Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 66


Africa » Malawi January 22nd 2008

It's been a while!! Computers and transport have both been failing me lately. We have 3 vehicles (a minibus and 2 landrovers) and we seem to be lucky if we have even one that is working. I'll be quick this time because last week I typed my entry but the network crashed just before I was able to publish it. As always, all is well. I am here in Lilongwe for a day. A few of us came here to see my roommate Katherine off at the airport and also to buy some medical supplies for the hospital. We have so far bought 5 delivery kits for the maternity ward. All of the money that I have fundraised has now been allocated and I think it's been put to very good use. We have bought many ... read more
William's Falls
Jake, Ian, James & Tracey
James & Katherine under the tarp....

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi January 21st 2008

Entering Malawi, I passed through immigration with such ease it was almost disorientating. Expecting the usual African customs ordeal, it was like being let off school detention. A few revolutions of the pedals down the road towards Lilongwe, I came to yet another Police Road block. You tend to find these every couple of hundred kilometres on the main roads of Africa. Usually I’m left alone to cycle straight past, but this time they stopped me and decided they wanted to take my bike apart. I'm not sure what they were expecting to find. To be honest I think they were just trying to waste my time until I became so impatient I offered them a bribe to be allowed to move on. When they then decided they wanted to inspect my inner tubes, I just ... read more
Fish Eagle on Lake Malawi
Fisherman on the lake
Sunset over the lake

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Monkey Bay January 16th 2008

A Meeting with Soldier For those of you who know me (and my appearances on stage at Cirque de Soleil, dueling Piano bars, Travis concerts & the like), you will not be surprised when I tell you that we ended up on stage at the Lucius Banda concert, dancing with the ‘soldier’ himself. The story of how this happened is long so I’ll save it for now, but I WILL say it was a fun night and I am a big fan! Since I last wrote, much has happened. Our house is becoming busier as the number of guests has changed from 4 to 3 to 10 in the past few days. Steve has gone home for a couple of weeks of rest and relaxation and we have been joined by 4 new volunteers (2 Canadian, ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe January 15th 2008

Hello everyone! A bit belatedly, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and happy new year's! I know its been a long time since we last posted, and since leaving our volunteer group in Zambia in the beginning of December, we've traveled to quite a few places. Since there is so much to catch up on, I thought I would try something a bit different, and just include some snippets of our adventures (in chronological order of course) over the past month and a half.... - Visiting and safariing with parents in Zambia and Botswana: walking into the Royal Zambezi and realizing we are not in backpacker land anymore; swimming in Victoria Falls and being sure one of us was going to go flying over; flying in a 5-person light aircraft into the Botswana national parks; ... read more
Typical Christmas Beach Volleyball Game
Sandy Kids on the Beach - Zanzibar
Andy Cousteau

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Monkey Bay January 3rd 2008

The Inconvenient Centipede On the way home from Mangochi (email town) last week, we suddenly heard our driver, Watipa, utter ‘sh*t’, before not-very-slowly pulling our Toyota minibus to a stop. There was a centipede (of the poisonous variety) on the dashboard. The word ‘centipede’ does not do this thing justice. It had 100 legs but they were by no means close together, causing the thing to be pretty large (a foot or so long). Our coordinator Francis managed to get it out of the vehicle but all the commotion caused an unsuspecting cyclist to fall off his bike, dropping his load of tomatoes at the same time. Three cars then joined forces to try to run over the insect so that one of the many people who walk barefoot along the roads in the pitch black ... read more
Cape Maclear
New Year's Eve

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi January 2nd 2008

Two engine fires and a baby Getting to Nkhata Bay in Malawi to catch our ferry turned out to be a bit more of a challenge than we thought. The great bus company we booked with to get from Dar Es Salaam to the Tanzania/Malawi border decided to put on its crappiest bus for us and of course leave late. We then went through the expected bumping and jolting across Tanzania's central and western regions. It was sad to see a sea of blue and white plastic along the roadside as we drove through a beautiful national park. Africa still doesn't really have any kind of awareness about litter at all. Driving along people finish their drink or their fish and chips in polystyrene box and just throw it out of the window. It is awful. ... read more
The Ilala Ferry
Riders on a storm
The beach bar

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre January 2nd 2008

With only five days left at the orphanage before I leave, and back to full strength, I'm keen to do as much as I can and tie up all the things I've started. Before going into the orphanage after the new year break, I need to get my 30 day permit extended at the Immigration office for my last week in the country. Like most of the office set ups I've seen - the administration system is slow and disorderly. Looking through the bars to the desks behind there are papers and files everywhere. Something I have seen in every office and large shop is piles of paper and ink stamping. Even as you leave the big superstore 'Game' you must have your receipt stamped by an attendant. As the geep bumps along through the village ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre December 31st 2007

The last two UK volunteers at the orphanage before me had bought paint and created a wonderful underwater scene along the longest wall in the hall. It is on the wall opposite the entrance so as you walk in it really lifts the environment, and stimulates the children. Painted on the wall are sharks, fish, an octopus and even a mermaid. On one notable occasion I observed one of the primary school boys, called Blessings, quietly sitting by the wall and copying some fish into his exercise book. During a previous meeting with the Reverend he had said it would be good if I could do another wall, as they want to remember each volunteer. So today and tomorrow, 27 and 28 December, are set aside for painting! The Reverend's brother, who is 24 and on ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre December 31st 2007

As I'm getting used to solids again and tucking into my breakfast toast, I am delighted to see a lovely couple I met on my first night at the hostel. They are from the UK but work here for an NGO making education more accessible in the Mulanje district. The couple arrive wanting to see if they can book a room for the night to go out in Blantyre to celebrate new year's eve. They kindly ask if I want to join them, and as I have no plans, I quickly accept! Later that evening we meet up and head off to eat at one of the big hotels. They are well read and knowledgeable about Malawi so I enjoy finding out more, and their opinions on things. Impressively they can speak Chichewa too. Over dinner ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre December 31st 2007

Well it had to happen at least once! ...Sadly it was when I had booked to stay up at Lake Malawi and had to cancel the trip. They say until you visit the lake you haven't been to Malawi; I guess that means I'll have to come back! I was fortunate to speak with a med student friend from London, who was able to diagnose me on the phone and advise me what to do. I'm pretty sure it was the orphanage food that made me ill, as I noticed my health getting progressively worse after the last two meals there. I have subsequently decided not to eat at the orphanage from now on (especially as it is getting closer to the long flight home), but I'm pleased that I had the experience and privilege of ... read more

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