Blogs from Europe - page 10043


Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Guernica May 27th 2008

I´m getting closer to the "Camino de Santiago," the famous pilgrimage across Northern Spain that I´m planning to trek... Now I´m in Basque Territory, visiting the brother-in-law of my good friend, Christi. Ivan´s brother, David, and his wife, Liz, have been hosting me at their house near Gernika for the last couple of days, about 20 miles east of Bilbao. They have a 10-month old baby boy named Iñigo. David is from Seattle, and Liz is from Vancouver, Canada, so it´s nice to hang with English-speaking people again. David and Liz have been living in Spain for 2 years now. They are building a home on acreage with a view of the Atlantic Ocean (see photos). While they wait to get permits, they have a temporary cabin on the property. They also have an apartment nearby. ... read more
Bilbao - Zubizuri pedestrian bridge
Between Gernika & Bilbao
Liz, David and Iñiko Mendoza

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels May 27th 2008

Ok. The first entry is hard to start. I guess the beginning would be best. I do not suggest that you go on vacation with your family and only have 8 hours to recover from that and then take off on your own to a completely different continent. Speaking from experience, that is a very difficult situation. My flights were good over here (all three of them). I didn't actually get to sleep until the last flight from New York city to Brussels. When I landed here, it was 9am. I had a whole day to go through before I could sleep. Sunday (May 25), my first day was a blurr of exhaustion. I was so tired but I didn't want to fall asleep early in the day because I had school in the morning. My ... read more

Europe » Malta » Malta May 27th 2008

First stop on the cruise is the island nation of Malta. It’s a tiny brown speck on the map located between Sicily and north Africa. The island had a lot of British flavor to it, but the culture is a melting pot of Arabic, Greek, Italian, British, Spanish - and no doubt others. Apparently none of these cultures or conquerors brought traffic signs with them. We did not see a stop sign or a traffic light, and were later told that the island had none. None. No stop signs, no traffic lights. Driving (and therefore crossing the street) was an absolute free for all. We’re working on uploading pics to the blog, but Internet access on the ship is pay-per-minute, so we’ll have to wait until we’re on terra firma again before we can post pics. ... read more
malta fountain

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid May 27th 2008

Madrid City Last weekend Patxi (who worked with Mario in Japan) came to visit us from Alicante. We spent the weekend like real Spaniards, eating a big late lunch, then going for coffee, then having dinner at 10pm! Very busy, but a great weekend and nice to be shown around by the locals! One day last week, Mario worked at the Madrid Botanical Gardens, so I got a ride in and spent the day walking around admiring the beautiful architecture and appreciating the sunny day! xxxm&m... read more
Typical street in Madrid
Luis pouring the cider while we waited for a table
Saturday lunch with Patxi and his friends in Madrid

Europe » France » Upper Normandy » Rouen May 27th 2008

Well I made it to Rouen just fine as you all know. The ride up was nice, rolling hills with wheat and corn. All the fields have scarecrows in them and the ones that didn't had crows in them. Lots of little towns and villages, about 5 or so km apart. They are all quaint with very old buildings and windy streets. Every one has a steeple. The farmers live right on the edge of town, they aren't in the middle of fields. A few towns had a big chateau surrounded by a wall and other outbuildings. The country is relaxing, even the cows lounge around. Maybe that is why the cheese is so good. It is pretty laid back here. We get in at 9 am, drink coffee til about 9:30. Then another coffee break ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Stirlingshire » Stirling May 27th 2008

I suppose it just wouldn't be right if each year didn't get a little bit more difficult in my five year long battle against the evil company. In February, about a week before I left for Scotland, I called my HR contact to see if my position might still be open this summer. Unfortunately, I received this email about two days later: Dear Prospective Intern, Thank you for your interest in participating in the Summer Internship Program. We will be undergoing substantial global restructuring, reshaping, and repositioning of its organization in the upcoming months. We regret to inform you that due to the many complexities of this global process, the organization will not be in a position to sponsor and support a summer internship program in 2008. Once again, we appreciate your interest in Maersk Inc. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 27th 2008

Ola family part two! I don't have a lot of time so I have to make this one a quickie. I'm just here with Katie getting ready to go to the pub in the hostel here for a pint. woot! The hostel is really nice. No one else is booked into my room yet so so far it's all me. My hostel is a pretty prime location to - a block away from the metro and a little grocery store where I bought some food for dinner and red bull (only 90p here!). I'm right in the heart of a lot of pubs and shopping centres so there is plenty to explore tomorrow. The jet lag hasn't been too bad but I'm aiming to call it a night early tonight to get on schedule. No rain ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Gloucester May 27th 2008

Tuesday 27th May 2008 Hi Folks ! As I prepare to leave Ashleworth and head towards the FOD (Forest of Dean) the promised improvement in the weather seems a little optimistic. Last couple of days have been cold, wet and windy and this morning I had to decamp in the rain - which as those of you with experience of such joys will recall is not altogether pleasant. On the road by 9am and drove west through Glos towards FOD. On the way I diverted to some remote spots on the west bank of the Severn where life seems to have changed little in the past 100 years. Having decided to camp near a village called Goodrich just over the border into Herefordshire I decided to take in the eastern half of the FOD. Well ….. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hampshire » Southampton May 27th 2008

The date was the 18th of September, 1972 and I was nine years old at the time. The place was the France, a liner carrying my family and me to Europe for nine months while my father enjoyed his sabbatical. We were all eating lunch when Mom announced that she had a special treat for that afternoon. In the cinema, her favourite movie of all time was playing - “Gone With The Wind” and she was taking us to see it with her. It was the beginning of a love affair with the movie, the book and especially Clark Gable that continues to this day. So, you can imagine my reaction when I saw that playing in London this summer was “Gone With The Wind - The Musical”. There is only one person in the whole ... read more
Clark Gable

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini May 27th 2008

Our first real vacation in 3 years, and what a place to spend it in! We headed to Kamari beach on the Greek island of Santorini. There we learned what it was like to be lazy again. We spent the first 3 days laying by the pool or next to the ocean soaking up the sun. We'll take as much sun as we can get considering our skin hasn't seen it in 3 years (and definatley won't for another year--yeah for Englands weather)! One week just wasn't enought, but we did get a good tan started. We stayed at a wonderful hotel called the Bellonias Villas. They also have the best pool on the beach with a spectacular view. It was nice being able to switch back and forth from pool to beach. The beach was ... read more
Kamari Beach
Kamari Sunbeads and Umbrellas
Stacey w/Lobster Dinner

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