Blogs from Nazca, Ica, Peru, South America - page 21


South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca May 9th 2007

After another overnight bus ride we arrived in Nazca and Nick decided to do the flight over the Nazca lines again to try and get some better photos. They turned out not too bad but the best view was from the plane. There isn´t an awful lot else to do in Nazca, so after a brief stop we made our way to the capital Lima. We stayed in the seaside suburb of Miraflores which seems quite upmarket and out of keeping with the rest of Peru with Starbuck´s and McDonald´s etc. We didnt spend long in Lima either as we were keen to fit in one last trek before Ecuador. Next stop was Huaraz which is the trekking and mountaineering capital of Peru. We did the Santa Cruz trek in the beautiful Cordillera Blanca. The ... read more
Lima Light House

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca May 7th 2007

We jumped on a bus in Ica for the 2 hour journey south to our next destination, Nazca. The town of Nazca is surrounded by dry arid flats which from the ground seem pretty uninteresting, the excitement only occurs once you take to the air. Stretched across 500 sq km of the plains are the spectacular Nazca lines, these lines form a remarkable network consisting of over 800 lines, 300 figures and approximately 70 animal and plant drawings. These lines were mostly made by removing the top layer of stones, which have been darkened by the intense sun revealing lighter stones below. There are a whole host of theories as to why these lines in the desert were created approximately 2000 years ago, especially as they can only be appreciated from the air. A German mathematician ... read more
Looking Scared?
Space Man.

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines May 6th 2007

Nazca: Some of you may have heard of the famous Nasca Lines. Funny animal like shapes engraved into the land only visible from the air- yes more small propeller planes like travelling last time, not good. But the Monkey, Hummingbird, Frog, Condor etc were impressive if not truly bizarre, even if I couldnt pay them my full attention for the fear. The post flight display was even better, almost getting arrested AGAIN! This time for "not paying airport tax," which our operator, (in hindsight just a dodgy man called Stephen) said was included. Should have known when our driver to the airfield looked like he had 2 glass eyes! Nick on principle voices our refusal and sure enough "the Mayor" as he liked to call himself has the police at our hotel before you know it. ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines May 4th 2007

We have arrived in Ecuador, and the prospect of another new country is exciting. Quito, the capital, seems a good base for our travels, and I have had a kind of a crazy first day. Callum has fallen sick with the flu unfortunately, so was temporarily bed bound while I explored Quito in search of a launderette. I am sure you may have noticed before…… following maps and generally having bearings is not my strongest point. I set off baring two large rubbish bags of filthy clothes, and surprise surprise 30 minutes later, the plastic bags had split open, undies were flying, and I was red faced and frustrated! Ahhh, the conveniences of having a washing machine AND a dryer in our own homes, something I will never take for granted again!!! One deep breath, ... read more
All set to go!
Sand Boarding
The Astronout

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca April 26th 2007

We arrived by the little train in Tachna, a 1930's type railway station that has been turned into a museum. It has old trains, equipment, photos and stamps of trains. At the railway station we had our passports stamped again. We had been told the bus stop was just down the road from the train, don't catch a taxi, just walk. Well it is ages away. The bus station is a most unusual place. Full of indigenous people who had been to Tachna to buy good for their stalls or shops. They unpacked all their shopping and put it in big bags. The most unusual thing I saw was a man who unpacked all his light bulbs and put them into a bag and folded all the light bulb boxes and tied them with string. How ... read more
The shower head, strange having wires in with you
Nazca streets are nicely done up with shapes from the surrounding areas.
Houses made of brick.

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines April 21st 2007

So after Trujillo we went by nightbus to Lima, the capital of Peru. This time I hardly slept (which was due to a cappucino after dinner in a very nice Italian restaurant), so was a bit tired when we arrived... Lima has quite a bad reputation (being a dangerous, ugly place) but in reality we were pleasantly surprised. It has some very nice neighbourhoods, like Mileflores and Barranco and parts of the city make me think of Barcelona. Lima has 8 million inhabitants and is thus very big. 80% of the time a big cloudy fog hangs around the city since the El Nino current and the Humboldt current bang into each other around Lima. Fortunately this time of the year it is warm and sunny although winter is approaching. As soon as we arrived we ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines April 18th 2007

Lines South America » Peru » Nazca » Nazca Lines By Elmo AbbeyApril 18th 2007Abbey ElliottOut in the peruvian desert are some pretty crazy lines made by some nice people. the best way to see them is from the air so that is what the travel team tummy trouble did. its quite a spectacular thing to see. going up in a cessna light aircraft was also fun. In hindsight getting leathered the night before might not have been the best preparation for us, especially as our pilot treated us to a couple of low passes and negative g pushovers where it felt like we were weightless. not much to see i... read more
This is not funny
chocks away
lines 1

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines April 11th 2007

Word to the herd. Bus journey was rubbush, and was only made passable due to the three prescription sleeping tablets i knocked back. Win. Arrived in Nascar in remarkably bad mood not aided by Corina the moaning german moaning about everything. this was annoying. What wasnt annoying was it being my turn to have a double room in the hotel to myself, and therefore being able to get a few hours sleep before breakfast without falling out of the stupid midget sized peruvian beds. After breakfast headed to the aeroport to have a flight over the world (but not me) famous Nascar lines, which are very cool, and show giant pictures of monkeys, condors, people, spiders etc that are only properly visible from the sky. Flight was brilliant fun, in tiny little plane that only fitted ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca April 7th 2007

I continue south to one of the world's greatest archaeological mysteries, the Nazca Lines. The lines consist of patterns and pictures etched in the ground, crisscrossing a wide area of flat desert. Some of the lines measure up to 10 km (32 miles) in length, and yet remain perfectly straight. The depictions of birds, insects and animals are only recognizable from the air. Who drew the lines, and why, is something modern archaeologists can only theorize about, but current beliefs suggest that they may be part of complex agricultural calendar. From the ground we can make out very little, and the best view is from a light aircraft, which I will charter to take me up for a better view!... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca April 5th 2007

I was ready by 0230hr and headed out to one of many bus stations in Lima with my male guide, Angel. The bus wasn´t full and made additional stops within Lima. Apparently the fare gets cheaper if you board outside the station but they aren´t particularly safe. We caught the 0310hr bus to Paracas, a cambio to the main square, then walked the rest of the way to a private dock where I would board a boat to see the Ballesta islands. The whole trip took just over 4 hours. On the way over, we saw Candelabra, a pattern etched into the sand and rock of an island not far from the mainland. Our guide offered a few explanations: pre-Incan, for navagation, or in other words, we have no bloody clue! Isla Ballesta is also ... read more
Massive sand dunes outside Ica
Rock formations

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