Blogs from Asosa, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Ethiopia, Africa - page 8


Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa April 12th 2008

Well I’ve got a good few weeks to catch up on on the blog front, including a few before we went on our field trip, but for now so you know I haven’t completely given up on my blog entries I thought I’d just say hello world and write a few lines about being back in Assosa. Unfortunately is seems the power outages we experienced on our trip are happening across the country and today it's terminal. We haven’t had any power all day today - which is a first for us here. I’m using laptop battery and candle power now as the sun goes down. If this continues there may be a sever lack of blogging! Steven found a Reuters article which suggests that the Ethiopian power company is struggling with keeping up with demand ... read more
A little treat

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa April 11th 2008

Around the Woredas in 18 days! And it was an amazing experience!! We covered over 2,500km across 9 woredas, stayed in 10 different hotels and visited over 20 villages and towns in 3 regions (Amhara, Oromo and Beneshangul-Gumuz). With between 9 and 13 people (plus luggage) in the long wheelbase Toyota Land Cruiser the journeys (up to 8 hour drives) were uncomfortable, but not unbearable and it was the same for everyone on board. Plus whenever there was additional comfort to be had (better hotel rooms, front seating when possible in the vehicle, catering for our vegetarian eating requirements) our Ethiopian colleagues were incredibly generous in offering it to us first without hesitation. In fact we both count ourselves extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to make the trip, especially together, and even luckier to ... read more
Breathe in!
View from the rear
Satellite dishes

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 22nd 2008

That evening the current VSOs had arranged a Pub Quiz at a new “European” restaurant called Delicious Dishes. My body had clearly diverted most of its energies to the liver to process the evil araki, rather than my brain. It was good fun and the Aussies didn’t win everything, which made a change! The hyperactive Gordon, a self-confessed pub quiz nut, led his team to victory. We had a delicious dish of blue cheese and vegetable tart - making sure we maximised our cheese intake now forewarned about the lack of it in the regions. Steven had told us an amusing tale about an earlier volunteer who had such a cheese and pizza craving while out in the country that she got one of her visiting mates to bring a whole stuffed-crust Dominos pizza over from ... read more
Super Bob!
Don't follow me...

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 22nd 2008

mango alleh (there are mangos) Sunday saw the end of our language training. We wrapped it up with each group doing a presentation to the rest of the groups. Luckily, as it was still fresh in my mind, we ended up doing a “at the market” scene. I was the ‘good’ market trader who sold the fruit at a proper price, as opposed to Jonathan who was playing the ‘bad’ trader charging “ferenji prices”. We got a few laughs from the teachers and it clearly struck a chord with the rest of the volunteer’s experiences from the market the previous day. Or then again maybe they were just laughing at our accents! Passing up the chance to go to an even bigger market in the afternoon, the pair of us took another opportunity to get online ... read more
Booted & Suited
Other VSOs
The Ethiopian MC

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 22nd 2008

Ah, Ambassador, You (Didn’t) Spoil Us So did the Ambassador spoil us with small crunchy spheres of chocolate? Er, no. In fact he didn’t even make an appearance at all. The Brits, plus one miscategorised (and displeased) Australian, queued outside the compound before being led to a room for a very interesting health briefing with the Embassy doctor - a lovely happy woman who explained the contents of our individual small first aid kits and the large “safe-house” first aid kit. Apart from the missing latex gloves (!?!) and the out of date and largely useless anti-malarials - jar of marmite and a bottle of Bombay sapphire - all was in order. Hopefully none of it ever required. On the way back from the Embassy we passed The Gunners bar; I made a mental note to ... read more
That VSO Workshop..
Say Cheese!

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 21st 2008

It’s OK. Our field trip has been postponed! From Wednesday 10am, to Wednesday 1.30pm, to Wednesday 5.30pm. Then Friday morning. Now maybe tomorrow... ...or Sunday or Monday. Inshallah! :-) Anyway, it means I can at least explain where we are going and post my last few entries from training in Addis. The last Addis entry was a monster (10 pages). For those with short attention spans I have broken it down into 3 entries. Sara doesn’t even read my entries as there are ‘too many words’ so ration yourself if you please. Regions, Zones and Woredas (war-re-dahs) Ethiopia is divided into 8 regional states (Tigrai, Afar, Somali, Oromia, Amhara, Gambella, Southern People’s State and Benishangul-Gumuz) and 3 city-states (Dire Dawa, Harar and Addis Ababa) each having strong self-administrative powers. Each region is sub-divided into a number ... read more
Ticket to Ride
Out there. That-a-way...
Light packing - Ferenji style

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 19th 2008

Ok - we are off to the Woredas for a last minute trip for 26 days - back on 16th (ish) April. Will update then or sooner if the trip is delayed, Buhallah!... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 19th 2008

It’s been a busy weekend Friday we tried out another restaurant/bar/hotel for our regular volunteer gathering, they had some great food - it’s fasting day again so only veggie fair, and the beer went down well, we’re, as usual the last men and women standing at the end of the night, the culture here does not seem to be late nights out on the town, although one of Al’s colleagues has promised to show us the local nightclub sometime soon. So at about ten after putting the world to rights we happily weaved our way home. I spent Saturday morning exploring the market with Mulatu again, it’s always a real adventure, there are so many different things to see, people come from all over the region to sell their goods and it’s all so colourful, and ... read more
A view from Inzi
A view from Inzi

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 17th 2008

After our introduction to shoulder banging and mucky handshakes we spent the afternoon listening to a very interesting briefing on Ethiopian geopolitics and an “Addis Survival Guide”. Addis is not a particularly dangerous city for things like random muggings or kidnap - your major risks are trip-hazards and crossing the road!! Cheers Drive! We also had line taxi etiquette explained to us. Line taxis are these blue and white Toyota minibuses that hare up and down the roads, horns tooting, jam-packed with people while a young boy hangs out of a window shouting out something fast, loud and unintelligible at you. Given that the private hire taxis usually up their rates by at least three decimal places when they see a “ferenji” coming, your best bet, given our local salary, is to take a line taxi. ... read more
Another Taxi Alternative
VSOs in a Bar
The Two Jonathans

Africa » Ethiopia » Benishangul-Gumuz Region » Asosa March 14th 2008

OK it’s been a good few days, so I though I’d better add another blog entry, plus Al has been nagging me! It’s been a pretty busy few weeks. I got the opportunity to get out of the office and attended some workshops that are being run by my team, it was really interesting to get to experience some of the huge differences but also how many similarities there are too. The first workshop was in Assossa at the high school, the second got me out of town to a place called Bambasi - known for it’s milk, it was an hours journey, with some amazing scenery on the way, I swear people here must think I’m challenged in some way as I have spent the past few weeks with a big grin on my face, ... read more
Bambasi School
Bambasi School
Mango trees providing some shade at the school

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