Blogs from Hawaii, United States, North America - page 169


North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu April 16th 2008

Aloha once again everyone! Our last planned stop in Oahu was at a luau in Paradise Cove on the leeward side of the island. We'd not explored that side of Oahu at all, so reaching our destination was a bit of a Mapquest adventure. Despite a few wrong turns, we managed to arrive on time and in one piece at the Ko Olina resort. At Paradise Cove, the luau grounds had a carnival atmosphere, i.e. many many activities going on all at once. I spotted tattoo artists, carvers, bead merchants, canoe rides, javelin throwing, tree climbing, hula lessons, trained parrots, and fishermen giving lessons on how to fish in the traditional Hawaiian manner (by casting a net). Grandma wasn't feeling in top shape so we took turns keeping her company on the veranda and checking out ... read more
Paradise Cove
Paradise Cove
Paradise Cove

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu April 15th 2008

I'm nearly nodding off as I type this, so I'm going to keep the entry brief tonight. We left Ewalani mid-morning to see the USS Arizona Memorial, thinking we'd arrive early enough to beat the crowds, but the site was completely packed by 10:00 AM. The ranger at the visitor center entrance gave us each a ticket, advised us of the expected wait time (about an hour) and sent us on our way, so we toured the museum and the book store on site while we waited The memorial is run by the National Park Service in conjunction with the Navy and they move people through the tour like clockwork, in an almost military fashion. After we got inside everything went very smoothly. Two tours run simultaneously, with each tour group watching a 30 minute documentary ... read more
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu April 14th 2008

How is it that I am consistently the last person to go to bed and the first person to wake up in this house? It's 10:30 Hawaii time and everyone is asleep after a long and grueling day of...yes, shopping! We returned to the Aloha market mid-morning today to finish exploring. Grandma also wanted an opportunity to enjoy the market since she wasn't able to come with us on Saturday (she wasn't feeling well so we left her propped up at the beach house with a newspaper and a good view of the surf). I won't bore you with more of the same since I described the market yesterday, but I will say that traversing the stadium and seeing most of the 700 vendors with an old lady in a wheelchair is an adventure in itself. ... read more
Aloha Market
Aloha Market
Aloha Market

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu April 13th 2008

Today was a day to feast and a day to shop! We all slept late and awoke to welcome blue skies. It's been a bit cloudy and drizzly on and off since we arrived because of volcanic activity on the Big Island-- it causes something called 'vog'. In fact, Honolulu looked very much like Portland with palm trees when we first flew in because of the drizzle and overcast skies (we asked the captain if he'd just flown full circle and taken us back to Oregon ). Anyhow, we slept late, me in particular. I usually have difficulty sleeping in any unfamiliar place for the first few days, and last night was the first night I slept soundly since arriving. I prepared a huge breakfast to fortify everyone for our shopping trip -- freshed brewed Hawaiian ... read more
Aloha Market
Aloha Market
Aloha Market

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki April 13th 2008

Aloha nach Deutsche Lande.. Ich melde mich nach etwas laengerer schreibpause nun wieder zurueck! Mein (unsere, war ja nicht alleine unterwegs) erstes ziel war hawaii..jaa.. viel zu erzaehlen..haben ja auch ziemlich viel gemacht in den 10 tagen.Also am ersten tag nach 5 ½ std flug haben wir uns gleich den ersten sonnenbrand eingefangen,als wir ne dreiviertelstunde in der prallen sonne auf den bus warten mussten.ok wir haetten uns auch ins bushaeuschen setzten koennen..;) im bus eingestiegen musste sich anja erstmal $1 von nem “wildfremden” leihen,da sie nur ne $50 bill hatte und der busfahrer auch kein wechselgeld hatte..das waere dann ein wenig zu teuer geworden. Aber es hat sich dann doch jmd bereit gestellt $1 zu spenden..nach gefuehlten 2 stunden busfahrt sind wir dann endlich in unserem hostel angekommen, haben uns auch kostengruenden dann fuer das ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Maui » Kahului April 13th 2008

Around the World in a Day Hello my omegoes and compadriades(i think i just made this word up....or it's mexican) So i have been gone for about two weeks now and thought it ripe time to be letting you know what is happening on this side of the world. Well America is in the worst economic state its been in for a while, 75% of America hates Busch and everyone wishes there was more choice in voting when it comes to their elections in a few months. Other than that, everything is great. Anyway onto more pressing So as you know i was able to spend a few days in Florida on the way to hawaii! Boy was that a good idea! I was able to just chill out a bit after a very hectic ... read more
Crazy in Love
Da Boys
They're Engaged!

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu April 12th 2008

Another long and eventful day, and another late night blog update (11:00 PM in Hawaii, 2:00 AM in Albany ). We decided on a road trip today to get an overview of Oahu as a whole. The island is only 44 miles long and 30 miles wide, so we thought we couldn't possibly get very lost. With me navigating and Tina driving what could go wrong, right? In the end, I only got us lost twice, and then only briefly. The wrong turns ended up being accidents of good fortune since we ended up stumbling across parts of the island we wouldn't have seen otherwise! Here's a link to an Oahu Map for reference. We started in Ewa Beach, just west of Honolulu on the map, and the plan was to take H1 east until we ... read more
Mason wearing his new shades
Sunset Beach

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu April 11th 2008

Aloha friends and family! It's 12:00 AM Oregon time (9:00 here in Ewa Beach) but it's been an eventful day and I'm not at all tired so I thought it would be a good time to upload some pictures and update the blog. We departed Albany at 5:00 AM for the drive to Portland and checked in at PDX with plenty of time to spare, so we stopped for a small breakfast at Rose's Restaurant and Bakery. I snapped a goofy and distinctly unflattering photograph of Granny (aka Rose) noshing on a bagel but I've promised not to post it on the internet (for now). Our flight departed right on time, 8:45, and the five hours went by in a snap (mostly I dozed, read, and grimaced at the in-flight movie P.S. I Love You. The ... read more
Tina and Mason picking up the rental car
Grandma Rose at the beach house
View of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor from our beach

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu April 10th 2008

A couple of weekends ago, was the 14th Annual Honolulu Festival. Though it’s in it’s 14th year here, admittedly I know very little of the origin and the purpose of this Festival and only started taking interest during the last 3 years. From what I can gather, it seems to be sponsored by a major Japanese Airline. The Convention Center is rented out for Cultural Performances by visiting Japanese Dancers and performers as well as various local ethnic groups such as Koreans, Filipino, Chinese, Okinawans, etc. As last year, an Australian Aboriginal and a Taiwanese Aboriginal Dance Troupe were brought in also. The 2 days event climaxed with a 4 hour parade down the main drag in Waikiki, known as Kalakaua Ave. Many various dance troupes especially Hula Dancers from Japan, as well as traditional and ... read more
View from Top of Diamond Head.
Park at Base of Diamond Head.
Korean Scholars Dance.

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki April 6th 2008

Strange experince of time travel We experienced a strange travelling thing, read carefully: we left Sydney at 6pm to fly to Hawaii. It was about an 8 hour flight, and we arrived 7am on the same day. So we lived Thursday the 3rd April twice - now that was weird! Our hotel room was comfy with great view across the town of Waikiki, and had a microwave and fridge, so we could eat more healthily and cheaply! What's it was like... The beaches here were busy and full of surfers sitting on their boards in the water waiting for the perfect wave to ride. Waikiki Beach was lovely with palm trees, sunbathers and the surfers. Everything was clean and organised. The roads near to the beach were lined in shops, with ample surfy type shops, Billabong, ... read more
Baseball mad
View from Diamond Crater
Pearl Harbor Memorial.

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