Blogs from Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 1229


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane May 10th 2006

As promised, i have had my photos put onto cd finally so thought id do one entry for stuff i did in my first week and then another one later about this week, the sanctaury and other stuff. I CANNOT believe ill have been here for a fortnight tomorrow! Time is flying by and im loving every minute. So what did i get up to last week? Erm... I visited lots of free touristy things. The queensland art gallery was and had a good mixture of contempory and 'traditional' art. Was also a boiling hot day and it had air con so that was a big bonus!!On the same day i also went to the Queensland museum cos it was next door. It wasn't so good but since it didnt cost anything i just zipped ... read more
Brisbane from SouthBank
Streets Beach
Roma Street Parkland

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 10th 2006

Well, it seems the whole "job hunting"thing is much harder than we all thought it would be. It's winter in Australia now, so finding work is supposed to be easy in the North, but due to the cyclone that wiped out all the fruit and veggies up here, we're getting worried nobody will need us. Yesterday was the first time the sun actually came out of the clouds and shone. It was so nice, but walking proved to be far more strenuous that it seemed to be when it was cloudy out. I'm also very excited because my mobile phone is all hooked up and ringing off the hook at all hours of the day.......well, I guess that's not EXACTLY true, but I have received some phone calls, which has been nice. We have called a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 10th 2006

On Sunday, the day after my skydiving experience, Dave, Chris, and Shane flew to New Zealand. I spent the morning with Dave, buying the last minute souvenirs he needed from's always a shame to have to say goodbye to people you've spent a lot of time with during your travels. Travelling creates an atmosphere where a week together can feel like a lifetime. After daying goodbye to Dave I randomly bumped into an old roommate from Melbourne, Adam. He was working at a hostel called Gilligans in town, and we decided to try to meet up (he was travelling with Dave and Clare from our house as well). I ended up meeting Drise and Jimmy from my room at PJO'Briens (where we get our free dinner every day). That evening, instead of going out, the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach May 9th 2006

Arrived in Airlie Beach on 3rd May. Airlie Beach looks like a smaller version to Cairns: it has a lot of fast food places to eat, and quite a good nightlife. It also has a lagoon by the sea complete with barbecues to chill out through the day. The main point of any stop in Airlie Beach is to go sailing on the Whitsunday Islands, we’d booked to do that between Friday and Sunday so we had a couple of nights in Airlie first. On the first night we played the customary drinking games (Keeping things cheap) with our room mates, we stayed at the Magnums hostel here as well- our 8 person dorm was pretty cool, there were a couple of Irish girls, a Canadian called Jeric (soon changed to Jericho!) and a Frenchman called ... read more
The fab 4
eehhhh i'm in my cubby hole likes!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach May 8th 2006

Well, I took Sashas advice and just drank water last night and Im not planning on drinking for the rest of my trip. Which is only one week but still. Im in airlie beach until wednesday and will be arriving in Cairns by Friday. Ill spend a few days there and then fly back 'home' to sydney where I have a job interview for a place like sport chek. I do have millions of pictures to upload but it takes too much time when im paying for internet. I miss my comments from everyone. Make sure everyone gets a mic so I can talk to them online when back in sydney. Happy birthday to Marcel, sasha, Angie, and my mom that all occured in the past two weeks. Im off to go hang out with Shayle ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 7th 2006

Hello All! We're still in Cairns incase you were wondering. The last couple of days have been very, very productive. We've gone to bed at 12 and woken up at 12. No, but really, we have been getting things done here. We finally found the immagration office here, so we have our Australian visas in our passports. I bought cheap runners, and a cheap new watch, which will be helpful as well. We opened up Bank accounts at the Commonwealth Bank on Friday, and we applied for our tax file numbers online. The tax file numbers are very necessary if anyone wants to work in Australia, because if you don't have one, you get taxed 45.5% as an Australian citizen, and 47% as a foreigner. Crazy, eh! With paying for our hostel everynight, we also get ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island May 7th 2006

Spent most of the morning lazing around Lake Wabby, a huge, algea-green lake boarded by a massive tropical rainforst on one side and exhausting Sahara-esk sand-dunes on the other. It wasn't quite as stunning as Lake Makenzie, but fun to swim with the large black cat-fish and roll straight down the burning white dunes into the cool water. During the afternoon we raced across the sands to the shipwreck of The Maheno, the most famous of the Fraser Island wrecks that was driven ashore just north of Happy Valley during a cyclone in 1935. A Scottish-built vessle and once a well-known trans-Tasman liner, the Maheno was bound for a Japanese wrecking yard when she met her stormy end. Today the hull lies slowly deteriorating in the harsh salt environment. That evening all 4 teams had managed ... read more
Lake Wabby
Lake Wabby
Riley's attempt at sand-surfing

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 7th 2006

G'Day Cobbers I'm slowly getting there!! We left Mt Isa and the hilly rocky countryside through Cloncurry and Julia Creek, again we pass through huge swathes of cattle grazing country. One night is spent at Hughenden, which is only really memorable because I get so badly bitten by mossies!!! There's been hardly any around 'til now, but they have more than made up for that!! We set off early next day as this is another long drive, and stop for coffee at Torrens Creek. We should have stayed here, total population is just 16, the pub seems nice and the publican and his wife are very friendly and chatty also petrol is 10 cent @ litre cheaper! Back on the road we pass through Charters Towers and by 2pm are going through Townsville, only another 350 ... read more
Baby Croc
Big Fella

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Rainbow Beach May 6th 2006

A 7am start saw Team A laboriously check, pack and ready our trusty 4WD ready for 2 days and 3 nights on the Dingo-infested sand island - Frasier. We'd been briefed, mentoured and knocked into some sort of safari-shape by videos, talks and demos and were finally ready to hit the road. Nobody else wanted first drive, so I stepped up, jumped behind the wheel and started her up with a tractorous roar. There were 3 other teams setting off at the same time and rougly 8-12 other 'Dingos', (the tour company), crew already out there exploaring the island. The 4WD was a bit of a beast, what with a roof-rack jam-packed with 3 days worth of food, 6 crates of beer chillin in the Eskies, 5*4l casks of Goon white wine, sleeping bags and tents ... read more
Sand-driving on Frasier
Lake Mackenzie

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns May 6th 2006

WARNING: This entry is written on the day the individual jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet. Excitement levels may be too high to comprehend. I SKYDIVED!! I had been talking about it since the moment I saw the advertisements in the first hostel in Sydney - talking to every other backpacker about where they had done it, whether they had bought the video, what they felt like, where was the cheapest place in Oz to do it...etc. It was an experience I really wanted to have, but was (understandably) quite scared and doubtful of. At Rainbow Beach, however, there were some Canadian boys at our hostel who did the skydive on the day we were just meeting our Fraser Island Team...and instead of listening to Team B's initial introductions and chat, my face was ... read more

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