Blogs from Bogota, Colombia, South America - page 17


South America » Colombia » Bogota May 11th 2012

So I've finally got some photos to post of general living in Bogotá, to give you a flavour of what day-to-day life is like here. Sorry its taken so long...foreigners walking around with their cameras out are generally asking for trouble so its taken until now for me to feel a little more savvy than the standard tourist and to feel comfortable taking photos! Anyway, I'm living in a barrio called the Candelaria which is the oldest and most traditional part of the city, and despite being part of the city centre is actually right on the east edge, pressed up against the mountains. Since being founded, the city has expanded mainly to the north and south and a little to the west, but is obviously hemmed in by the mountains to the edge, so the ... read more
My official ID
The view from my roof
The view from the street outside my flat.

South America » Colombia » Bogota May 7th 2012

Day 203 Tuesday 1st May Today started like yesterday with a late breakfast and then hitting the streets looking at the shops, but today the temptations was too strong and I have brought a few things. A few of the shops in town have weaving machines and actually produce the fabrics in store, and then create a whole range of clothing. We bought a few items too many for our backpacks but are hoping to try and mail stuff home when we get to Bogota. We also took a walk down to the bus terminal and checked out the bus schedule for our journey tomorrow. The café we dropped in at yesterday was so good we decided to stop at again, and whilst there a bunch of guys approached us and asked if we would do ... read more
Villa de Leyva

South America » Colombia » Bogota May 1st 2012

Hello! Hoping everyone is well and continuing to enjoy the many engagements, "big" birthdays, baby having, wedding type malarky that seems to be cluttering up my Facebook of late! It's all go! So the next installment of the wild and wonderful adventures this side of the pond was Colombia baby. School was absolutely mad the last couple of weeks before end of term with reports and special weeks and "green" things happening - the usual. We were all in great need of a big break! Sara, Lucinda, Doug and I went to Colombia together with the first stop in Bogota. It was SO nice to get out of Venezuela where we could use our "real" money and meet other English speaking travellers and walk around without fear of muggings/kidnap/etc. Some kind and random person has commented ... read more
Doug and Sara
Our police guide

South America » Colombia » Bogota April 21st 2012

De rit van Manizales naar Bogota was weer een waar avontuur. Omdat het goede vrijdag was had ik uitgezocht of en zo ja wanneer er een bus ging. Tien uur in de ochtend was de beste optie. Toen ik rondt negen uur op het busstation aan kwam liep er gelijk een man op mij af en riep "Bogota direct". Het bleek om een taxibusje te gaan wat op het punt van vertrekken stond. Slechts 5.000 cop (ca 2 euro) duurder dan de grote bus. Ik redeneerden dat dit busje sneller zou rijden als de grote bus en ook nog eens ca één uur eerder vertrekken. Het leek mij een prima deal. Waarom werken die prima deals van mij vaak niet erg goed uit? Deze chauffeur kan zo de formule 1 in. De bus rit was prima ... read more
Andres de carne de res
The Cranky croc  helpful staff
Lunch with Judith

South America » Colombia » Bogota April 21st 2012

Wandeling door downtown Bogota. Het zijn vaak de kleine dingen die het leven in een stad het beste weer geven. Onderstaande foto's heb ik genomen op een wanderling door een klein deel van down town Bogota en mijn bezoek aan Monsarate, een kerk hoog op een berg boven Bogota.... read more
Schaken op straat
Down town Bogotá
Mucha lluvia

South America » Colombia » Bogota March 16th 2012

Friday 2nd March - Tunja to Bogota Having procured some foil bowls and granola from the local 'Exito' (Tescoesque) we continued our theme of cheap eating for breakfast. Our 3 hour bus ride to Bogota was the 1st we've had to date that hasn't been held up by an accident. On arrving in the capital I then further incurred the wrath of Stacie after squeezing us in to a tiny public bus to take us 10km into the centre of the city rather than take a taxi for 10 extra bucks. For me, making these decisions is partly the money saving but also partly the adventure and challenge of doing something that most tourists don't bother with and who take the easy option of jumping in the 1st taxi that comes along. Taxis generally aren't even ... read more
Candelaria Bogota
San Jose Church Popayan
Chocolate and Cheese in Bogota

South America » Colombia » Bogota March 13th 2012

Nu nog een goedkoop vliegticket naar Colombia zien te vinden. Ik ga ervoor om eerst maar eens de Caribische kust te verkennen. Stand, palmbomen, zee en zo nu en dan een glaasje rum spreekt me wel aan. Na wat reisbureau's bezocht te hebben in Miraflores en het internet gecheckt te hebben kon in via een ticket kopen bij TACA naar Medellin voor 260,- euro met overstappen in Bogota. Een ticket Lima Bogota koste ruim 500,- euro. Dit leek me dus een prima deal, alleen ik vieg in Bogota niet verder naar Medellin. Blijft toch vreemd hoe die airlines werken. Vrijdag avond in een goed restaurant in Barranco, de böhemische wijk met mooie oude panden, met Patricia genoten van lekkere tapas en een goede fles wijn. Het was de laatste moment voor deze ontmoeting dat we ... read more
De Bogota city bike tour
De Bogota city bike tour 1

South America » Colombia » Bogota March 12th 2012

Having been in Bogotá now for 1 month, I'd just about got myself settled and sorted with visas, phones, bank accounts, etc., so this weekend I went with my housemate James to get out of the city and do some hiking in the surrounding mountains. I'd heard a few weeks ago about a local hiking club which organises trips every weekend, so that seemed the best place to start. We got up at 5.45am to meet up with this group of about 15 Colombians, we all got on a small coach and we headed about 50 miles south of the city to a place called El Ocobo near Fusagasuga. It was awesome! The weather was beautiful (James being an Aussie found it hilarious at how easily I burned, but in my defence we're so close to ... read more
La Cabeza del Indio

South America » Colombia » Bogota March 9th 2012

6oo metres above a 2600 metre high city. Today Sam and I accomplished our only goal of making it to the cable car which rushes 40 people at a time to the top of Cerro de Monserrate. The mountain which is home to a church, over looks the enormous city of Bogota. The altitude of Bogota alone has left the two of us a little breathless, we indeed felt it more at the top of the mountain. I had a failing battery on my camera so only a few pictures but sam has more and hopefully she will be able to post them soon.... read more

South America » Colombia » Bogota March 7th 2012

Hola, Sam and I arrived in Bogota yestarday at 4:30 after an adventurous cab ride we got to the hostel at 6:00. We had nothing else we wanted to do but reclaim the sleep we had missed during the last however many hours in planes and airports. We woke up to find a colorfull little hostel filled with at least one englishman and two americans. The building looks incredibley old with logs on the ceiling and cracks in the concrete walls. We have managed to get breakfast, lunch and two bottles of water so far with very little spanish. I am not too worried about learning 'dos' cervesas por favor' I have that practiced for this evening. We visited the Museum de Oro (gold museum), and tomorrow we are going to try and make it to ... read more

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