Blogs from St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia August 13th 2014

Moji milí, poslední dobou jen sedím ve škole. Tak se s vámi aspoň podělím o to, co mě obklopuje. University of Queensland byla založena roku 1909. Loni se umístila jako 43. nejlepší univerzita na světě. Má 4 kampusy, St Lucia, kde studuju já, Herston, Ipswich a Gatton, poslední dva jsou poněkud z ruky. Univerzita je to veřejná, ale platit se musí. Nicméně studovat tu je zážitek. Mám pocit, že všechno funguje jak má a ještě lépe, cokoliv nejde, všechno se dá řešit. Všichni moji vyučující jsou vstřícní a milí, tak uvidíme, jak budou známkovat ;) Na UQ studuje pestrobarevný mix studentů a je to skvělý =) Silné zastoupena je Asie. No a víc fotky a videa. Studijní materiál, takže bych to neměla rozšiřovat - (nenahlašujte mě úřadům, prosím:)) vpravo nás vyučující na přednášky (nejvtipnější vyučující, jeho ... read more
Food Science budova

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia July 21st 2014

První den nultého, neboli orientačního týdne začal vybitým mobilem a s tím spojenou absencí budíku. Upps. Pro cestu do školy jsem v rámci sportu, zdravého těla a šetření zvolila kolo-účet z předchozího dne. Podle Google 40 minutová cesta zabrala minut 50, včetně výměny kola ve 30 minutovém limitu a zastávkou ve stanici bez proudu (čehož jsem si všimla až po zasunutí kola bez možnosti půjčení nového). Naštěstí byl na místě pracovník stanice, který svým silným přízvukem zavolal kolegovi a já dostala prodloužení limitu a kolo k tomu. Do školy jsem přijela a vypadala asi takhle (foto) Kampus je nádherný, jsem ohromena. Lékárna, banky, restaurace, budovy všemožných oborů blízko u sebe, knihovny, divadla, sportovní areál (venkovní bazén, tenisové kurty atd.) a pestrá směs studentů a vyučujících. Na setkání mezinárodních studentů (of science) jsme dostali cedulky se zemí ... read more
lezení ve tmě
Na proklatě vysokém mostu 1
Na proklatě vysokém mostu 2

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia November 19th 2011

I spent my day on the Brisbane river on a cruise boat going to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. I walked to South Bank and had breakfast at a place in South Bank. The Cruise boat ride out to the koala sanctuary was really nice I had a seat downstairs with a nice window view and the breeze that comes with that. The recording used as a tour guide was fairly good. There are some amazing homes next to the river. One of the houses apparently sold for AUS$ 11 Million last year. Just look at the pictures and you will see why. The river was rather busy there was a whole lot of people with motorboats and people in those long row boats and some people water skiing. The Koala park turned out to be ... read more
Silver Balls
Interesting Statue at Queen Street Mall

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia May 27th 2011

Well Sydney ended up being a fantastic time! I the hostel I had booked turned out to be the #6 hostel in all of Australia, and it really was that good! The hostel had arranged for anyone who wanted to go out to group together and we all walked to a local bar called The World Bar. It really was a world bar because there were about 12 of us from the hostel that ended up going out and we were from all over the place! I caught up with some of my dorm mates who were German and we had a blast. With going with the hostel you got in for free, got 2 free drinks, and a free BBQ, what more could you ask for! We all hung out and listened to the karaoke ... read more
Riding on the CityCat
The main lawn of UQ

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia March 19th 2011

G’day mates! I just finished week 3 of classes and have a lot to report! Also, if you haven’t already noticed, I’m going to try to integrate aussie slang into this blog post as much as possible, just to keep things interesting. It’s going to be heaps of fun! So basically, the way classes work here is that most students take 3-4 classes to be a full time uni (no one says university here and college is the place I’m living, so if you have class you say “I’m off to uni) student. Because of WashU study abroad requirements, I have to take 5 classes, but I actually worked out a good schedule so I only have uni 4 days a week and only for 2 hours on Monday and Thursday. The classes I’m taking are: ... read more
Balloon Room at the GOMA
Queens Street

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia February 27th 2011

Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I had an entire entry finished about Orientation Week but when I went to post it my internet messed up and it got deleted. I got frustrated and gave up, but now I’m back to write O week entry 2.0 Fresher Pretzel has officially survived Orientation Week. Just kidding, it really wasn't that bad they didn't haze us that much. Because this is my first semester at Emmanuel College, I am considered a first year or "fresher" and I was given the nickname Pretzel. No one really knows where the nickname came from, the Emmanuel execs assign them before we get here and then we are given a plastic yellow hard hat with our nicknames written on them and required to wear them at all times during ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia July 18th 2010

BILLEDER FØLGER OGSÅ HER SNAREST MULIGT :) En kort hurtig update her søndag aften :).. Jeg har nu endelig fundet et sted at bo - kun 15 min til fods fra campus!!.. Ud over det er det klart det lækreste sted jeg har set indtil videre, og er dermed rigtig godt tilfreds :).. Det endte med også at være lidt over budget, men sådan er det jo så.. I dag søndag, har vi derudover været i Lone Park Sanctuary.. Det var en vildt fed oplevelse, hvor vi oplevede en helt masse ting.. Vi fik fodret og kælet kænguruer og koalaer. Derudover fik vi set en række ørne og ugler jage på helt tæt hold. Til sidst fodrede vi fugle, hvilket vil sige at man stod i en sværm af fantastiske fugle, der stort set spiste fra ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia July 16th 2010

BILLEDER FOELGER!!!!! Dette bliver min foerste entry i denne blog, og vil derfor sandsynligvis blive ret lang er jeg bange for :) Min blog vil starte fra den 13. Juli, hvor jeg befandt mig i Singapore lufthavn ventende paa mit fly til Brisbane. Jeg ankom til Singapore dagen forinden, og havde tilbragt en hyggelig nat i Singapore paa et hostel i "Little India". Ventetiden i Singapore lufthavn gik med at spise "Laksa" (en lokal nuddel ret vi havde faaet anbefalet af en lokal vi moedte paa flyet), som i oevrigt var enormt laekkert. Flyturen til Brisbane var omkring 9 timer, og gik uden nogle former for problemer. Vi ankom altsaa til Brisbane 00:30 onsdag d. 14/7 tidlig tidlig morgen, og det var dermed 54 timer siden vi forlod Rom!! Fra Brisbane tog vi en shuttlebus til ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia July 15th 2010

Finally I touched the Australian Land, well...actually I did so on wednesday, exactly at 2 o' clock in the morning. What can I say? So far I did still not suffer the jet leg..maybe because I have been doing soo much since I arrived. Having had 5 hours of decent sleep at "Somewhere to Stay" -a ver nice hostel @ West End - I woke up at 8 and went to campus! And let me just tell you: the St.Lucia Campus of University of Queensland is just FANTASTIC! I mean, it has like everything, is like a town!! I promise I ll soon post some pics! Well, at campus I opened my australian bank account, I enrolled for courses (I must say, I got some pretty nice ones, one is about China and its potential to ... read more
They have some quite colorful money here, our first impression was that they looked fake!
UQ Campus!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane » St Lucia December 5th 2009

Hello, Long time since I wrote something but nothing special happened and I had not had time to make pictures. I just arrived back at “home” from a 1 week visit to Brisbane. There was a PhD student who had to do her confirmation (a defence before they can start their 2nd year) and since her work deals with the wood anatomy of Avicennia and since it was a good opportunity for me to have a look at the possibilities in Brisbane, Catherine Lovelock of UQ (University of Queensland) asked me to be in the ‘jury’ (it is not really a big deal) and come over and so I did. First impression of Brisbane (Brisbie for the locals): BIG and the skyline is impressive at moments with of these huge Skyscrapers and modern bridges. The Brisbane ... read more
View from the back window of my flat in Hacket
Flying high into the sky
I really love them!

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