Blogs from Richmond, Virginia, United States, North America - page 10


North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond October 23rd 2006

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings-- And why the sea is boiling hot-- And whether pigs have wings." Lewis Carroll The Walrus & The Carpenter, 1872 Kel quotes this poem often and has, in my opinion, little knowledge or care of the true meaning of the poem. While I know the poem has a deep seated meaning of corruption and political commentary, I quote it hear because it always makes me think of anticipation. I’m sure it has everything to do with the first phrase in the verse quoted above…hey, at least I’m honest when it comes to my slightly simple thought process. Work Ends Yup, we have both finished our last day of work. Mine was October 13th and Kel’s was ... read more
Bill and Scott
Kel and the Payments Team
Mike and Dana

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond September 6th 2006

First and foremost, welcome new subscribers! I realize many of you have signed yourselves up (or in the case of the W&M group, been signed up by Kel) since the last blog entry was created. Obviously there will be more entries after the trip begins and I hope they will all be more frequent and more interesting. For now, be content with knowing that we are thinking of you all every time we look at this blog page. Time Dwindles As of today I officially have 25 days left at work (Kel has more like 30 because she's choosing to work an extra week). It has become apparent to me that my life is about to change in ways that I can't truly comprehend. First I have 5 calendar weeks of work to get through which ... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond June 14th 2006

One can only plan so much... My wife is not one who likes to plan. She is incredibly spontaneous which is a marvel to me. I ,on the other hand, am one who fears spontinaity. I like to know where I'm going, when, and how I plan to get there. At the beginning of this trip planning I was gung ho about reading everything I could about each country of Europe. Then after being informed, I would make some choices about whwre I'd like to travel and what our timelines would be like. I started off reading about Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece...but all of that reading has come to an end. There is only so much reading one can do before one gets exhausted, confused and bored. At this point I have decided to lay off ... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond June 9th 2006

Sirs, Ma'ams: How are you? I've just dropped Caitlin off at work and am now looking forward to an afternoon's cruising around Downtown Richmond in the Miata. The seats are still wet from driving back through a downpour last night, from an outdoor concert in the Botanic Gardens . Thankfully the thunderstorm held off until "Special Ed and the Short Bus" had finished their set. It's difficult to pick out a favourite song but the highlights were definitely the dolphin chorus and the armpit solo. Wet pants seem to be a way of life here. Back on Roslyn Hills Drive, I spent a very pleasant evening sitting out on the porch under a stormy Southern sky, with the frogs croaking and the fireflies flirting, in the delightful company of a couple of chilled Newcastle Brown ales, ... read more
Antique Tables Made Daily
Down by the stream
Old Rag

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond May 3rd 2006

So, its been a few months since our last entry. In that time we have gotten answers to some of our questiosn and done some initial planning. As our plane leaves on the 7th of November, time appears to be disappearing quickly so the sense of urgency to get things planned, or at least partially planned, increases. Questions and Answers What to do with our house Thanks to much cajoling my co-worker and friend Jeffrey has decided to rent our house fully furnished for the next year. It took a little convincing that moving further from was a good idea but I think the fact that he wasn't going to pay more than he does now for his apartment was what really made it all possible. This allows us to keep all our stuff there ... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond April 6th 2006

The greyhound trip from Atlanta to Richmond was less eventful! The only mentionable thing was that we were nearly two hours late in departing, due to over crowding on the coach! I wonder if we will ever go on a journey on the greyhounds that leave on time?? When we arrived to Richmond we took a taxi to our hotel. The driver got lost and it ended up costing us more!! Ripped off. But we were happy to just get there after a 11 hour journey! The lobby of our hotel appeared to be nice and the man behind the front desk was nice and polite. We had a bit of banter with him about the greyhounds. Then we went up to the room….. Not really nice at all. After I checked everything for bed bugs, ... read more
The lobby of the Jefferson Hotel
Rats playing Basket ball
Orient Express

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond March 20th 2006

Since this is our first entry, I feel the need to give some background. As I’m sure many of my friends would agree, I am a little impatient at times so I may not cover everything in this first entry so, expect more entries to come. Also, I’m sure Kel will want to add her two cents in here as we progress. She is a MUCH better writer than I am…you’ll see. Some background to start this whole adventure off: Kel and I met in 2000 when we both started working at Capital One. While we worked in different departments, we started training together with a group of 22 other “college hires” who were slated to be Front Line Managers in call centers and other production areas. When we first met, neither of us were interested ... read more
Catfish Closeup
Kel in New York, Christmas '04

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond January 16th 2006

One more week here in Richmond....working, trying to save my last bit of valuable shopping money! Trying to figure out my new camera so I can take TONS of amazing pictures on my trip. Also trying to put all my favorite music on my MP3 player so I don't have to take up any valuable space in my luggage with CD's. Putting off packing up what's left in my apartment until the last possible minute (as usual). This will most likely be a very loooong week.... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Richmond October 16th 2003

I woke at sunrise at the Little Flower Catholic Worker, and made it outside in time to still see the moon glowing in the indigo western sky. After a hearty vegetarian breakfast, we all headed down to the pond for a group picture before I left. Several of the Catholic Workers rode into town with me, making for a festive departure. There I met up with "Bike Shop" Sean, a member of the Twin Oaks intentional community who offered to ride with me part of the way to Richmond. I had a few questions for Sean about Twin Oaks, as I remembered reading about the community in a book entitled, "Getting Back Together." As we rode, he answered a few of my questions, and invited me to stop for lunch at Twin Oaks. Since I had ... read more

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