Blogs from Hawaii, United States, North America - page 170


North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu March 30th 2008

Impressions of Japan This past week I have visited Naha, Okinawa, Nagasaki, sailed the Inland Sea and explored Kobe and Osaka. The Japanese are the most polite people I have ever encountered. They bow to each other, when getting off the bus, when shopping, when greeting one another on the street or in the hotel. The port Police salute each other. When a Japanese woman or man helped me or waited on me or answered my questions their eyes smiled as well as their mouth. The only unfriendly folks were the taxi drivers and one “took me for a ride” just like the guys at JFK. I was charged 3000 yen or $30 for a 660 yen ride. That was my only negative taxi experience. On the positive side, I was looking for camera batteries in ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki March 28th 2008

Arrived here yesterday after a great adventure in Japan. Will post details later. Would love to go back and explore further. Hope you are all well. Now it's time to explore Honolulu. CAL... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu March 13th 2008

Så er spurten sat ind - vi skal lige nå de ting vi har sat os for og de ting vi er faldet over - for sandet er for alvor ved at løbe ud af timeglasset. På forkant er 6 uger tæt på at være en uendelighed - på bagkant er det alligevel ikke nok! Pussigt hvor irratonelt tingene i sidste instans viser sig at være! Med fare for at kede de gode læsere, får i nok et par historier fra vores ophold på Oahu - og trøsten er at nu kommer der ikke flere historier - det var hvad der kom ud af den 25-øre! Opmuntret af familien og andre gode mennesker meldte vi os til en eftermiddag og aften i Polynesisk Kulturcenter. Centeret er drevet af Hawaii University og drives ved hjælp af studerende. ... read more
Familien med blomsterkrans
Op i kokospalmen og ned igen!
Oliver og Te'o Tafifi - krigeren fra Samoa

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu March 12th 2008

For as long as i can remember I've wanted go to America. As a small child i would be captured by The Don Lane Show on Australian TV. Here was this man on our screen with his scratchy voice with a heavy American accent, even now i can remember my brain ticking over trying to figure out why he spoke differently to everyone else. Immediately i was drawn to this distinguished accent. There was something about that accent that made me want to know more about it, it felt like it almost like it came from a far away unreachable place. I knew very early on that this was a place that i had to discover. As my teenage years passed and i reached my twenties, my passion for discovering America was growing rapidly. I was ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu March 9th 2008

Så kom turen til udflugterne på Oahu - selv om lean back-livet på Turtle Bay Resort er til at blive afhængig af, syntes vi det var vigtigt at rive os løs, sætte os ind i vores nr. 2 Ford Taurus og sætte kursen mod forskellige steder, som vi havde besluttet os for at besøge. Første besøg gik til Dole-plantagen, som ligger midt på øen. Som lille dreng i 60'ernes Norge huskede jeg konservesdåserne med Dole-mærket på. Og for mig stod ananas - dengang kun på dåse - som noget af det mest eksotiske frugt jeg kunne få. Vi svingede ind - købte biletter til labyrinten og togturen i ananasland for at ende i et supermarked af ananasprodukter i alle tænkelige og utænkelige udgaver. Turen i labyrinten var OK for ungerne - vi skulle finde 8 poster ... read more
Udsigt fra Doléplantagen
På U.S.S. Bowfin
På U.S.S. Missouri

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu March 5th 2008

Så løb tiden ud af timeglasset på Maui. De sidste dage brugte vi på at opleve Iao Valley State Park, som ligger i et af de fugtigste miljøer på kloden, vi nød strandlivet, jeg fik fornøjelsen af at svømme sammen med 3 grandiose havskildpadder og meget mere. Flyveturen fra Maui til Oahu tog 20 minutter, men med transport til og fra lufthavnene, ventetider, de meget nøje kontroller - som også gennemføres indenrigs i USA - tog turen i alt 6-7 timer. Turen fra lufthavnen i Honolulu til Turtle Bay Resort på nordkysten gik fint! Da vi nåede kysten blev vi betaget af det vilde hav og de skønne vestvendte strande. Vi havde jagtet store bølger på Maui - men her fik vi syn for sagen! Det er ikke for ingenting at denne del af Hawaii bliver ... read more
Her nyder pigerne udsigten
Pukkelhval ved Turtle Bay Resort
Disse karakteristiske landingsplask ser vi ofte

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki March 4th 2008

It's fair to say that I've seen my fair share of cold weather this winter. Working for Westjet means that I get to visit many Canadian cities and in winter - they're cold. In Calgary a few weeks ago it was minus 52 with the wind chill and the poor baggage handlers were feeling the effects of frostbite, bbrrrrrrr. However, it also means that I get to use passes to go to nice warm places - like Hawaii. Mike and I decided that we'd go away for my Birthday weekend. It's the best way to give presents to one another (since his a few weeks before mine). We were thinking of going somewhere like Palm Springs as it's only a two and a half hour flight from Vancouver. The flights were all busy coming back into ... read more
Spanish Banks and the Vancouver skyline
Waikiki beach
Cold and snow in Regina, Saskatoon

North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island » Kailua-Kona March 2nd 2008

Today we were up and out of the house by 8:45 to head over to Chris' house. Once we completed the 3 minute drive over there, we listened to humpback whales greatest hits, the recordings of singing humpback whales that we recorded on the Hilo side. We listened to the different verses and themes of the songs. After that we took the pictures that we took last week on the Hilo side and compared them with pictures from our Alaskan Humpback whale catalog, and also Chris' Hawaii catalog. Saulina and Nia were working on the Hawaii catalog and they found a match, and Tash and Mary were working on the Alaskan catalog and they also found a match! When we couldn't find any more matches we were saved by the arrival of Trisann. She brought over ... read more
Hapuna Beach
Hapuna Beach
Hapuna Beach

North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island » Kailua-Kona March 1st 2008

Today we were all up and about by 7:45 a.m. and we didn't even need to be up by 9:00 a.m! We left for the shore station around 10 and spend about 2 hours there. At the shore station we did the same thing that we did on Tuesday. We used the theodolite and took the postions of all the vessels and pods of whales in the area. On Tuesday there was a lot of whales and only a couple of vessels. But today was totally the opposite, there was a ton of vessels and not as many whales. We also saw a school of Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins. There more than 50 dolphins that were jumping and swimming right passed us. It was incredible. After the we were done with the two 15 minute sessions, we ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island » Kailua-Kona February 29th 2008

Bright and early at 6 a.m., we got up and got ready for our long day. Yin and Chris came over this morning at 6:45 a.m. for some breakfast. The breakfast was from Chadd Paishon. He's a very kind man, who does great wonders. At about 8:30, we met up with Chadd and Richard Kaniho before we headed up to Mauna Kea. The drive up the mountain was about 45 minutes more or less. When we arrived to the Puuhuluhulu Ranch & Farm, we saw 4 horses and lots of cows. We got our planting supplies and headed up on a mountain. On the mountain, we were 7,000 ft. above sea level. Once we arrived to our spot area, Richard gave us all a brief history about the place and how the trees and canoeing relate ... read more
Restoration of the Mamane A'alii Trees
Restoration of the Mamane A'alii Trees
Restoration of the Mamane A'alii Trees

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