's
Pretty dish...

Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang December 21st 2009

since fb and lj are both banned, and i have tons of spare time these days.... hello travelblog. i wish i had something interesting to say to kick off this first entry, but i don't. i'm recovering from a cold and the temperature here in nanchang- high 40's today, sunny and clear- seems so much colder than home because of the lack of adequate heating. our apartment has a new heater, but all it seems to do is blow hot air at the opposite wall. i also googled the climate here and in spring nanchang will get 4x the rain that chicago gets. there is a definite "rainy season" here. i wish i had something productive to do, but with the headache regarding the mess i left back in america and whatnot i am really unmotivated. ... read more
Pink and Blue
A little gathering place
17th floor...

Asia » China » Jiangxi » jiujiang December 13th 2009

The weather here is reminiscent of a typical Seattle winter- cold and wet, alternating with periods of really cold and dry. Still, the days are not as short as those of Washington State in this time of year. I spend my time teaching, reading, practicing Chinese, writing, wandering aimlessly, eating food, and socializing with foreign and local friends. There was a feast hosted by the Foreign Languages Department on Thursday. All-you-can-eat Western food. I especially enjoyed the salad bar and buttered bread. Packed away five plates. Yesterday I was honored with an invitation to dinner at the apartment of Liu Yao, my Chinese teacher and co-worker. It was wonderful to have some home-cooked Chinese food and practice some phrases with his mother. They are from Heilongjiang Province, bordering Russia and North Korea. Probably plenty cold up ... read more
Liu Yao
Homemade Feast
American Friend

Asia » China » Jiangxi December 7th 2009

The cold snap is over in Jiujiang, for now. I've settled in to the rhythm of teaching. It can be frustrating at times, but the key is to have patience and a good sense of humor. Its also a good idea to keep the students on their toes, and have some self-decripcating jokes on hand. These are useful for checking comprehension. Yesterday I took a trip with some friends ( si Zhonggouten he yide Meigouren ) to the Donglin Temple. My American friend has been here three years and speaks good Chinese. Accompaning us were Yange, a bartender and photographer, his girlfriend, and two teacher coleagues. I have replaced my sadhu baba beard with a more converative goatee. The effect is striking. One of my students said "Our teacher has gotten younger!" The taxi-van driver who ... read more
Let me in!
Second Gate
1500 Year Old Tree

Asia » China » Jiangxi » Nanchang December 3rd 2009

Hope all is well in your present world. I have recently gotten back into the habit of checking up on world affairs and I must say my optimism is once again depleting. However, I'm still in CHINA! so all the unfortunate mishaps befalling our world around us is the only reminder I need to actually count my blessings, and with that said, I'll continue my seemingly pretentious but unassuming role as a travel blogger. The last two weeks have been fairly busy. But only busy because I'm getting into another one of my old habits of procrastination. I gave my students mid-term exams 2 weeks ago. When I originally made up the test, I was a little oblivious with what exactly I was getting myself into. I designed a 25 question test and in addition an ... read more

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