Blogs from Nazca, Ica, Peru, South America - page 19


South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines August 6th 2007

Het lukte ons jammergenoeg niet om ´s nachts naar Nazca te rijden, waardoor we nog een nachtje in Lima bleven. Na een relaxte tocht kwamen we rond 16.30u aan in Nazca, de plaats waar de indrukwekkende figuren in de woestijn waren aangelegd. De volgende dag zijn we met een vliegtuigje over de pampa van Nazca gevlogen om de bizarre figuren te aanschouwen. Tijdens het opstijgen was het nog dikke pret maar bij aankomst van het eerste figuur en het rondcirkelen werd Onno toch enigszins een beetje heel erg ziek. Hij kon maar 2 a 3 foto´s maken en zat de rest van de vlucht met een zakje in zijn hand (wel heeft hij gelukkig alles kunnen zien, maar met een lichte spanning in zijn buik). Hahaha... Angela heeft gelukkig wel een hoop mooie foto´s kunnen maken. ... read more
De landingsstrips van Erik von Daniken

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 25th 2007

Not much to see here in Nazca except for, of course, the famous Nazca lines. About a few hours bus ride away from our last stop in Ica, Nazca falls on a kind of flat plateau between quite low lying mountains and hills. There´s one large airport with loads of light aircraft purely to take tourists up into the air - the only way to see the lines. Sitting only five to plane the views are great (if you can put up with the plane constantly having to bank so you can see the lines!) - it really is amazing the number of lines going in all directions, believed to be marking stars, the sun and underground water courses. Its pretty much a giant, and ancient, map. The most interesting lines to see are those in ... read more
The dog
The Condor

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 23rd 2007

Hello, Travel the air above the Nasca Lines is something special. We were picked up at he hotel and transferred to the local airport, where a cesnapilot invited five people into his aircraft. During half an hour we were circling at low altitude aswel left side as right side in a sharp angle above the Nasca Lines, triangulars, and symbols for animals as spider, monkey, and eagle, so our stomac was tested for sure. This way we could experience what a german lady Reiche had been studying for many years, we loved it.... read more
Nasca Lines 001

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 23rd 2007

Well never thought a plane ride could make you feel so sick, Today I boarded a Cesna, tiny little seater light aircraft for 45 mins to see tha Nazca Lines, there were about 4 planes in the same air space, all leaving within 5 minutes of each other, they tell you that thay leave every 10 minutes, but while I was waiting for my flight, I took note that they were lucky to be 3 minutes apart, our pilot was all of 12 I think, just joking, but he was very nervous and I believe he had little flying time, the Nazca lines were awesome, great huge shapes in the desert, god knows how they were put there or how they stay there, I have plenty of pics, found out my birth sign was the ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 18th 2007

Today we had a very early start ( 3am!) to catch our bus to see the Nazca Lines. The Nazca Lines are (in case like me you didnt know) a series of geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert, created by the Nazca culture between 200 BC and 700 AD. There are hundreds of individual figures, ranging from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, and lizards. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the Nazca Lines, like who they were made by and why, so we were very intrigued to see them for ourselves. The bus journey was a real eye opener. Before now all we had seen of Peru was Lima, which was quite a cosmopolitan city but this was completely different. Amanda and I both thought we had awoke from our sleep on ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 17th 2007

Arrived in Nazca in the afternoon, checked into our hostal and had a much needed shower! Kat booked her flight over the lines for the next morning. We then went off in the search of food..and had to of course sample the local Ican wine, which as bad as it may sound, is actually very nice! Bought a very classy Inca Kola t-shirt..which is bright yellow! You would be so jealous Al!! Woke up bright and early to have breakfast and waved Kat off on the plane. I took the budget travellers option and went to the Mirador to see just two of the lines from above. Still very impressive even from 10 meters above! Went back into Nazca to check out some buses to Cuzco! Ended up on the plushist (best word ever!) bus ever, ... read more
Half a tree..

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 17th 2007

Arrived fresh from boarding the dunes at Huacachina (wow, that makes us sound so much better than 'falling over and hitting ourselves with our boards'!) still covered in sand so checked straight into a hostal in order to shower. The tout who had met us at the bus terminal to take us to a hostal (which was the top of the list in the Lonely Planet anyway so we didn't mind) was trying to sell tours of the Nazca lines. After having talked to people on the way down through Peru and considering it is high season it didn't seem too bad so I signed up for a forty minute flight the following morning. Wandered around Nazca in search of food and red wine (we'd had enough of budgeting by this point!) to end the ... read more
The plane I flew
The Monkey
The Dog

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 16th 2007

Arrived at 5am in Nazca, and as the rooms were not ready, we watched the Nazca Lines video, very informative, ate breakfast and relaxed by the pool before our flight. Nice warm weather as getting nearer the equator! We took to the air, at 12.55pm in a light aircraft to see the Nazca lines. There were great views of mountainous scenery and we saw various shapes including the astronaut (sometimes described as an alien), Condor, and geometric shapes, but unfortunately not the monkey. Amazingly these shapes have survived all the various earthquake waves. Lots of dipping and diving in the air, in a noisy light aircraft. Spread over 500 km of arid land the Nazca lines are a mystery to their creation. Some believe they were an astronomical calendar, while others suggest they are ritual walkways, ... read more
Our Light Aircraft
Desert Views Below
Condor  - Nazca Lines

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca July 16th 2007

I am over a week behind in updating this thing, so I was going to try and squish a whole bunch into one entry, but it got long and the internet for uploading photos is super slow so I’m breaking it into two parts. Bear with me. The thing about Cusco is that it is the kind of place that can suck you in and keep you forever. I loved it, it had all the things that I need to be comfortable, and I could have spent days if not weeks just wandering the streets and being mellow. Good people, good times. On Sunday I did the city tour, which was the last thing I really wanted to get done, so I decided it was time to pry myself away. I went first thing Monday morning ... read more
The bus waiting
The flat tire

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 8th 2007 didnt get a chance to update yester day so here it goes... omg...yesterday was the best day ever!!!! we left lima at 5am and we started our adventure to paracas. we arrived at paracas at 9am. we took a 2hr boat ride around the sourouding islands. we saw kindof like a nazca line but it was used to direct pirates and to tell fishermen where to fish being that they had no maps. then we continued to another island. we saw real life boobies (penguins) and sea lions. it was absolutely amazing! when do u get a chance to see these things when u are not in a zoo! i couldnt believe that i was seeing these animals in their natural habitat. we rode around the island and saw thousands of thousands of birds. they ... read more

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