Blogs from Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 1230


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays May 6th 2006

May 6 We arrived in Airlie beach and had a few days to spend until taking off for a sailing trip of the Whit Sundays Islands. The girls are really sweet but spending this much time with a group of 8 girls is definitely starting to get on my nerves. Tom and I decided to get away for the day and hired scooter bikes for 4 hours. We basically just drive around at a maximum of 80 km/h throughout Airlie beach and its surrounding areas. I needed this for my sanity, and it was a really fun day. That night I was in bed by 6pm and up by 10am which was a much needed rest for our sailing trip which was starting at 1pm that day. Its been an interesting Whit Sunday’s vacation to say ... read more
Dave-o the decky

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 6th 2006

Well folks, we are now exactly six months in to our round the world tour - I suspect that the next six moths will just fly past. When we last left you we were in the happy hippy land that is Byron Bay where our last few days were spent sunning and boozing, surprise surprise! On the last Saturday we met up with a chap that Ken had befriended the last time he was at the festival. He, his girlfriend and us had a terrific evening in the various bars in town until way past silly o'clock. The evening ended with hugs and kisses promises to keep in touch. From Byron we got the coach up to Brisbane where we spent a great week with old friends of Linda's - Cathy and Bruce. In similar circumstances ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane May 6th 2006

So, something i forgot to mention in the last blog (Jo thinks on purpose) was our slight mishap on the first day of the road trip. We turned up early to pick up Percy the campervan, and got the credit card out to pay the not insubstantial amount of cash to hire it for two months. It was bumped up a lot by deciding to take out full insurance with no excess, peace of mind and all that. Before taking the payment the lady asked "Would you like roof and floor cover for $50?". "No need" said i smiling "we have paid for full insurance". "Yes" she replies, in obviously a well practised retort "but it doesn't cover your roof and floor". I kind of stared at her for a while, while a thousand sarcastic, vitriolic ... read more
Aboard the Kiana
The Whitsundays
Scuba Dave

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 6th 2006

I have been in Cairns now for a little over five days now, not much has happened on the job front at the moment but I have been a lot more eager than I anticipated I would be. I have been knocking on all the dive shops, handing in my CV and they have all been polite and taken it whether they wanted to or not. I am also expecting a call over the next couple of days from a dive shop in Magnetic Island so hopefully that is a good call and not one to tell me they have filled the position with someone else. Cairns is not what I expected I thought there would be a beach here but alas there is not so no snorkelling or lazing around on the beach, There is ... read more
Drive Thru Drinkin'
Pretty Quiet
The Pool

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane May 6th 2006

Well, have been here for just over a week now and am def. settling into this way of life! If any of you are in need of some major chilling out, do this. It's so liberating to be able to do what you want, when you want and if what you want to do is nothing, thats fine too. Also trying to fit in with the aussie ways so am being converted to a beer drinker; its really not so bad but i wouldn't recommend 'beez neez' which is a honey wheat beer and has a v. wheaty aftertaste-eurgh!I'm sure i'll revert back to my white wine drinking ways when i hit the wine region next year! Slowly adjusting to this new way of life. Things like sharing rooms, constant changing faces in those rooms and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 5th 2006

On the morning of the 3rd, I decided to head up to Cairns on the 10:40 Greyhound bus. When I got to Cairns, I understood why Shane had described it as a city you would imagine in Western Movies. All the buildings are low - and the streets are quite narrow. It is MUCH smaller than I expected. It almost seems more like a tourist resort than a major city - with every other store being a travel store selling the same trips for diving in the Great Barrier Reef, Cape Tribulation tours, or skydives. I decided to stay at a hostel called Serpent - Nomad. I booked into a $20 room with 6 beds. It was quite a nice hostel, with a swimming pool, bar, and a free dinner in the evening. My room was ... read more
Cape Tribulation
Cape Tribulation
Cape Tribulation

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 5th 2006

Hey everyone We're currently in Airlie which is a coastal town and the gateway for trips around the Whitsunday islands. Tomorrow we're off on a three day trip sailing around the islands and shoudl be really good. Since Noosa we travelled up to a place called Hervey bay (or Scurvey bay) as some call it due to it not being a very good place. It was however the gateway to trips around Fraser island and we enjoyed a 2 day guided trip. Was amazing, Fraser Island is basically the largest sand island in Australia with a length of 123 kilometres. It also has fresh water lakes on it which we swam in and loads of wildlife. We saw Sharks, dolphins, swimming turtles and bats. We had a ex tank driver as our bus driver and we ... read more
Guy and the girls
Sandflow on Fraser
Fraser Island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane May 5th 2006

Cant believe it has been 4 years since I was last here! Things never change and I still remember a lot of it. I always said I would be back and here I am! Anyway, this is only a quick update to let you know where we are and what we've been up to. We arrived in Brisbane last Saturday and thats where we've stayed the past week. Its a bigger and much different city from Perth but its ok. To be honest I dont really like city life so we're looking forward to getting to the coast again. We've spend most of the week looking around the city and sorting everything out for the rest of our trip now we have decided to come home in August. We've booked a 25 day tour around the ... read more
Phil on the bridge over looking the city
Me on Southbank - city in background
Phil in a Botanical Garden (Southbank)

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Gold Coast May 5th 2006

Yesterday was lovely, blue skies and sunshine galore. we had a more successful attempt at making dinner - actually got to eat something - had fajitas! mmmmm. Didnt really get up to much yesterday - lazing on the beach and soaking up some rays and paddled in the blue sea. Oooo had an amazingly massive milkshake yesterday - was like a meal - might have to have another one for lunch. heading off to byron bay tomorrow - think we have managed to book somewhere but they dont provide all your bed linen, so you have to pay extra for it - its ony a dollar but still - the cheek of it! Looking forward to using free bikes there - we will be able to explore a wider area - and they give you boogie ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Noosa May 4th 2006

At Brisbane's coach terminal, just before I boarded the coach to Noosa, I was asked to weigh in my backpack is 21.1kg and my small backpack is 10.6kg! Holy Shite! I really need to sort this out, 31.7kg is just a tad over my 20kg baggage limit on busses and planes! Still, with a bit of re-arranging, they let me board and I headed off to Noosa. Noosa is a really, really, gorgeous place. I only managed to spend a couple of days here but loved it instantly. Tea Tree Bay is stunning with gloriously clear waters peppered with long white/transparent fish that swim between your legs. During a wander through Noosa National Park I spotted a turtle swiming to the surface for air at Hells Mouth and my first cuddly Koala, Steve Erwin eat ... read more
Tea Tree and Me
Sunset Tree
Sunset Tree

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