Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 64


Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi April 28th 2008

Well I'm out of Zambia, one of the happiest nations, well there are always the few non-smillers. Lusaka to Chipata is a highly populated continuous collection of small farms run by the locals, each with a collection of kids who see me coming from a long way off and welcome me with "how are you?", "how far?", "where to?" and occassionally "give me money." This is all nice, but wears you out in the continous barrage along the way. The trailer holds a lot of interest to people and mainly follows a smile as I creep up the hills, although a bit faster than the fixed gear chinese bike they use. The temperature also reached the 30s and so the water disappeared rapidly. There comes a point when you have to trust in the water the ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe April 27th 2008

After a grueling 36 hours or so en-route across the continent, I finally made it to Lilongwe. Thanks to a lot of effort on Mommy’s part, I had an apartment to move into the very afternoon I landed and didn't have to hole up in some grimy backpackers! I found the place through an acquaintance I’d made last summer, who it turns out is now my next-door neighbor. My apartment is HUGE—after living in Manhattan for eight years, even Ann Arbor, this place is a palace. It has very high ceilings and lots of windows, which I love. It was pretty sparsely furnished but I managed to spruce it up with some second-hand purchases. I was supposed to have a couch, but thanks to some clever language manipulations on my landlord's part I ended up with ... read more
Map of Lilongwe
View out my front door
View from my house down the compound lane

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe April 9th 2008

After Zanzibar, just when we thought we couldn't get enough beach time, we headed off to Lake Malawi - specifically Kande Beach. Again, we didn't do much here other than relax in the hammocks and rack up a rather shocking bar tab. Guess who won? We also reigned supreme at the foosball table, less so at pool. The most surprising thing about Malawi so far has been the beautiful crafts and artwork that is for sale. It's so different than anything we've seen elsewhere in Africa, and it's very cheap to buy. They're famous for their carved chairs, although we like the masks and paintings. As we work our way towards the end of our trip, our bags are getting heavier...... read more
Yellow flowers
Us at Kande
Chitimba beach

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe March 30th 2008

It has been a long time since we have last written. A very long time. Since our last blog entry, we postponed our return home (again!) by another month, in order to extend our stay here in Malawi. I could blame the reason we haven’t written in so long on the fact that the internet here in Malawi is very slow, or that the power goes out several times a week. Or that because we have actually been working we are often quite busy. But truthfully, I think the real reason that we haven’t written blog entry in such a long time is that we have settled into a routine, a real life of sorts… and for some reason it seems much easier, much more exciting to write about our travels and adventures, rather than real ... read more
Grain market near the lunch place
Main Street - Dzaleka
Quiet Street - Dzaleka

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Mzuzu March 27th 2008

dag, ik ben nog steeds redelijk inspiratieloos... wat kan ik vertellen... even denken... Ik veretrek vandaag naar Kafkule, het is beslist, ik begon me toch te vervelen in de sanctuary. Ik zal moeten reizen tussen 50 kippen in de achterbak van een pick-up op hobbelwegen, maar bon, dat lukt wel. Kafkule is een echt afrikaans dorpje, zonder lopend water of elektriciteit. Ik zal wel elektriciteit hebben door zonnepanelen, joehoe, leve de technologie. Wat ik daar zal doen, is een project met kiekens. De plaatselijke school en enkele dorpen daar rond krijgen kippen en ze moeten leren hoe ze houden, er moeten koten gebouwd worden enzo., veel te doen dus. Vorig weekend ben ik nog maar eens naar het meer geweest om toch een beetje te relaxen na al dat hard werken in de sanctuary. Bijna iedereen ... read more

Africa » Malawi March 22nd 2008

Up at 5.30am in the dark for breakfast and tents down. Sunburn is much better but Kierans is really bad - he has blisters the size of golf balls on his back! Started the long drive to Malawi, part of which is through a National Park. We saw giraffe, zebra and baby elephants. The roads are really bad on this stretch and we saw several articulated lorries overturned, one had the dead driver lying next to it. Eventually reached the baobab valley, the landscape is hilly and covered in trees, mainly acacia and baobab, and a river runs down the valley which looks like chocolate! Arrived at the baobab valley campsite at 6pm - nice position but the swimming pool was swamplike. It rained quite a bit in the night and there were some amazing lightening ... read more
danny and superman
sunset on lake malawi
bad taste outfits

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre March 13th 2008

Tragic to only write two entries while in the beautiful country of Malawi. After 40 days here, it is finally time to move on. What a time it has showed us, however. The people are as welcoming as you can be, the scenery as beautiful and untouched as it gets, and the culture makes you forget you're in one of the poorest countries in the world. I don't have time to expand more on my time here, but hopefully I will at some point later. Last I left you I was in Lilongwe after our time on the lake. Since then we came to Blantyre, the big bustling city, met up with a principal from New Zealand, and took off to the Zomba Plateau. We spent 6 days there, relaxing, reading, cooking, biking, hiking, and Will ... read more

Africa » Malawi March 10th 2008

Mulanje, Malawi. 10.03.08 halloisen alle sammen! da har vi jobba oss ned fra nord-Tanzania til Mulanje, som ligger på foten av Mnt.Mulanje som er Malawis høyeste fjell sør i Malawi (nær grensen til Mosambik). Det har vært litt av en tur!! niiiiiiiislitne og gamle busser/minibusser/lastebiler/sykler osv...., og det går ikke akkurat fort for å si det sånn.... Siden sist har vi reist fra Mbeya(Tanzania) videre mot grensa til Malawi, hvor vi faktisk gikk over grensa. Endelig i Malawi,så dro vi rett til Nkhata bay som var en perfekt slapp-off plass etter all reisinga. Måtte ta ut mer penger plutselig,så da bar det i 10 mil bakpå lastbilplanet sammen med høner,matvarer,grinete unger & stappfullt av folk, til Mzuzu (3 største byen i Malawi,dvs by & by fru blom..,mer landsby av slum)..verste var at banken ga kun ut ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Mzuzu March 5th 2008

een paar fotokes om jullie toch een beetje jaloers te maken...... read more
vervet monkey

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Monkey Bay February 26th 2008

On Monday February 18th, I was beginning my last week of work at Monkey Bay Community Hospital and preparing to leave Malawi. That same day, I found out that a few days earlier, another Joanna arrived. Deborah, who I worked with in the Pharmacy department, had given birth to a baby girl and named her after me. I feel pretty honoured! I now have a great excuse to go back to Malawi - i'll have to see how my Malawian counterpart is getting on! For now, she is happy and healthy. I arrived back in bonnie Scotland today. I am absolutely freezing! I have just been looking at some of my videos, and texting friends back there to say that I arrived ok, and it already feels like Malawi is a million miles away. I apologize ... read more
Outside Monkey Bay Community Hospital
Maternity Ward at Monkey Bay Community Hospital
The dressings clinic

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