Blogs from Africa - page 3317


Africa » Mauritania June 2nd 2005

A cheap night (2 euros) at Hotel Al Atlas, Dakhla. A whole morning at Hotel Sahara waiting for my ride to Nouadhibou (Mauritania). To eat, nothing but bread and water. My last dirhams were just enough to pay for the fare. At 3pm a kind soul took my bags and I to the police check point outside Dakhla. By the road I waited, and waited, and waited. I had a ride but not the money demanded by the driver, a cheeky young Mauritanian with whom I didn't want to travel. One of the policemen took over the situation. He promised me to find someone willing to take me for the dh 200 I had. Around 6pm a tall gentleman arrived, the ceaseless wind blowing his blue-sky robe against the setting sun. He accepted my price. Furious, ... read more
The Border Crossing

Africa » Ghana » Northern » Tamale June 2nd 2005

Marraba! Welcome back So, its been awhile since I updated this, I wrote most of this post on Sunday, but a bunch of circumstances beyond my control (rain storm, disk drive not working, website not working etc) have delayed the posting. Hehe and the longer I couldn't post, the more I had to say, so it's gotten a little long. Everything’s still going really well, here's what I have to share: Last Tuesday, Navid and I went clothes shopping. My family’s friend is a seamstress so we went there. I ended up buying one dress and one other outfit (pants and a long shirt/dress/jumper kind of thing). I haven’t worn the dress yet, but my friend Jane from work has invited me to church this Sunday, so that’ll be a good opportunity. The other outfit I ... read more
Building Bonds

Africa » South Africa June 1st 2005

First, I apologize for the length of time since the last blog. As a result this will be a long blog, with 41 photos. In the last couple of weeks I've flown from Cameroun, stayed in J'burg (Josie), Tshwane (Pretoria), the Kruger National Park, the Drakensburg and other places. I also rented a car for 10 days which managed to break down twice. More of that later. And, yes I've enjoyed myself. Getting off the plane in J'burg (Josie) was a shock after months in West Africa. The roads were tarred. The electric doesn't cut out without warning, and all the rooms in cheap hotels and guest houses have flush toilets and proper showers. In fact, it felt like I had left Africa! The city has all the first world comforts you could desire including flash ... read more
Kruger Park
Soweto - Pieterson memorial and museum
Kruger Park

Africa » Mozambique June 1st 2005

(Spanish-text blog. Please look for brief address to English speakers below.) Destrozado por la guerra, el sabotaje y el desastre económico, Mozambique está empezando a salir del atasco. Los dos capítulos del día 33 y el del 35 son la narración del viaje. El del día 34 es de contexto sociopolítico. Información: País número 3. Día 36. Llegué de Sudáfrica. Salgo a Swazilandia. Etapa actual: África Meridional. Próxima etapa: Medio Oriente o África del Este, asunto por decidir. Acceso a otros viajes a través de mi página principal. Al terminar el texto y las fotos, hay botones para que puedas dejarme un comentario ("add comment”), enviarme un mensaje (“contact Témoris”) o suscribirte a este travelblog (“subscribe”)para que te avise cada vez que yo añada un capítulo nuevo. FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING READERS: ... read more
Ilha da Inhaca 1
Ilha da Inhaca 2
Ilha da Inhaca 3

Africa » Ghana June 1st 2005

So it’s time for me to explain a little bit about what exactly I’m doing here in Ghana. It all started last September when I ran for an executive position with Engineers without Borders at McGill. Engineers without Borders(EWB) is a Nationwide club that seeks to share knowledge and education regarding development work, particularly in regards to technology. Part of their mission is raise funds to send university students overseas each summer to work for 4 months in a developing country, usually through partnering with a local Non-Governmental Organization(NGO). The idea is to hopefully provide these students with the opportunity to have small impact on the community that they are working in but more importantly to give them first hand experiences that they can use to relate to people back in Canada who have never had ... read more
Hard at work

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala May 31st 2005

Africa was always going to be the working part of the trip! We were heading to Uganda, Kampala to visit Watoto Child Care Ministries and then Rwanda to visit our Compassion children and that was about all of our planning! We knew that we were in Africa from the first moment at the check in counter in Cairo. Kenya Airways had lost our reservation, despite the fact that we had seats allocated! So onto standby we go... pointing out that it is midnight! We were the first in a long line of standbyers - all of whom had the same story as us so we were feeling pretty good that we would get onto the flight! However we then got our next reality check that we were now in Africa - everyone behind us in the ... read more

My days in the Maghreb drew to a close. Mixed feelings. Anxiety - what lies beyond? Nostalgia - will this country ever leave me? Hurry - when will I get to Kenya? At Hotel Smara, just off the ramparts, Julie and Geraldine - two frenchgirls I met in Marrakech - waited for me. Despite the grey sky, they had good news. They'd met a nice moroccan guy who invited us for tea at a friend's restaurant. His name was Hassan. Craftsmanship was in his blood. Son of an artisan, he personified all I'd read about Africa. Tradition, heritage, tradition. He introduced us to the Gnawa Music. Rituals, soul and physical healing, trances. Animism, voodoo, capoeira? Perhaps. Its more inteligible facet being the Essaouira's Gnawa Festival. Held every year around the 26th June, it takes over squares ... read more
Man at work

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi May 31st 2005

Greetings from Kenya! I finally made it! Thank JESUS! After almost 24 hours of traveling I'm finally here. I went to Amsterdam on transit and took a tour of the city. I fell asleep during the tour, but I did wake up for the tour of "Diamond Land" lol. My favorite place! They showed us how they shaped diamonds into what they look like on jewlery. I'll post pictures of that later. Now, I've been in Kenya for about 10 hours. It is pretty hot :(.So far I've taken a nap, went to get a SIM card (but my phone hasn't been unlocked yet...thank you T-mobile) and now I'm at the National Youth Peace Association office, who are the people organizing our mission. We're going to the Coptic Church right now to see if we can ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town May 31st 2005

Hi Guys For those of you just want a quick update of how we're doing, here's the RAG status!!! Finance = Green Fitness = Amber Relationship = Green Arguments = Zero Here we are in sunny Cape Town - we can say this today but it has been a little wet over the past couple of days! Not that is has stopped us doing anything (except getting up Table Mountain), we've still done all the other things we wanted to do. So what to say about Cape Town? We do really like it here. It took us a couple of days to find our feet and feel safe but so far we haven't had any problems (famous last words!). The appartment we are staying in is great although we have no lock on our patio door. ... read more
Us on Cape of Good Hope

As I got off the air-con CTM bus, Marrakech greeted me with a hot 2pm breeze. The stop was a half an hour walk from the Medina (‘Old’ Town). On the way I looked for Morocco everywhere but all I could see were mediterranean-style buildings, large avenues, proper sidewalks, neat and tidy cafes, aseptic hotels. I stopped under a tree by the Cyber Park (yes! A Cyber Park!). It was just a park like any other well-kept one. The difference were its donors: Siemens, Philips, Microsoft, etc. I saw ALSA local buses and countless mops drive past. I saw specks of moroccan authenticity on two wheels: seaters talked on the phone and argued with one another, always carrying everything with them, from dogs to long boards of woods (modern knights with no helmets). I arrived at ... read more
Detail of Medersa Ben Youssef courtyard

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