Blogs from Oregon, United States, North America - page 115


North America » United States » Oregon » Bend July 29th 2008

I decided to forego the trip to Crater Lake to spend most of the day with family again because that was more important. That was why we came and I'm glad that we did that. I copied the pictures that Mariann had taken on Sunday so they wouldn't have to try and send them later and will post a few. It was an emotional goodbye for everyone for sure. We finally left around 4:30 though to try and get a little distance in for the day and stopped in a little town called Lakeview. We will start heading through Nevada then towards California next. ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Bend July 28th 2008

We had a very quiet morning and just rested. I talked with my cousins and we arranged a time to meet. Ed and Rhonda had been out camping with their motorcycle club and were going to come in the afternoon and Rick was going to see how many of his kids he could round up and bring. So we got to Aunt Mary's around noon and Mariann was waiting for us to get there. We got out and Aunt Mary was standing on the porch too..she knew that the boys and I were coming as they had told her that just to prepare her that they were going to have visitors...and then Dad walked up and she looked at him a bit then said "Are you MY Joe???" and then she grabbed him and hugged him ... read more
Mt. Hood
Stephen & Thomas

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 27th 2008

College roommates and I got together and had a reunion in Portland where one of us now lives. First day we were there we went to the Oregon Brew Fest. Since it was the 2nd of 2 days that the fest was going on the most popular beers were already taped out. This left mostly IPAs and other strong bitters. If you know anything of Portland beers you know that they love there hops. It would not be a far exaggeration saying they have about 3 IPAs for every other beer there. Anyways, the brew fest, they gave you a little mug about 8-10 oz. that you could get in line to get filled with beer for 4 tokens to fill it or one token to get a sample which filled it about 1/3 to 1/2 ... read more
Rasberry Wheat

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 25th 2008

What's hot: Coffee in the Pacific Northwest What's also hot: Here, bicycles are more than an afterthought What's not: Serious case of travel cooties requires a layover at Portland. The road: Cloudless skies, crisp temperatures, clean air, laid-back traffic. Travel lesson of the day: Every team effort is susceptible to sagging in the middle. from Kathy: Eureka, CA was an odd stop--a town where prosperity abuts evidence of harder times. On the one hand, the 100-year-old buildings are neat and clean. On the other hand, pawns shops and bail-bond operations are prominently advertised on every other sign in and out of town. Eureka!? I suspect this is nothing new. Eureka was a center in gold rush days, as well as the timber rush. It has a "historic district" that l... read more
Tsunami Zone
Espresso Bars Abound
Cyclists Protected by Caution Sign

North America » United States » Oregon July 22nd 2008

Cloudy start to the day today. And the middle bit too. Snuck out of the camp and did the unforgiveable and used the interstate to get to Oregon. On the bright side it is great for fuel consumption. One of the many outstanding features of the Nissan is that it had a screen in the middle of the dash and among many other things it shows you your fuel consumption in real time. It gives your MPG or litres per 100km if you are from the cilivised part of the world and a little bar graph that rises and falls with your consumption. I have found that I have become quite obsessed with it, I may require counciling when I give it back. I try to accelerate using as little gas as possable, cringe everytime I ... read more
At the aquarium
Swimming mushrooms
Sardine thingies

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 22nd 2008

Ha llegado el momento de despedir a Portland, y seguir en busca de nuevas aventuras y nuevos lugares que visitar... El viaje al aeropuerto transcurre sin problemas, parece ser que mi maleta al fin me hizo caso y pudimos ir relativamente ligeros hasta el aeropuerto... El aeropuerto de Portland (PDX) no tiene nada de distinto al resto de aeropuertos de Estados Unidos, una gran pega, porque al menos en Europa los aeropuertos tienen algo de característico que los distingue del resto... Lo curioso es que este aeropuerto ha sido nombrado como el aeropuerto del año por el consejo de seguridad estadounidense, ¿Ah si? Pues...¿a qué no sabeís quien ha conseguido burlar los controles no con uno, sino con dos mecheros? Chúpate esa Homeland Security jajajajaja! Ahora, en el aire entre una ciudad y otra me estoy ... read more
Crisis de identidad

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 21st 2008

¡Buenos días Madrid! Después de una noche de indecisión, me he despertado en mi cama soñando que Joe (Joe es mi perro, por si alguien todavía no lo sabe) tenía una pelota por hocico…y es que cuando llegan los momentos de tomar decisiones se me hace un poco difícil, después de Portland y su maravillosa experiencia tenía básicamente dos opciones: - La primera, seguir bajando hacia el sur por el estado de Oregón, pasar una o dos noches en Eugene y luego bajar a Klamath, que digamos que es una especie de medio poblado en el Redwood Nacional Park. La cosa pintaba bien, y el hostel prometía, aunque había demasiados inconvenientes: es una zona de difícil acceso, en el hostel no tenían sitio para mí, y mis pensamientos de alquilar un coche se tornaron ambiciosos en ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Antelope July 21st 2008

I'm finally home from Oregon. Ok, so I've been home for about three weeks, but it's taken me this long to get back into my groove. Let me just tell you that this camp is not what I expected. When I think of Oregon, I think of forest and mountains and those tall trees you see on the license plates. Well I definitely saw that when I landed in Portland, but the camp is a good four hours east of Portland. So I took a shuttle driving right next to Mt. Hood and cutting through the towering forest. After a while, we finally pull out of the tree line, and suddenly there are wide open plains that eventually turn into Canyons. I get dropped off in Madras, and picked up again for another hour of driving. ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

North America » United States » Oregon » Crater Lake July 21st 2008

We were up early at the Rouge River Inn and had breakfast at the hotel with lots of Amish people from Ohio. Once out the door, we headed toward Crater Lake. It was a lovely ride through some more redwoods and alot of National Park land. As we entered the Crater Lake area and stopped at the guard station to pay, up ahead, a deer walked across the road with two little ons trailing behind her. We didn't see any other large wildlife in the park. We climbed for a long time toward Crater Lake. It is right up in the mountain range. They said before it collapsed, it was a mile higher. Hard to imagine. The road was farily good, but on the mountain side, it frequently dropped away without guardrails for several thousand feet. ... read more
Secondary volcano
Mountain view
Phantom Ship

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 20th 2008

Lo primero que he hecho en el día de hoy ha sido ir a desayunar al café que está a unas 4 manzanas de mi casa (por supuesto, local), y el café me duraba tanto que no veía el fin, en serio, ¡que tamaños! Sí, me está creciendo la panza, obviamente. Después del desayuno de repenté me topé con una agencia de vuelos baratísimos y había uno tirado de precio para ir a China, así que me he dicho: ¿y porqué no? Al fin y al cabo está tan cerca de Oregón que puede ir uno a pasar el día (estoy segura de que habrá alguien que se lo crea, y luego decimos de los yankees...). Antes que nada, estoy segura de que le gente que me lee, y está deseosa de ver que escrito en ... read more
Chinese Gardens II

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