Blogs from Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe - page 133


Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 27th 2006

第一站係德國柏林。一落機係朝早8點幾,就要開始第一日o既行程啦,真係攰!首先去睇威廉大教堂,之後去睇新國會大樓、勃蘭登堡門等等。我一直期待睇柏林圍牆,但真係令人失望呀,我地只係坐o係車上面繞牆行左一周,o係哨站度落車影左d相ja。唉。 最震撼係去帕格蒙博物館。德國人將土耳其一座倒塌左o既希臘神殿、神像、巴比倫建築等等搬番泥德國重建!簡直...你唔識欣賞都會覺得震撼!入場費€40,好貴,但值得。 晚餐係地道著名啤酒及香腸,哈哈,不過我冇得飲。 酒店o係郊區,好好feel。 柏林俾我o既感覺係...十分之親切。好鍾意周圍都係德文o既感覺:)而且佢o既歷史令佢散發住一種好特別o既味道。... read more
Humboldt University

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 26th 2006

After Prague we headed to back into Germany and its reborn capital Berlin, but not before driving through very 'interesting' and 'amusing' sites near the Czech / German border - back were the garden gnomes and brothels. We were really looking forward to Berlin, and I was especially curious as my last visit was in 1989 about 5 months before the Berlin Wall came down. I was expecting it to have changed, but not sure to what extent. There were no campsites near the city centre so we stayed out near Potsdam on a very large lake surrounded by a very large park, so plenty of places to unwind and relax when not sightseeing (I know I can hear you all saying 'I think you have already done enough of that'). It was also a great ... read more
Checkpoint Charlie
Remains of the Wall at Checkpoint Charlie Museum
Sites on the Berlin Walking Tour

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 26th 2006

okay, i haven't written in a while both because it has been too hot to sit in front of a computer (it still is, but oh well) and because i've been homesick and a little depressed and haven't been able to think of anything interesting to say. however, today has been a much better day than I've had in a while. i went on a guided walking tour with a cultural program from my school in my neighborhood, and learned a lot about my neighborhood that i didn't know before. in fact, half of the tour took place directly in the few blocks around where i live, which is, aparently, called "samariterviertel." basically the entire neighborhood right around my apartment was left without basic services like plumbing and building maintanence during the GDR era, and I ... read more
Stalin Allee
Stalin Allee, Architectural Detail
Restored Building, Friedrichshain

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 22nd 2006

So, how do you see as much of the city as you can when you only have one day? A bike tour of course! And to anyone that is ever traveling around and you see a company called Fat Tire Bike Tours, TAKE THE TOUR! It was the best tour Ive been on so far. And we were dissapointed because we found out afterwards that there was one in Paris and Barcelona and if you did all three you would get a free t-shirt. Anyways, our bike tour started at 11am. We saw all the major sights incuding many parliment buildings, checkpoint charlie, the university where the burning of any free thinking book was burnt, a beer garden for lunch and of course, the balcony that Michael Jackson dangled his baby over! But for me, the ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 21st 2006

We got into Berlin in the afternoon and after finding our hostel we headed into town. We grabbed a very large iced coffee and as all of you have realized by now, spent a few hrs at the internet cafe to catch up on our blog! We both just want to say thank you for all the comments and the emails. We really love hearing them and we are so glad that we could provide some entertainment for you! Please keep all of it coming because even though we are having the time of our lives, we still miss home! Amie... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 20th 2006

i've been taking pictures but it has been a pain to get them uploaded onto this website, so everyone is just going to have to wait til i get home to see most of them, sorry. however, nathan has been here for the last week and has taken a posted of great pictures of places we've been in berlin. there are two spooky hallway pictures that come from my building. anyway, check out his site and click on photoalbum on the right if you want to take a peek: ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 18th 2006

Long gap in writing, much to report! Saturday was the 'Love Parade' in Berlin, which is basically a giant techno festival/rave in the Tiergarten in the afternoon and at various clubs later in the evening. I went with Nathan (a friend who is here visiting) even though I hate techno because it is such a hyped up event, my travel guide calls it one of the 25 things not to miss in Berlin. I can't overemphasize how ridiculously overhyped this thing is! If you like walking down the street with masses of people wearing far too little clothing and dancing very badly and giant trucks blasting techno, while dodging broken bottles and men carrying blow up sex dolls and trying to avoid having your eardrums blown out by people screeching on whistles, then you might like ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 15th 2006

Silly you ...don't think that I have met someone special is just happened that today in Berlin it is one of the biggest party. The love (parade) is back after 2 years of absence due to insufficient fund. It is where young people and wild teenagers who like techno and dancing music can enjoy the blasting sound from the oversize amplifier in float parade trucks represented a lots of clubs in all over europe. This is one event in someone's lifetime who should experience before he/she die ?? extracted from a book titled 100 things to do and visit before you die. it is an interesting sight to witness. Kids (I can call these teenagers) are drinking, making noise, whitsling, dancing wildly and somewhat passionately through various DJ who make appealing and sounding music. Saw ... read more
best view

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 14th 2006

Saturday. Second day in Berlin. Arrive yesterday. Taking an all day tour today for 10 euros. Leaving from the hostel at 1015 AM and we saw the new synagogue in a moorish-byzantine style which originally when it was built in the late 1836 was the largest synagogue in Germany. Berlin Wall was built in 1961 divided the east and west germany. Checkpoint Charlie was where people from the east can cross and seek refugee status when the city was undersiege by the soviet then. Visited the Memorial to the Murdered European Jews - a vast grid of concrete blocks of various hight ...resemble an abstract field of wheat in the wind. Last night went out to eat with a few people from the hostel, we stumble at a thai-vietnamese restaurant. I was able to order and ... read more
Brandenburg Gate
Berlin Wall

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 13th 2006

Well, the excitement of being in a new and unfamiliar place has started to wear off a little, and I think I'm in a bit of a slump. Learning German is really hard. And I'm sort of homesick, which I realize is totally ridiculous seeing as I've only been here less than 2 weeks, but so it is. I also hurt my back sitting on a very hard cobblestone street to watch the world cup game at this public viewing, so I've been in pain, which doesn't help. I did go on an interesting cultural program the other day, and learned a funny story about Bertolt Brecht that I'll pass on here. So, for those unfamiliar with him, Brecht was a socialist playwright from Germany, author of The Threepenny Opera, Mother Courage, etc. Wrote between the ... read more

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