Blogs from Samaipata, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America


South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata December 5th 2022

I spent the weekend on Samaipata which is the start of the Amazonia region. It is lower altitude from La Paz and very lush. I stayed at a small hotel that has a huge garden to supply their restaurant. The first day I toured the garden, the small town and walked to a winery since there were no taxis. I didn’t realize it would be straight up hill. Even out of La Paz I was still climbing! The next day I took a hike in the Amboró National Park to see the giant ferns. The park is located in a unique geographical position where three different ecosystem converge: the Amazon, the north of the Chaco and the Andes. Amboró Park contains more than 800 species of birds, more than the US and Canada combined. There are ... read more
View from the 1750 Vineyard
Flowers in Bloom
Their newest wine is Sauvignon Blanc!

David here... The flight from Sucre to Santa Cruz was easy and quick. The flight attendants didn't even have time to make coffee, much to my disappointment. As we had an early flight, we changed our original plan to stay in Santa Cruz and decided to go straight to Samaipata. Made more sense and would give us two days in Santa Cruz at the end. We landed at Santa Cruz and located the mini-bus into town, which left from Departures. The bus cost 6Bs each and was packed but 45 minutes later we were dropped off at the old bus terminal in the south of the city as we expected. On the bus Suzanne got talking with a Bolivian lad about his city, travelling and, unfortunately, Chelsea, who he supported, though we did suggest he should ... read more
Church on the main plaza
The hills around Samaipata
The hills around Samaipata

Después de 2 días de descanso en La Paz tras la experiencia del Choro, estamos listos para atravesar el país hacia el este, donde las montañas dejan pasar a la selva que anuncia la cercanía del Amazonas. Alizée, algunos amigos y un festival nos esperan. Así que tomamos un bus hacia Santa Cruz, capital económica de Bolivia. Esta ruta debería de tomar unas 15 horas, pero al final resultaron ser 21h. Por qué? pues imagino que porque la carretera principal que atraviesa el país es en sus mejores tramos lo equivalente a una nacional, siendo los peores tramos caminos de tierra, de tierra tierra. Pero siempre quedara la duda ya que en los tramos asfaltados el chofer creía que iba conduciendo un coche de carreras y adelantaba todo lo que se le ponía por delante, siempre ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata October 18th 2015

Geo: -18.1789, -63.8752Brazil to San Ignacio Bolivia 7. - 18th OctoberHow did we come to be living on the park bench for the day (hopefully not the night)? It's a long story and a few miles down the road from where I left the last blog so I will pick up from there first.Our excursion from Bonito was worth the effort of getting it set up. We started early in the morning and went to Barraca das Araras, a huge sinkhole where red and green macaws nest in the cliff walls. It is a kilometre walk through the woods to circumnavigate the sinkhole. It was raining so the macaws that did not have the sense to stay in their nests looked very bedraggled. Then we were driven on to Rio La Prata. Here the organisation, if ... read more
Bedraggled Macaw in the rain
Caiman by bank - not dangerous
River at Santa Clara, Pantanal

Ola a todos Enfin des nouvelles sur le blog, dans la campagne bolivienne, pas toujours evident de trouver de l'internet.. Nous sommes arrives a Santa Cruz le 30 juillet, c'est la capitale economique du pays (il ya plusieurs capitales en bolivie, la capitale administrative qui est La Paz, la capitale constitutionnelle Sucre et enfin Santa Cruz..). Nous y sommes restes 3 jours, la ville est plutot sympa, il y a de nombreux parcs et espaces verts, des marches tres grands, comme celui de Los Pozos, pres duquel nous dormions.. le marche s'etale sur plusieurs quadras (blocs, quartiers). Le probleme de Santa Crux est que cela reste une ville et on n'est pas aussi bien que si on s'eloigne un peu, car on voit beaucoup de choses sans reellement y prete attention.. C'est donc pour ca que ... read more
Vu de Samaipata depuis notre premier hotel
Vu de Samaipata depuis notre premier hotel
Chat sauvage- Zoo

Da bini aso igstige, inen Bus Richtig Samaipata. Hm..dumm nur das mis Gepäck zu dem Ziitpunkt no noimez andersch umegschwirrt isch! Obwohl mir die flotte Type am Schalter gseit händ ich chöng mis Gepäck ruig bi ihne hinderem Trese degeds denn ilade. Dere Sach nöd ganz ghüür, aber irgendwie doch wils no ganz vil anderi Stuck gha hät det hine, hanis dän au det platziert. Wonich min Platz im Bus ignoo han und mit mim Nachber echli agfa ha schwätze, hani en ufs Thema Gepäck bi Busreise ufmerksam gmacht. Öb das so riibigslos funktioinert und so.. woner dänn sones Etikettli erwähnt hät, woni theoretisch sött ha ischmer e groooossi Warnlampe i mim Chopf ufglüchtet! Schnäll bini wieder usm Bus usgstige, de Chauffeur gwarnt, er defi ja nönig abfahre (si fahred extrem pünktlich ab wänn alles ... read more

Atsikėlęs iš ryto keliauju į turgų ieškoti kur skaniai papusryčiauti. Turguj visada galima rasti nebrangiai pavalgyt. Nusiperku čeburėką su sūriu ir puodelį kavos, sumoku maždaug 2 litus. Eidamas iš turgaus dr nusiperku 6 bananus už 1 litą. Visai neblogi pusryčiai. Parėjęs į hostelį bandau surasti vakarykščią australų porą, mat tikėjausi, kad kartu važiuosim iki krioklių, taip būtų pigiau nes iki jų apie 25 km. Bet jų neradęs keliauju vienas. Nueinu iki pagrindinio kelio ir labai greit susistabdau mašiną kuri nuveža iki pat krioklių. Dar tikėjausi, kad paprašys sumokėti, nes mašina panaši į taksi, bet pinigų nepaprašo. Čia yra trys kriokliai, du gan dideli ir vienas mažiukas, bet smagiausia tai, kad prie visų jų galima įšokti išsimaudyti, o prie viso to aplink dar ir įspūdingi kalnai. Prieinu prie trečio krioklio, užlipu ant jo viršaus, o ten sau ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata February 28th 2013

Šiandien iš ryto planuoju važiuoti iki kito miestelio, kur tirėtų būti visai įdomių ekskursijų. Su Viviana net nežinau ar pavyks atsisveikint, nes ji šiandien laai anksti išlėkė į darbą. Ji dirba bare, organizuoja renginius, o šį savaitgalį turėtų atvažiuoti viena grupė kuri ji turi pasitikti. Visai netikėtai, man besikraunant daigtus ji grįžta namo su visais muzikantais. Sutariu su Viviana, kad paliksiu vieną kuprinę su nereikalingais daigtais savaitgaliui, tad galbūt dar susimatysim. Iki Samaipatos autobusai nevažiuoja, tad sutariam susitikti su Angela kuri mane palydės iki vietos iš kurios galima važiuoti į Samaipatą. Taigi su Angela važiuojam į rajonėlį kuriame daug mažų agentūrėlių kurios siūlo keliones ta kryptimi. Čia sistema paprasta, stovi mikriukas ir laukia kol prisirinks žmonių norinčių važiuoti ta kryptimi. Nesvarbu iki kokio miestelio važiuoji, kaina ta pati. Nusiperku bili... read more

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata September 28th 2012

Day 343 Tuesday 18th September Moving on today so we were up at dawn and packing our bags. Because we had to check out at 7 we missed breakfast but once we got down to the bus terminal we picked up Saltenas, which are sort of like a spicy Pasties with a quails egg (sometimes) and olive inside. They are sort of a specialty of Argentina/Bolivia and when you get them warm are bloody beautiful and this morning they went down a treat. Our journey today was with a bus company called “Trans Copacabana” and I (Scott) had chosen them as I thought we had used “El Dorado” a few times and thought we would just check out another company. I had also seen plenty of the Trans Copacabana buses around and they all looked brand ... read more
Che Trail
El Fuerte
Road to Santa Cruz

Hola Amigos y Amigas, die letzten 4 Tage in Samaipata waren mehr als erlebnisreich und lassen sich in diesem Blog mit wenigen Worten schwer beschreiben. In 3 Stunden geht mein Bus nach Sucre auf einer eher holprigen Strecke. Bis dahin moechte ich die Zeit nutzten um euch ein wenig von Samaipata zu berichten. Die erste Nacht in Samaipata verbrachte ich mit jenen alemaños in einem hollaendischen Gasthaus, mit welchen ich mit dem Sammeltaxi von Santa Cruz nach Samaipata gefahren bin. Die Strecke hierher war nur begrenzt asphaltiert. Doch war ich froh nun mehr von Suedamerika zu sehen als eine Stadt (Santa Cruz) welche vor Wachstum zu wuchern beginnt. Der Hollaender, dem das Restaurant gehoert hat sich vor mehreren Jahren mit seiner Frau hier in Samaipata niedergelassen und betreibt neben seiner Gastronomie auch ein kleines aber "teures" ... read more
El Fuerte
Short stop on the Way to El Fuerte
Camino a EL FUERTE

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