Blogs from Xiahe, Gansu, China, Asia - page 3


Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe December 9th 2007

Friends through silence So yesterday I caught a bus very early from Xining to Xiahe. I woke up at 6am and was out of the hotel heading to the bus station by 6.30; it was freezing cold. Some how I managed to navigate my way to the right bus and stood around waiting for the driver to come and load our stuff onto the bus. Once all the gear was loaded and we started getting on the bus an argument broke out between the driver of the bus and a family of Tibetans, something to do with not having enough tickets. There was the grandmother, grandfather, mother, father and two small boys probably about 7 and 5 years old. In the end from what I could gather, they only had three tickets. What happened next blew ... read more
Amazing erosion patterns
Tibetan boy
Still climbing

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe October 29th 2007

Questa Cina non finisce mai di stupire: mi spingo sempre piu' ad oriente con l'intenzione di entrare nel cuore del paese ed eccomi... in Tibet! Ufficialmente non e' proprio cosi', mi trovo infatti nella provincia del Gansu, che si allunga da Ovest ad Est per piu' di mille chilometri, ma una volta raggiunta la grande metropoli di Lanzhou, vero e proprio volto della nuova Cina proiettata verso il futuro, a sole 4 ore di autobus si entra in un paesaggio fatto di grandi montagne, vasti pascoli e mandrie di yak: e' questa la storica regione dell'Admo, per secoli parte integrante, e di non poca importanza (l'attuale Dalai Lama ne e' originario), del regno del Tibet. Raggiungo Xiahe, la cui citta' monastica e' seconda per importanza solo a quella di Lhasa: qui giungono da tutta la regione ... read more
Sempre Labrang
Ancora Labrang

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe October 28th 2007

Dag allemaal, Na Langmusi zijn we naar Xiahe getrokken. Om zeven uur 's morgens in de vrieskou een overvolle bus genomen naar Xiahe. Er waren geen zitplaatsen meer dus moesten Yves en ik (met andere Tibetanen en Chinezen) in het gangpad zitten, verstopt voor eventuele wegcontroles onderweg. Hoewel de rit maar drie uur duurde was het een van de minst aangename die we al gedaan hebben. Ik had weer eens migraine en zat misselijk met mijn plastiek zakske klaar op de grond. De verstikkende lucht in de bus en de penetrante geuren van zure yakboter en pas opgestoken sigaretten hielpen natuurlijk ook niet. Toen de vrouw naast mij begon over te geven moest ik mijn uiterste best doen om ook niet mijn zakje te vullen met mijn ontbijt... De rit ging traag want het was aan ... read more
Monnik speelt met voetbalpluimpje
''De keutels van de ezel scheiden''
De spieren strekken

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe October 14th 2007

after way too much time on trains with disgustingly loud snoring men rousing homicidal feelings in both kt and i, one hour in lanzhou (my only opinion was "big, grey, city; yuck"), and then another cramped busride, we're finally in the first place that i really liked upon arrival. when i told kt "this place seems nice", she nearly fell out of the open-air taxi we were catching to our hostel. she informs me that's the first time i've said that since we left australia. surely not! apparently so. but, thus far, xiahe has been nothing but lovely. we found a sweet little hostel, courtesy of dave, who we met back in dunhuang, and shared our find with the couple from brisbane we met on the bus. after checking in, we headed into town for some ... read more

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe October 14th 2007

Xiahe... a long way from Jiayuguan: 10 hours of snoring men and screaming children, some meaty vegetarian dumplings in Lanzhou and a 6 hour busride to 3000m above sea level - the Tibetan Plateau, and we're in Xiahe. It feels like a different country. The bus station is in the East of the town, and one long road of shops and houses stretches west until it arrives at Labulang Lamasery, the largest Tibetan Monastery outside Lhasa. The streets are even more chaotic than usual, three wheeled bike/trucks that sound more like tractors zoom up and down, the ubiquitous green taxis beep their way through the pedestrians, donkey carts tethered to electricity poles, and people walking everywhere. We and the two other Australians we met on the bus took a 3-wheeler straight to the hostel recommended by ... read more
Yak butter sculpture
a Nun's washing
walking the Prayer Wheel pilgrimage

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe October 5th 2007

Ok! Segunda parte de mi tour 8/09/2007 Fuimos a Leshan, a 30 km de Emeishan. En la montaña Leshan encuentras el Gran Buda además de templos; es el buda más grande del mundo (Leshan DaFo), construído para que la gente lo viera y asi evitar naufragios. El Gran Buda mide 71 m de altura y 28 de ancho, en él hay un ingenioso sistema de desagüe que ha evitado su erosión. Si quieres fotografiar al buda entero, desde la montaña no podrás, tienes que montarte en el barco y te llevarán en frente del buda y pararán el tiempo que necesites para hacer las fotos. Esa tarde Chei y yo volvimos a Chengdu, capital de Sichuan y compramos el billete de tren para irnos esa misma noche a Lanzhou, capital de Gansu. 9/09/2007 Llegamos al mediodía ... read more

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe September 10th 2007

Bueno! pues este sera mi blog de viaje xD Ahora mismo estoy en Xiahe, China, es una ciudad tibetana en Gansu, provincia china situada en el noroeste. La llaman el segundo tibet. Y como he llegado aqui? estoy haciendo un pequenio tour en China, parti de Shanghai y fui a Chengdu (Sichuan), visite zonas de Sichuan como Jiuzhaigou, Huanglong y montanias como Emeishan y Leshan. Seguidamente me dirigi de Chengdu a Lanzhou (capital de Gansu), visite la ciudad un dia y al dia siguiente (es decir, hoy) fui hacia Xiahe. Este sitio me lo recomendaron Anton y Alex, que han estado viajando desde Estambul hasta China. Mas tarde volvere a Lanzhou y si tenemos tiempo visitaremos el museo (tengo ganas de ver el esqueleto del mamut!!) porque.. nos vamos hacia Xi'an. Y ahi es donde terminara ... read more

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe July 25th 2007 (todo en nuestra pagina web) A unos 300 km de Lanzhou, es un pueblo tibetano a 3.000m de altura. El tren llego a Lanzhou a las 6:30 y directamente cogimos un taxi a la estacion de autobuses (30¥), para coger el bus de las 7:30h a Xiahe (45¥/p). Llegamos a las 11:30h, antes de lo que pensabamos (270km, 4h). La estacion de autobuses esta en la calle principal, asi que fuimos andando a buscar un hostel. Nos alojamos en Labrang Redro Youth Hostel ( (30¥/p en dorm-4). El hostel es nuevo y esta bien, a excepcion de los baños que dejan mucho que desear. Aunque en China es dificil encontrar un baño en condiciones. Fuimos a comer al Nomad Restaurant, en la calle principal. Es un restaurante con una amplia carta (en ingles) de comida ... read more
Monasterio Labrang
Monasterio Labrang
Panorámica de Xiahe

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe June 23rd 2007

No-one seemed to know if the daily direct bus to Xiahe would be running, so we took the less risky option of first going to Hezuo, where reputedly there were several onward connections. We'd both noticed the scent of vomit in the air and, several minutes later when we'd both started to feel dampness in our trousers, investigations revealed that someone must have been sick in both our seats but had cleaned it up just enough to i) make the seats visually indistinguishable from clean ones, and ii) make it hard to tell where the smell was coming from. At Hezuo we mysteriously had to go to another bus station, despite the fact that there were several buses present in the one we'd arrived at with Xiahe on their destination cards. The 10 minute journey across ... read more
Local women
Local council making some repairs
Yak butter carving

Asia » China » Gansu » Xiahe June 18th 2007

/Lelde/ it's actually not that hard to find your way around in the country where nobody speaks English, we have managed to purchase tickets and to find the right buses and trains so far without much troubles, well, Steven has dealt with these issues - bless him!!!:) so we are in a little town called Xiahe. We arrived yesturday afternoon. Its very nice here - mountains and a lot of monks around. The people, especially females, wear very nice and colourfull costums, their hair is made into two long plattes and they have cool hats on their heads - still haven't got any pictures of those ladys as they want money for it and I don't think it's acceptable. It was sooo freezing here yesturday (it's still cold today), not only outside, but I had to ... read more
Young Monks.
Lelde looking intrepid in Xiahe.
A Tibetan lady at our guesthouse.

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