Blogs from Cambodia, Asia - page 15


Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap November 17th 2018

So wonderful to be back, feels like coming home! How fortunate I am to have a wonderful but totally different life on two different continents. Disembarking the plane to the wall of heat and strange sounds and smells, makes you realize right away that you are indeed in Cambodia. I am now finding it very hard to believe that I have been here for 11 days already and arrival is but a distant memory. So much has happened in that time. I had a very warm welcome at the school and more hugs than I ever imagined possible. Really rewarding that so many of the children remembered me by name. So glad to be back. I will not be doing much in the classroom this time, I have taken on the role of volunteer coordinator, so ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Battambang November 11th 2018

Mit dem Boot sind wir von Siem Reap nach Battambang weitergefahren. Die Fluss- und Seelandschaft ist malerisch, aber auch der Handel auf dem Fluss ist interessant: der Captain hat ständig telefoniert, irgendwo gehupt und gewartet. Dann kam jemand angepaddelt, und ein Sack mit irgendwelchen Waren wurde rauf- oder runtergereicht. Das ist wohl eine Art Amazon für regionale Waren und abgelegene Gegenden. In Battambang sind wir in den Zirkus "Phare Ponleu Selpak" gegangen - eine tolle Show! Hervorragende Tänzer und Akrobaten, gute Musikanten und alles sehr unterhaltsam verpackt. Danach gab es noch ein kulinarisches Highlight: süßen Avocado-Shake - unbedingt probieren! Andere kulinarische Genüsse haben wir uns verkniffen: am Straßenstand gab es gegrillte Ratte und Schlange. Wer sich an den Vorräten der Bauern bedient, wird selber zur Nahrung - so ist der Kreislauf wieder geschlossen. ... read more
Millionen Fledermäuse auf dem Weg zum See
Alle Kinder lieben Eis
Phnom Sampeau: Tempel mit Aussicht

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap November 9th 2018

Jetzt sind wir seit einer Woche in Kambodscha und haben noch 3 Wochen vor uns. Die allgemeinen Daten zuerst: Die Leute sind unheimlich nett, das Wetter ist immer sonnig, aber mit 32 bis 34 Grad am Tag und 25 Grad in der Nacht sehr anstrengend, das Essen ist lecker, unser Hotel ist schön und die Sehenswürdigkeiten faszinierend. Und wer schon mal in Indien war, wird den Verkehr extrem entspannt finden: zwar gelten auch hier keine Verkehrsregeln, aber die Fahrer sind sehr achtsam. Wir sind also eindeutig sehr zufrieden mit der Wahl unseres Reiseziels. Warum geht man nach Siem Reap? Weil es dort die weltbekannten Tempel von Angkor gibt. Das haben zwar außer uns noch einige andere mitbekommen, aber da das Gebiet so weitläufig ist, dass wir in 3 ganzen Tempeltagen nur einen Teil davon sehen konnten, ... read more
Mangroven beim Stelzendorf Kompong Phluk
Banteay Srei: Relief
Bayon: Tempel der 216 Gesichter

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 24th 2018

From TripAdvisor, of course: You’d think the url=,TheWorld%27sTopRatedHotelonTripAdvisorCosts%24113aNight,chenk,NEW,ART,653043,201801,I/ popular hotel on a site like TripAdvisor would cost you an arm and a leg to stay in. However, travelers looking to experience something truly great will be happy to learn that staying in one of the most well-regarded hotels in the world costs a mere $113 a night. url=,TheWorld%27sTopRatedHotelonTripAdvisorCosts%24113aNight,chenk,NEW,ART,653043,201801,I/'s Hotel, located in the center of Siem Reap, url= read more
They delivered us back to airport in the 76 Rolls
Reception area and staircase
My rather large room at Viroth's

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor October 24th 2018

Fun Fact: At 1,626,000 square meters, Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument ever constructed. The entire ancient city was built with 5 to 10 million stone blocks, more than all the pyramids of Egypt combined. And I consider it the most impressive place, along with the Amazon rainforest, I have ever been. Those of you who read my emails know that the Angkor complexes are one of my two favorite places in the world. This is my third visit here, having been here twice before with Sheri. And on our first visit, Mike and his son Matt, who are on this trip with me, were also here. This visit is about renewing friendships, meeting the husband and children of our friend Roath, and less about sightseeing. From their website: Angkor Wat is the most famous ... read more
A strangler fig on Ta Prohm
Me at Ta Prohm
A classic Angkor Wat photo

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 23rd 2018

I have been fortunate to have visited this wonderful country twice before. What makes it different now? Our friend, Roath, who was our guide on our first trip here, is now a wife and mother of two children. On our last visit here, she was still a single lady and joined us for dinner at the fancy French restaurant in our hotel. Before I tell you more about this interesting and changing city, let me tell you about that dinner. We were staying at the best hotel resort in Siem Reap, and invited Roath to join us. She had never eaten French food before, and was most pleased to be invited to join us. But she was not treated very nicely by the staff. Perhaps they perceived she did not "belong" there, since she was one ... read more
Some Khmer food
Infamous Pub Street
A durian smoothie???

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 23rd 2018

When I first listened or watched to the news and heard Cambodia, Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, and genocide, it made me sick. They ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979, and were autocratic, xenophobic, paranoid, and repressive. The genocide was part of their social engineering. The resulting deaths from diseases like malaria, and the Khmer Rouge's ethnic cleansing, for lack of a better word, took its toll on minorities and the less fortunate. Fast forward to about 2004, on our first trip to SE Asia, specifically in Bangkok. We were eating at a little noddle stand in a small grocery store in Bangkok when we struck up a conversation with another American. He stated, matter of factly, that Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia was the greatest, most interesting place he had ever experienced. While we ... read more
At Siem Reap temple.
Cambodian food
Famous Pub Street

Asia » Cambodia » North October 21st 2018

Today was an open day for me. I hadn’t planned anything definite and when I got up this morning I really didn’t know what I would do. I was thinking that I SHOULD make an effort to hire a guide and go see some of the farther temples an hour or more from the city, but then I asked myself, “What do I WANT to do?” My answer was that I wanted to go spend more time at the Angkor Wat temple. The hotel was very accommodating in giving me a late checkout time and arranging for a driver. I could have gotten a guide, too, but I had been to the temple already with a guide and wanted to wander on my own. Also, I wanted to go in from the west, the way it ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » Central October 21st 2018

Od tejto krajiny som nic necakal a tym padom ma ani nesklamala. Vobec ma neoslovila, nic zaujimave som tu nenasiel. Itinerar som mohol riesit inak (z pp do bb, sr, pp a potom dole a odtial do bkk) a hlavne som si mal zachovat chladnu hlavu v sikhaville a nie ho hned opustit nazad do pp ale ist radsej na ostrov koh Pozitivum bolo lacne capovane pivo. S lokalmi som moc nedebatil, ono sa mi zdalo, ze ani nemaju zaujem. Sa ani necudujem ked sem ludia chodia len chlastat a za kurvami a popri tom si kuknu angor wat. Ten tez nieako extra neoslnil. Jedlo vcelku dobre ale opat nic za cim by sem mal clovek cestovat. Velka skoda, ze sa mi nepodaril vlak co chodi zadarmo. Fajn bol moto vylet na bokor. Kambodza sa radi ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North October 20th 2018

Today I visited several of the less famous temples in the Angkor area. They are not as well restored nor as crowded as the famous ones like Angkor Wat. I realize that photos of them tend to blend together and don’t mean much unless you were there, so I’ll show you one (Ta Som) that is quite atmospheric. While I was there, a couple dressed in traditional Cambodian finery was having pre-wedding photos taken. Also today I saw some wildlife that interested me. I heard gibbons hooting in the trees at one temple and at another I stopped to look at a termite mound by the side of the road. I saw Asian elephants that are not actually wild, but are used as a ride for tourists. Water buffalo used to be more common, apparently, but ... read more

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