Blogs from Puno, Peru, South America - page 17


South America » Peru » Puno » Puno September 4th 2011

Your correspondent is typing from a new city about a previously visited town purely by memory. This is very confusing as he is collecting his thoughts about a future blog concerning the new city while having to use a memory befuddled by illness about a previous town while drinking beer that Wendy has challenged the taste of , while she sits in a hammock drinking coca tea . Confused ? – you will be after this week’s episode of Blog !!!! There is a bonus point for those of my dear readers who recognise that previous phrase from an 80’s television show. We left our future home of Bolivia and boarded a bus towards Peru. More stamps in passport as we crossed another border control on our way towards the town called Puno. Having arrived under ... read more
The town centre!
There were baby chickens in there!
Our guide (on the right) and local lad (on the left) explain stuff!

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Taquile Island August 12th 2011

Day 19:- Spent a large proportion of the day travelling to Puno (in a rather uncomfortable minibus). There wasn´t much going on here to be honest, perhaps as it was a Sunday? We sampled a “curry” for tea - it wasn´t. Day 20:- We began the day by getting a tuk tuk down to the port. At which point we boarded a boat to take us to Taquile Island on Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is immense and very beautiful. On Taquile Island we met the locals who performed traditional dances in the main square in the village. From the Island you could see the snow-topped mountains of both Peru and Bolivia. After (a rather tasty) lunch we caught the boat to a peninsula off the mainland where we were to stay the night… with a local ... read more
The Amazon
Homestay on Lake Titicaca
The "Floating Islands" of Uros

South America » Peru » Puno August 3rd 2011

Geo: -15.84, -70.05 På vei til Puno. Etter en kort natt ble vi hentet kl 0700 for å ta bussen til Puno. I Puno skal vi ut på Titicacasjøen og se på sivbåter og siv-øyer og få litt mer inka-kultur.Bussturen til Puno tok vi i fjor også - Det er en reise i et vakkert høyfjellslandskap. Langs veien er det høye fjell og vidder hvor dyrene går og beiter. Her bor folk i jordhytter med stråtak eller blikktak. De færreste av dem har strøm. Å se dette landskapet er som å skru tiden tilbake 100 år. Her drives jordbruket med okse og kjerre. Dyra har gjetere. Vi hadde noen kulturelle stopp underveis, bl.a. en gammel kirke og et inka-reservat. Alt dette så vi også i fjor, i år hadde vi en guide som var litt raskere ... read more
Guiden ved Racchi
Helge i solen
Camilla ved bodene

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Taquile Island August 1st 2011

After a night bus from Cusco, we arrived in Puno very early in the morning around 4:30am. We hung out at the bus station for about 15 minutes, just enough time to catch a tout offering a tour of the floating islands and a "friend" who has a hostel. We hopped in a cab and were off to the hostel. After about an hour nap, we were up and ready to head to the floating island tour! We headed down to the docks at Lake Titicaca - the largest lake in South America and at 3800m altitude, the highest commercially navigable lake in the world. Hopped on a boat and off we went to Uros Islands. The Uros Islands are a bunch of man made islands constructed of reeds. Everything on the islands were constructed of ... read more
Taquile Island Parade
Us + Parade
Pretty archway

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island July 31st 2011

In transit to our next destinations, Julia Anna and I stopped in Puno to check out Lake Titicaca (Pronounced Teeteehaha) which is at the border of Peru and Bolivia. I had to make a decision on whether I wanted to visit the Jungle or visit Lake Titicaca and Arequipa. Prior to my arrival in Peru I was already a little anxious to pay the Jungle a visit, the following reasons being; I´m terrified of creepy crawlers and snakes that have the capability of biting me with toxic venom ISH! Another reason being that I always happen to come across someone with a horror story from the Jungle, For example: About a month ago there were two travelers floating down the river in the Jungle, when natives happened to spot them and naturally assumed that they had ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Puno July 26th 2011

Nice bus trip to Puno and visiting of Puno (not very special...).... read more
Miriam 388
Miriam 389
Miriam 390

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca July 26th 2011

Very nice and sunny day on the floating islands of the uros! : ) Afterwards we visited the funeral towers.... read more
Miriam 473
Miriam 474
Miriam 475

South America » Peru » Puno July 25th 2011

Geo: -15.6693, -69.7117Estos últimos dos días han sido en el aislamiento. El domingo a primera hora partí hacia las islas de lago titikaka primero las islas flotantes de los uros, una comunidad que en la actualidad vive en el lago titikaka sobre islas flotantes que ellos construyen hechas de totora, originalmente en tiempos antiguos esta era una tribu que vivía en tierra pero por los conflictos con los incas y otros pueblos deciden construir sus casas sobre las balsas de totora y luego construir estas islas de totora sobre el lago. Básicamente las construyen con las raíces de la totora y luego con la misma totora que van poniendo sobre ella en capas, hay una foto que aparece un habitante explicándolo. Estas se agrupan en varias comunidades de las cuales varias están abiertas al turismo, todas ... read more
desayuno en la cocina de isabel
nuestra anfitriona
balsa de los uros

South America » Peru » Puno July 23rd 2011

Geo: -15.8333, -70.0333Hoy sábado nuevamente madrugar tipo 5.30 para ir a tomar el bus hacia Puno, este era como un tour ya que iba parando en algunas atracciones en el camino e incluía un almuerzo bufet que estuvo muy contundente, incluyendo el ceviche de trucha del día. Lo malo mucha gente aunque en el bus que iba yo eran pocos andaban varios buses que hacen la misma ruta, lo mejor fueron unos paisajes y lugares del altiplano muy inhóspitos aun así hay población que se dedica a la crianza de la llama y alpaca, bueno hay muchos otros detalles pero no me voy a extender mas. Finalmente al llegar a Puno tenía la idea de ir a una reunión hoy en la tarde porque mañana no podría, asi que llegue 5.30 a la ciudad tome taxi ... read more
templo inca original
peruana cargada
llegando a rayas a 4 mil metros

South America » Peru » Puno » Puno July 2nd 2011

Have just rested down after an overly large lunch which wasn´t entirely planed! We found a tiny little restaurant which was packed full of locals so obviously went insisde. We paid for the ´menu´ which was S6 each (about 1 pound 50) and sat down to wait. 5 courses arrived! Surprisingly good food for such an absolute bargain...think that the post-prandial slump is going to be timed perfectly with getting on the bus to Arequipa - sleep time! We went to visit the floating islands on Lake Titicaca this morning which were really beautiful - brightly clad locals on floating reed islands. Little disconcerting bouncy feeling on walking on them, but really impressive quite how ingenious they have been with the reeds (they´re even edible when fresh!). We took a boat ride on a reed gondala ... read more

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