Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 65


Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi February 26th 2008

First off, I must apologize for the lack of entries. However when you spend 3 weeks in internet free zones, writing blogs is rather difficult. After climbing Kili, we headed back to Dar es Salaam for a few days. We left Dar on a 12 hour bus trip to Mbeya, in southern Tanzania. After a night in Mbeya, we took a minibus to the Malawian border. After an effortless border crossing (free Visas), we took the only minibus on the other side of the border to the town of Karonga, where we hopped on another bus to Mzuzu. Although it sounds rather hectic, the roads were quite passable, and the journey was very manageable. The hilite was definitely hydroplaning during a downpour, at which point Will tapped me on the shoulder with an "it's been nice ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Mzuzu February 19th 2008

Hier ben ik dan weer, en dan wel op een supertraag internet. Ik ben dus vorige week maandag eindelijk aangekomen in Mzuzu, na een helse reis. We zaten om 8u op de bus en we kwamen toe om 17u, 9u op de bus dus, zonder eens af te stappen, want anders waren we onze plaats kwijt. De bus stopte bij iedere mens die op de straat stond te zwaaien. Ook in ieder dorpje waar dan mensen van alles probeerden te verkopen door het raam, van eieren, groenten, frisdrank (die in de zon stond) tot ondefinieerbare dingen. Man, man, man mijn achterste deed serieus pijn. Wat we niet wisten, en dat ze ons pas vertelden toen we op de bus zaten, was dat er een andere bus is, voor maar 1000 kwacha (5euro dus) meer die niet ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe February 8th 2008

Moehaha, voor de mensen die denken dat ik al in Mzuzu zit, zo is het niet... Op de goeie afrikaanse wijze wachten we nog steeds... Ooit lukt dat wel, denk ik toch... maar we hebben tijd...... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Monkey Bay February 7th 2008

Lots has happened in the past week. I have had good times (that have been extremely good) and bad times (that have been extremely bad). I first had my birthday. My 29th in Malawi. I had a wonderful day. It started with a soda on the Chancy Maples floating bar, watching baboons that were fighting on the rocks. I had a great Malawian lunch at a local pub next to the hospital, I swam and snorkeled in the lake & I even had homemade chocolate birthday cake. On Friday afternoon we went to an MTO attackers football game. They lost 5-3 (which was debated as much as usual) but we had a great time anyway. We taught the local kids how to do the Mexican wave. Saturday we headed to Cape Maclear with 5 new volunteers, ... read more
Sarah, Kaye, James, Me, Neale & Jake
Deborah and Macdonald, in the pharmacy
Nelson (head nurse) and me

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Mzuzu February 7th 2008

Hallokes daar in het verre Belgiƫ, Ik zit eindelijk in Malawi. Nu is het nog afwachten tot ik naar Mzuzu reis, waar ik mijn stage moet doen. Waar ik verblijf en wat ik daar moet doen is dus nog steeds een groot vraagteken. Toen ik vertrok uit Zaventem, was het wel al miserie. Ik wist dat ik 45 kg mocht meenemen, maar wat ik niet wist, is dat ik maar 32kg per valies mocht steken. Maar gelukkig zijn er winkels in het vliegveld en ben ik dus nog een valies gaan kopen. Na een afscheid vol met traantjes kon ik dus toch vertrekken. Na een stop in Parijs ging onze vlucht verder richting Ethiopiƫ, we kregen dan ook een avondmaal en ontbijt met 3 uur interval. In Ethiopian airport moesten we overstappen. Op weg naar de ... read more
Onze valiezen...
Zicht vanuit de jeep, op weg naar de lodge
Het zwembad in de lodge...

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Mzuzu February 4th 2008

Hallo, Morgen vertrek ik naar Malawi, via deze site zal ik de thuisblijvers zoveel mogelijk op de hoogte houden. Groetjes en tot binnen 4 maand! Stephanie... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre February 2nd 2008

The second day at the orphanage was definitely better than than the first - I think there was just far too much to take in that I could barely think! Anyway highlights of today included teaching a 3 yr old how to play football...they are SERIOUSLY football mad out here, partic. the english clubs like liverpool, man u & arsenal..hehe, it would be really funny if little cute boy (I've nicknamed him Beckam because he was actually v good at kicking!) remembers that a funny looking white girl taught him how to play football!! Its strange because at first, driving through the villages unnerved me a bit as people stared quite a lot, but when asking the others they said that basically in some villages they had NEVER seen a white person in the flesh, ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre January 31st 2008

WOW!! This place is just as I imagined and I'm writing this I know I cant do it justice. The drive from the airport through the villages, the orange muddy tracks, fields of crops, men sitting by the side of the road talking, women with babies glued to their backs...then arriving at the orphanage today..all those smiling faces and waving hands, I apologise in advance - it sounds sooo cheesy, but my heart melted and the tears nearly started the first time one of the children wanted me to pick them up today just minutes after I arrived, they love playing ball games, being hugged and just being around us. As expected, facilities are minimal...I mean, I'm happy to 'rough' it and go to the loo hovering over a hole in the ground in a ... read more

Africa » Malawi January 30th 2008

Female circumcision. A horrific procedure. In Njobvu village, Malawi, it has been replaced by the egg tradition. When a girl reachers 10 yrs of age, her mother attempts to insert and egg inside of her. She keeps doing this until she is successful, at which point the girl is considered a woman. This is just one of the traditions that we learned of during our visit to Njobu cultural village last weekend. We spent the night in mud huts (some of us sharing our mattresses with safari ants), ate pumpkin leaves, beans and rice and were entertained by traditional dancing. We also visited a traditional healer a.k.a. witch doctor. I was hoping he could heal me of the curse that could have been placed on me by the previous witch doctor I saw (the one who ... read more
Girls  (njobvu village)

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi January 26th 2008

Leaving Zambia, we headed off to Malawi, known as the "warm heart of Africa" due to the friendliness of its people. With almost a quarter of the country being covered by Lake Malawi, the country's population is largely clustered around the shores of the lake. Our first two nights in Malawi were spent at a place called Kande Beach, which to be honest, wasn't that impressive. The lake shore was nice, even though it did rain a bit (though nothing like the rain we experienced in Zambia) and I did get to go scuba diving, but the big drawback was the village that surrounded the campsite. Unfortunately, the locals had become very dependent on the tourist trade and the area had lost much of it's authenticity. As soon as you stepped out of the gates, you ... read more
Kande Beach Boys
Waterpump, Kande Village
Me and Fumba

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