Blogs from Ayacucho, Peru, South America - page 5


South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 24th 2008

Hey all!! yes I made it back from the jungle intact!!! It was a long torturous bumpy drive, we left 6:30am friday and didn't reach our hostel 'til 6pm, after stopping for breakfast, lunch and a flat tyre!! The scenery was breathtaking on the way down, however the roads were very narrow, winding and for the most part unpaved!!! When we finally got out of the minibus the humidity hit us like a blast from a furnace, it reminded me of florida, but of course no air conditioning here!!! We stayed in the town of Sibia, on the banks of the Rio Apurimac, which is the beginning of the Amazon. We didn't do much on friday, just went to dinner and watched the flies stick to the toilet paper hanging from the lights!! That night we ... read more
boat trip
fishermen in rubber tubes
sexist monkey

South America » Peru » Ayacucho » Ayacucho September 22nd 2008

Bisher habe ich ja nur mehr oder weniger oberflaechlig geschildert, wie es hier so von statten geht und was anders ist als im good Ol´Germany. Heute gehts.. tadaaa... um mich. Ich hab schon viele E-Mails bekommen, in denen ich beneidet werde.. also so schoen, Bilderbuchlandschaft, neue Erfahrungen, neue Freunde, perfektes Spanisch.. usw. Ja, stimmt. Aber das ist nur eine Seite der Medallie. Und jetzt gehts mal um die andere. Zunaechst mal.. ich vermisse Deutschland so sehr. Klar, es kuemmern sich hier alle um mich und mit Narcio verstehe ich mich besonders gut. Aber mit meinen wahren Freunden kann ich das nun einmal nicht vergleichen. Ihr fehlt mir alle so. Bevor ich losgeflogen bin, war ich guter Dinge und der Satz "Ist ja nur ein Jahr, das geht schnell vorbei." ging mir ganz leicht von den Lippen. ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho » Ayacucho September 21st 2008

Heute ist Sonntag und wie im fernen Deutschland hat man hier genauso wenig zu tun. Nachdem wir gestern abend noch in der Stadt essen gegangen sind (amerikanisches Sandwich und Sahnetorte.. ich warte schon sehnsuechtig auf meine erste Lebensmittelvergiftung!) und deswegen erst gegen ca. 12 wieder daheim waren, konnte ich heute etwas laenger schlafen. Zum gestrigen Abend ist noch zu sagen, dass wir Stromausfall hatten (Narcio fiel das waehrend des Fahrens auf und um es mir begreiflich zu machen, stellte er einfach mitten im dichtesten Regen - der mit einem Scheibenwischer bekaempft wurde das Licht aus.. Das Auto war mit 8 Leuten zudem total ueberladen, aber das nehmen hier alle ganz locker, bis auf die Polizei zumindest. Migues faehrt z.B. auch ohne Fuehrerschein Motorrad.) und so zum ersten Mal meine Maglite zum Einsatz kam. Heute sind wir ... read more
Mercado tambien

South America » Peru » Ayacucho » Ayacucho September 19th 2008

So. Maedels! Es ist Freitag, ca. halb 5. Wir werden jetzt gleich mein Handy abholen, nachdem das aus verschiedenen Gruenden (Constancia.. also Zahlungsfaehigkeit) nicht funktioniert hat. Idiotisch wie wir nunmal sind, ist es auch dieses Mal nichts geworden (wir haben es schon am fruehen Nachmittag probiert), da genau diese Constancia ein weiteres Mal fehlte. Nach typischer suedamerikanischer Gelassenheit sind wir dann halt erstmal was essen gegangen. Ich habe im Restaurant "Lomo saltado" genommen, was Rindfleisch mit Zwiebeln, Tomaten, Kartoffeln und Reis darstellte. Fuer 4 S/ (ein Euro!) gab es auch noch eine Suppe, ein Getraenk (zuma de piña - Ananassaft) und einen Nachtisch. Ich lebe hier wirklich guenstig. So kostet die Busfahrt z.B. 70 centimos (mehr ist auch nicht gerechtfertigt, bei diesen alten Rostlauben.. Busfahren ist jedes Mal wieder ein Erlebnis fuer sich. In der offenen ... read more
Der Amazonas?
Der Titicacasee
Lima - Kathedrale

South America » Peru » Ayacucho » Ayacucho September 18th 2008

Hey all!! Monday was a great day at the Salud Mental, first we had a mini-physio session where we rolled out mats and helped the kids to roll/crawl/tumble their way down them. We took one of the girls, Maria Fernanda, down to the shop to help us buy some fruit for lunch, and then the usual encouraging them to sit still to eat! In the afternoon there was older kids in, two of whom had autism, and we tried different activities such as music and dance. I worked two shifts at the Salud Mental again on wednesday, sports activities in the morning with a lot of throwing balls around randomly, and then a quiet teo hours playing board games with the older children. Today I had a different experience when I joined Julien at Yanmilla Prison. ... read more
exercise time!!
prison stamps

South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 16th 2008

Hey all, we all survived the llama trek!! It was brilliant, we left Ayacucho at 8:30 saturday morning, in a bus packed with food and gear by Pancho, luxury catered camping!! We drove for about 2 hours to a small village about 12000ft in the andes where we met out llamas, they were such funny creatures- proud and graceful with necks held high and huge black eyes. They were all decked out in colourful headpieces and ribbons, and big bells around their necks. Our bags were strapped to their backs and off we went with two herders on horseback to guide them. The hike wasnt that strenuous but the altitude literally took our breath away. We were chewing coca leaves on the way up and stopping for water breaks so none of us got sick, but ... read more
our host's home

South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 12th 2008

Hey all, Llama trek is definalely on this weekend, we are leaving tomorrow moring at 8 which isnt too bad, camp overnight and soak up the hot springs on sunday!! Last night we went out to dinner for Kyndal, Liese and Carol´s second last night in Ayacucho, Carol broké out the pisco and we all had shots, awfully good stuff!! After we went to Erick (Pancho's son - the guy who organises our trips) house where some friends of his were playing andean music and some more recognisable folk songs. Today Molly came with me to the Salud Mental and we both went on home visits, still an amazing experience. Just back from salsa lessons I'm gonna ache tomorrow!! It's incredibly tricky to incorporate the hip moves into the tiny pounding steps but it was fun ... read more
the two Irish

South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 11th 2008

Hey all!! Not much to report this week!! Everyone arrived back on monday evening, with amazing stories I can't wait to go!! I spent most of my time reading, learning spanish, shopping and getting followed around by strange peruvian men. Well one strange man who wanted to buy my purses and postcards and I did shake him off before I got back to the house. So been busy working at placements, a lot less busy this week thank god but still a lot of fun. Today I worked with the adults at the Salud Mental, it was sports day so we went somewhere to play volleyball and soccer for two hours in the sun!! Thank god for factor 50!!! We had a guest speaker today about traditional medicine which was mildly interesting and then missed our ... read more
walking back

South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 6th 2008

Well it´s been a hectic first week but it´s now the weekend and I can finally catch up with everything!!! I got over the altitude sickness on tuesday night, stopped falling asleep and feeling nauseous, which was lucky for me, as that night Charlotte got sick. Apparently I only got a mild form as she was throwing up all night long and didn't recover properly til friday!! The next day Julien got sick during the day and three others that night, dropping like flies!! So touch wood that´s all we´ll get, the three girls who were here a few weeks ahead of us kept scaring us by saying that all initial 40 of their group were sick the first week!! Everyone else is off on a trip to the coast this weekend, I didn't go as ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho September 2nd 2008

bleugh!!! altitude sickness is horrible!!! I haven't actually got sick yet but sure feel like I want to in the evenings!!!! I also fall asleep repeatedly at 8pm and could eat all day, never go anywhere without a bottle of water!!! So anyways, started my first placement today with streetchildren, who don't actually live in the streets, just work on the, and not in a bad way either!! Their parents work in the markets nearby and when the children don't helpout, they are in with us. I was only there for three hours, got mauled with hugs when I arrived!! I played with the small children and played chess with the older ones, who also attempted to teach me spanish!! We started spanish lessons last night so just need to practice everyday. Yesterday after lunch we ... read more
Julian pre-bull encounter
Ayacucho's town centre

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