Blogs from Africa - page 3306


Africa » Ghana » Northern » Tamale July 16th 2005

Hello hello! Another updates, this time about my week in Yendi, a town/city about 100km from Tamale. During my tour on the first day by one of my co-workers, I was told that Yendi is “a big small town in West Africa” I laughed at the time, but looking back it’s a pretty accurate description. I really enjoyed my time there actually, and I’m looking forward to going back next week for another 5 days. Yendi is the Dagomba capital (Dagomba is the most prevalent tribe in this area), even though Tamale is the political capital of the Northern Region. It hasn’t been influenced as much by western culture as Tamale - there are no multi storey buildings, the food is pretty traditional but things are definitely changing - they have just opened their first internet ... read more
Me and my bike
Working Hard

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town July 16th 2005

Dear All, Quick Notes: Scott: I flew in that Thursday to Heathrow, dummy, and got there roughly an hour after everything started. But thank you for thinking of me anyway. Resh: Congratulations! :) Dad: I'll call soon. Thank you for sending a message though, and yes, this is where you post. Blue: I miss you too, kitty. I thought of you yesterday when I saw a stray cat outside our place. It meowed at me, and it sounded a little like you. Also, I've talked about you with some of my friends here who also have kitties they miss. *Hug* Anyway... It's been an amazing but challenging trip. I can't remember what I said last time, but if I'm repeating myself, it is only because the same thoughts have been overwhelming me since I've been here: ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo July 15th 2005

This is the first time we've been back to Egypt since 1997. Oh, how I've missed it! They say that if you drink the water of the Nile, you'll be sure to return. They're right.. Ahh, ya Eskendereya.. :)... read more
More Tourists

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar July 15th 2005

Question: How many times does one need to go to Zanzibar? Well…… when you are invited along to attend the official opening of the luxurious Italian resort in Kendwa, the answer would be = at least three. The troublesome trio of Alex, Jessica and myself flew to Zanzibar a few hours before the inauguration to do some shopping in Stonetown. It was Jessica’s first time in Zanzibar but sadly, she only became very familiar with the shopping district of Stonetown (Kenyatta Road), where the touts sneak up and sing “Jambo, jambo bwana, habari, nzuri sana…” in an attempt to convince you to by their CD wares. Alas, while you may not have the musical tracks to blast in your stereo, the noxious noise/song does not quickly leave your brain. After a few hours of shopping, the ... read more
The Plane to Zanzibar
Arriving at the Inauguration
View from our Humble Room

Africa » South Africa July 15th 2005

Geo: -24.1401, 30.9286Going on safari has been one of my most long lived dreams and eventually I got to do it! And it definitely didn't fail expectations, it was even better. I was amazed we were lucky enough to see as much as we did in only 3 days. We managed to see all of THE BIG FIVE (elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo) Quite an achievement! Safari does involve a lot of driving and I found it very difficult to stay in the car and not get out to try and hug the lovely animals, especially the giraffes who were my favourites. Such a funny looking animal yet so elegant! It really is quite something to see the animals in the wild, especially as some of them are just so huge they seem completely out ... read more
Bird in plant
Deer crossing

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo July 14th 2005

Hej hej! (Jaaaa, jag ar jattesen med allt, jag vet, men nu ska detta avslutas och ni ska uppdateras!) Torsdag 14/7. Vi ska ni se den s.k. Norra kyrkogarden, har vi bestamt. Lattare sagt an gjort, visar det sig, for ingen verkar fatta vad vi menar. Northern cemetary var rena grekiskan for samtliga, sa till slut ber vi en taxichauffor kora oss till Al-Azar-moskeen, dit hittar alla, i alla fall. Vi borjar alltsa vid marknaden, Khan al-khalili, och den maktiga Hussein-moskeen. Dit in far vi inte komma, eftersom vi inte ens kan trosbekannelsen riktigt. Asch. Vi vandrar vidare, kommer ut ur gamla sta'n och beskadar porten och den gamla muren som en gang gick runt hela davarande Al-Qahira. Maktigt, aven om det nu bara finns en lite bit kvar. Val ute inser vi att aven dar ... read more
Utsikt over "begravningsplatsen"
Egyptisk pannkaka

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa July 14th 2005

Perhaps the most unnerving part of entering a new country is what makes it so exciting: namely, the uncertainty. Things one has gotten used to (if only for a few weeks) can be swept aside in the few innocent steps that take you across the border. There are practical considerations: money looks different; a dollar can vary from 70 cents (Jordan) to 1.5 million (Turkey) in local currency; the food is different; the language is different; transportation, hotel, and restaurant standards change and must be re-learned. Perhaps the most important change is the renewed uncertainty of one’s position as a foreigner: am I welcome? Am I walking dollars? Am I held responsible for the sins of the West? Do people wish I hadn’t come? Finding one’s niche can be a stressful and long process, particularly when ... read more
Migrating to the Big City
Kid by the Lake
Cowherd Girl

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo July 14th 2005

Nu vill Skord komma med ett tillagg for att korrigera lite av intrycken fran reskaninens verklighetsbeskrivning. Tillaggas bor namligen att varme, trafik, ovasen och paflugna forsaljare (etc) har medfort att reskaninen ett flertal ganger varit vad vi i tjockhult kallar "general pain in the ass". Genom att sla och blasa pa mig nu forsoker hon undanhalla sanningen fran omvarlden, men sadan ar den. Med jamna mellanrum purken och kinkig, med andra ord. Men sant kan val handa den basta, i en stad som den har. Jag menar, kultur- och klimatkrock pa en gang... Sa, kink-kanin maste tydligen underhallas med mycket vatten, vaskbarning och klappar for att inte harskna i denna varme.... read more

Africa » Egypt July 13th 2005

Jo, ett par saker som jag glomt beratta; Pa kvallen den 11 hittade jag antligen ett par skor jag kunde anvanda. Helt syntetiska, ratt ackliga pa det viset, de skapar svett i mangder, men sa mjuka att de ar underbara. Har gatt i dem sedan dess utan problem, det var en underbar kansla! Dessutom har jag sedan skaffat en scarf, fast Klas kallar den en hijab, sa vi enas om att det val ar en scajab eller hijarf. Det ar onekligen lattare att ga pa gatorna med huvudet tackt, men samma erfarenhet har jag a andra sidan ocksa haft i Italien, sa det ar inte speciellt for arablander. Na, onsdag: Morgon och vi har ett tuff-tuff-tag att passa. Det ska vara med luftkonditionering, har vi fatt uppgift om, och det stammer verkligen! Det ar nastan sa ... read more
Faros, numera mamelukfort

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg July 13th 2005

Geo: -25.7419, 28.1877Avoid this city at all costs!!! Unfortunately that is quite difficult to do considering all onward connections to Africa originate from here. I'm not sure how true its reputation as the most dangerous city in the world is. We didn't really venture into the city, scared by the rumors and the taxi fares. We spent most of our time in 'The Backpackers' Ritz,' a convenient place and probably the only place worth staying at in Jo'burg. The staff try to lighten the morbid atmosphere of the place but still there is nothing to do in the area apart from walk around extremely snobbish and expensive shopping malls. Johannesburg's speciality is its security systems. People seem scared even to leave their cars. They just stay in their barbed wire 'boxes' too scared to go any ... read more
The Backpackers' Ritz

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