Blogs from Surrey, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 37


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey July 30th 2006

Ang does camping ! Bought a new tent and almost got enough tickets to get a Laleham club membership... Since I was in France last year, this was my first West family reunion. Water balloons, rounders in the park, barbecues and bacon sandwiches. Our Nan & Grandads would be pleased as punch to see three generations enjoying Laleham like the old days !... read more
My tent

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey July 27th 2006

...waiting for a new blog, first of all: get a life. Second of all: We promise a new one awaits you! You have to understand, though, that life here at Kingswood Hall is really busy, and when a delightful morsel of freedom presents itself, a nap or a beer or just staring into space for an hour is often exactly what the doctor orders. Also, since we have been in one location for a long time, and because it is a unique and intense environment, I think a retrospective blog will be the most interesting and accurate. If you're dying to know the day-to-day details, I can break it down for you: 1-Wake up, wish it was about five hours later in the day. 2-Lead some students on an excursion or endlessly exciting activities like squash, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey July 22nd 2006

Two weeks on and I'm back in England (after getting upgraded on our flight home to Business Class - we arrived back in style!) - I thought it was about time I put down some final thoughts and closed the travelling chapter of TravelBlog! I can't believe the adventure is over and now I'm back to the reality of life and the prospect of getting a job! Ok, here goes..... Total No. of flights: 22 Total No. of Countries: 12 BESTS Country: It's dificult but I think overall it's got to be New Zealand - such a beautiful country City: Melbourne - I loved it and also its the home of Ramsey Street! Nicest People: Australia and New Zealand Shopping: Beijing Most place likely to emmigrate to: Melbourne Greatest Achievement: Learning to dive, SCUBA dive that ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Guildford July 16th 2006

I am sitting at home just lazing around and not doing very much. England are doing well in the cricket for the first time in a while and having the luxury of lazing is something that i feel in three days time will be lost. I have a huge pile of kit just sitting in my room ready to be packed up tomorrow and a few little things to get but generally I am all sorted. For those of you reading this and unaware of what is about to be undertaken here is a brief intenary of the planned trip. Week One - Acclimatisation due to altitude and raft the head waters of teh Indus river. Week Two - Mountain bike the mountain passes across the Greater Himalaya. Week 3 - treek across the tibetan moonlands ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey July 7th 2006

So the adventure is now over, I am back in the comfort of my own home. My mum has decorated my room and has made room for all the boxes I have sent back. I now have the labourous task of sorting through everything and rediscovering what I have bought over the past 6 months! Time has really flown by this past 6 months, I can't believe half a year has passed and I have been the whole way around the world! People keep on asking me the same questions so I'm gonna break it down for ya'll. Total No. of flights: 22 Total No. of Countries: 12 BESTS Country: Thailand- because it was soo cheap, relaxed and full of culture China- because it was soo cheap New Zealand- because they have the best Lamb and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Ashford Common June 29th 2006

Today is my last day in the UK. My Brother 'Steve' lives in Ashford, Middlesex. So I made my way here yesterday from Plymouth. He met me at Terminal 4, Heathrow, where I leave from tonight, for my first leg of the journey, to Bangkok, Thailand. Felt really weird leaving Plymouth yesterday, Mum, Mark and John waving me off. Had a spot of bother the night before, I lost my mobile phone, which I'd had the network opened up, and had everyone's phone numbers to 'keep in touch'. Spent the whole coach journey, working through my address book, adding everyone's number to my new phone, which fortunately has been issued with the same phone number. In the London warmth at Heathrow bus station waiting for the service bus to take me to Terminal 4, I realised ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey June 24th 2006 a far off land, two Americans found themselves dizzy on vodka and knee-high in pigs. How could they possibly have arrived in such a magical, new world? Well, probably on a first-class flight across the Atlantic, by way of a crack town in London, via a green stretch of London earth, through a few stale English pubs, and on a creaky old RyanAir plane that goes bump through the air. That's probably how. ...... Our flight on MaxJet was fabulous. After our pre-flight lounge time, we boarded the plane and were promply offered champagne and hor'deurves, which of course we happily accepted. There was a delay in taking off, but the crew entertained us with a game or two. Talk about service. The drinks flowed like water, and I believe I drank champagne until my ... read more
Water Lillys
Kate and her new friend...
Pigs on the Polish farm...

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Guildford June 12th 2006

I'm off! At the moment Im a great mixture of nerves; anxious SLASH excited SLASH willing SLASH expectant SLASH absolutely petrified as really 4 months away, leaving by myself with a vague plan is quite nerve wracking... ive been having quite a few physical and emotional roller coasters.... Thanks for ALL the goodbyes... and there were many... dinner with my flat mates, drinks with cell x2 (Matt sorry for knocking the decks, thats one way to cut through a great atmosphere), bbq's x2 or 3 or 4, beach trips and afternoons in parks. Now I'm just sitting at home, nearly finished packing after a hectic family weekend! I hope everyone has a great summer, see you all soon, looking forward to lots of catch ups! Stay in touch! Hann x... read more
Dinner with the HSBC crew!
The Beach!!!
Pantomime Horse! Brilliant!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Farnham June 10th 2006

It's 10pm on Saturday night. More or less exactly 48 hours to go until we leave the UK on the first leg of our ten-month trip. Anticipation is gradually turning into mild nerves ! What is to constitute the entirety of our possessions for the next 10 months is laid out on the floor and looks remarkably scant ! ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Ashford Common June 1st 2006

This is just going to be a random post on what I have been up to over the past few months in London. I haven't been travelling much as it has been rather expensive to set myself up, with a job and a place to live .. not what you call cheap, that is for sure. There are going to be photos up here of my trip up to Scotland with the family. We had a Mcpherson family get together up in Newtonmore, in Scottland. Was a great trip but also rather cold. Photos from the events day and also the ball that we had to attend, all dressed up to the hilt :-) It was great to meet parts of the family that I had not seen before, all the way from Canada and also ... read more
The girls of the family
cousins birthday
my cousin and I

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