Blogs from Asosa, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Ethiopia, Africa - page 7


Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa July 28th 2008

The Unusual Suspects It seems it was over before it even began. The bags have been packed, the meters read, the crockery half-inched and the great Assosa exodus is complete. Even Marta, the final straggler bade farewell two weeks ago leaving just four Ferengi survivors in this part of Beneshangul-Gumuz. So who were they, these intrepid Eleven, flung together as friends through circumstance for a brief but bright gathering on the extremes of Ethiopia's western borders? # Mr Alan Skills - Evil Computer Genius Weapon of Choice - T15 Torque Driver Known Accomplice(s) - Princess Zara-Margaret (Wife) Previous Life - IT Security/Networks Manager, Financial Services, UK. Last known whereabouts - 'Fixing' PCs at the Regional Capacity Building Coordination Bureau. Bob Skills... read more
Kerosene Bob
Missy Ellie

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa July 16th 2008

10 things that make me happy OK, so you may have noticed I have been totally rubbish at producing any blog entries recently, whilst Al has been busy producing epics. So I’ve been trying to motivate myself, I’ve tried at least 3 times, but now realise, I need to start simple, so I’m going back to basics (Not in order of priority!) 1. Your emails and calls, the comments on our blog You probably don’t realise how much these things mean to us, it’s so good to hear from you, hear what you’re up to and all the news, it’s lovely when you check your mail and there’s a new email or comment, it makes you all seem so much closer. 2. New Friends The new interesting, inspiring, intelligent, challenging, supportive and fun people I’ve met ... read more
Mr Hassen
In the office

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa July 13th 2008

...and it was the worst of times. We have been back in Assosa for a few weeks now and life has returned to a sort of normality. There are far fewer VSOs here now, only 4 have been allowed back and Lesley has been on a sight-seeing trip around the north of Ethiopia for that last 2 or 3 weeks anyway. We have struck up a friendship with three 'new' Ferengis working on a water project funded by the Finish government - Harriet, Judith and Antero. We also had a really nice evening catching up with Paul and Courtney, two Americans come to project manage the building of a new hospital in Kamashi. They have their work cut out, plus in Kamashi there is rarely any electricity (none for the last 4 weeks by all accounts), ... read more
Birfday Girl
Di and 'Kerosene Bob'
Ellie and Our Lesley

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa July 3rd 2008

Ice Cold in Addis Alright, its a bit of an exaggeration. More like slightly chilly and inclement. But then again 'Slightly Chilly & Inclement in Addis' is not the title that's going to move you to the edge of your seat in anticipation of an Indiana Jones-esq blog entry now, is it :) So true to recent Hollywood form I'm going to string this one out for at least 2-3 hours - there are a massive 39 pictures to pad out with some meaningful text. Best you get off the edge of your seat, kick back, put your feet up and the kettle on... "You like our tanks? Ve-e-r-y expensive?" Our first week back in Assosa started with the arrival of 15 main battle tanks and 3 mobile artillery pieces. They were all parked up outside ... read more
Ruth & Sara
That's better!!
Big monument thing in Addis...

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa June 22nd 2008

Home, James, and don't spare the ozone layer We are back at last. And it has been exhausting. Thanks very much for all the emails about Dave and the good wishes for Holly, Oscar and Pam. All three volunteers that were airlifted to Nairobi are out of immediate danger and have been operated on and treated. Holly's family flew over from the UK and she may be repatriated as she was due to leave Ethiopia in a matter of weeks. Dave was given a wonderful and fitting send off on Wednesday. The coffin was brought to VSO and a short ceremony was held to remember Dave and his life. A great many volunteers travelled back to Addis, at their own expense, some journeys taking well over a day, to say farewell. The ceremony was packed - ... read more
Before we left...
..when we got back
Garden before.

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa June 18th 2008

Will you join me for a beer? It was the night of the first day in country and us 40 or so new volunteers had spent the day sampling the sights, sounds and atmosphere of the new and exciting African metropolis of Addis Ababa. We had visited Shola market, tried the outrageously strong coffee at a buna bet cafe, visited our new HQ for two years - the VSO programme office - and met Patricia, the Director for our 'Welcome to Africa'. Come early evening we trooped off in search of "typical" Ethiopian food and ended up in the haunt of all Addis volunteers - the Pride Bar - huddled round small white plastic tables getting our fingers covered in shiro and injera and sipping pints of ice-cold St George draught beer. Tired from our late ... read more
Yonas hotel bar
Ruth & Dave
Outside the French bar

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa June 3rd 2008

We left for a short break in Addis about 3 weeks ago and while we were away the security situation in Assosa worsened so the rest of the VSOs in Assosa were recalled to Addis too. For the last 2 and a half weeks we have been a little unhappy family of "fugees" at the Yonas hotel in Addis. Every few days we have an update meeting and every few days we have to wait for news whether we will be allowed back. I cannot discuss the situation in detail because of VSO blogging rules but with the rainy season closing the airport and also the road between Assosa-Nekemte closed due to troubles, VSO feel it is not safe yet for us to go back. What will happen is that 4 of the 11 volunteers will ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa May 16th 2008

"They cut the power! Whadaya mean they cut the power?" Oh dear this one has been brewing for a while so it's likely to be a long one. Sorry. So it has been one month since we returned from the field trip and life has settled back into a routine of sorts. Usually one that involves activities with power and activities without power, depending on whether we can turn the bedside lamp on when we wake up or not. Guessing which days we will have and will not have power has become a little game, as has side bets on what time the power will really return. In theory, a day of power rationing starts with a power out at 7am (usually pretty promptly) with a power up 13 hours later at 8pm (not very promptly ... read more
Kerosene Stove
Sad Cat Eyes
Two for the pot

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa April 28th 2008

OK I better be quick. Total power outage and running on laptop batteries. Your guess is as good as mine as to how long I have :) Will try and let the photos do the talking for this entry - there are a few! Plus 2 videos if batteries allow. Another Six O'Clocker Falling out of bed at some ridiculously early time we stuffed our bags and headed downstairs to the motel hotel compound where the two 4x4's were parked. The driver of the rental vehicle was clearly on the ball - he had the bonnet open and was shaking an unfeasibly large amount of sand/dust from what I guess was the air filter. Demiss, our driver, was nowhere to be seen, but given his day of puncture trauma yesterday we didn't grudge him an extra ... read more
Mendi from the cab
Good road..

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa April 20th 2008

OK, so my blog numbering has got way out of hand but I'll try and rescue it from now on, honest :) We are in the middle of power rationing and IT is pretty hard to do without any power. As is blogging. So I am hoping to get this update done before tomorrow's all-day power cut. In fact there is a 10Mb video I will try and attach but if it goes wrong at 56k I may not have the energy left to try uploading it again. Fingers crossed... At last and much to Sara's amusement I am finally getting round to the entry for the trip from Addis to Assosa. It seems like months ago. Er, well it was months ago. February 14th & 15th to be exact. So here goes... We're on our ... read more
Room for a small one?
Another traffic jam

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