Blogs from Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 11


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 28th 2009

At approximately 4.27pm this afternoon, on the beach of Ipenema, Rio De Janiro, amidst the build up to final Champion's Parade for Carnival, an attempted thong theft was thwarted by a New Zealander tourist, who inadvertently witnessed the event whilst sunbathing. He stated, "I was just lying here on my side, when a bunch of about five young boys walked by, the last one slipping his feet into the thongs, which had been left in my care while their owner took a dip in the ocean, mid stride and continued walking off. When I realised, a called out 'Ooi, their not your thongs!', and the would be theif turned around and glared at me, removed the thongs, and walked off."... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 27th 2009

Etter at mamma, Onkel Hans og Runar reiste hjem, begynte vi skikkelig dagliglivet her i Rio. Hver dag dro jeg på sambaskole, byens beste, og Stefan fortsatte på sin Capoeira i Cantagalo. Rio har bydd på mye spennende dager. Vi elsker folkene her, de er åpne og vennlige. Hjelper oss alltid med det vi lurer på. Selv om de liker å sove på jobb, og foretrekker å snakke med sine kollegaer om gårsdagens hendelser enn å hjelpe kunden, er de fantastiske folk. Vi har storkost oss med smoothier og kokos mens vi rusler på stranda, eller ligger under en palme på Ipanema beach. Jenny, en veninne av meg fra Norge, kom også ned i februar. Hun skulle være med på karneval. Vi dro og bestilte kostymene våre og forberedte oss godt. Beija Flor er skolen vår. ... read more
På vei til øvelen på Sambódromo
Alle tre på Sambódromo
Meg svett på Sambódromo

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 27th 2009

We arrived in Rio at 2am and went straight to bed. The next morning we collected our tickets for Rio Carnaval and spent the afternoon walking along Ipanema beach. The beautiful bronzed bodies were squashed onto every available patch of sand and as we passed the gay section the bodies became even more bronzed, incredibly buff and impossibly crowed. After sunset we went to a block party and joined in the drinking and dancing as a samba band played in a small park. The Carnaval had started. To shake off the hangover we joined the beautiful people on the beach for a few hours and then watched a football match at Rio's Maracana stadium. I'm not really into football so who the teams were and the quality of the game passed me by, but the atmosphere ... read more
Crowd at Maracana Football Stadium
One of the first floats we saw
Another float

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 12th 2009

What is the first thing you should do after arriving in Rio after a sleepless 24 hour bus journey? Yeah, that’s right; head down to Ipanema beach for a few beers in a pre carnival parade and then go to a samba school until 4 in the morning. We flung ourselves into Rio and it didn’t really stop for the next 5 days. It didn’t really start too well. We got there mid afternoon after spending 24 hours on the hottest bus ever (the only way to deal with it was not to move - seriously!), to find that the hostel was double booked, and we’d been allocated a bed in the owner’s mate’s flat. The flat itself was fine, but the fact that the mate and his other mate were now both sleeping on the ... read more
The Boss Man
Follow my lead
Vote for Mangueria

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 5th 2009

To say that I LOVE Rio is an understatement and I know it´s a massive call but after all my travels throughout the world I can easily say that Rio (in my opinion) is the best city on the planet. I always thought New York was the best but this place absolutely kicks over NYC. It´s spectacular, beautiful, alive, friendly, sexy, exciting, exotic, dangerous and absolutely fabulous. Even Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were staying a few doors down from me this week. I think my hostel was full so they had to go to the Copacabana Palace hotel instead. Everything you dream Rio to be, it is. The party vibe is awesome and the beaches amazing. I am staying on Ipanema beach which has a more local feel to it instead of the very touristy ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema January 11th 2009

I fell in love with Rio pretty much the second I arrived. There´s something about the place, something in the air. I found it incredibly beautiful. Ipanema and Copacabana beach, Sugarloaf Mountain, lush green peaks looming up from behind the city, notorious favelas such as the City of Gods, all being watched over by the Statue of Jesus Christ. I stayed in Ipanema, in a hostel called Harmonia. The hostel was in a little side street with lots of other hostels around it. The area was really good, very secure with night guards and just a 5 minute walk to the beach. The staff at the hostel were great and there were people staying there who had arrived in Rio months ago and just never left! Within 5 minutes of arriving at Harmonia I met a ... read more
Jesus Christo
Samba band
Rio de Janeiro poster

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema January 4th 2009

Great beaches. Beautiful people. Lively city. Incomprehensible language. Yeah, I arrived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First of all, WOW! The energy and vibe in this city is great. People are relaxed and very patient. I don't speak a word of Portuguese, but I love how it sounds. There are some words that are similar to Spanish, but not really, so I still have a hard time understanding people. Sometimes I just stare at them blankly and smile. I'm like, "uhh....what??" I didn't buy a translating guide book. My friend, Homer, kept telling me I didn't need one. Wrong. We see foods on menus and just make guesses at what we're ordering sometimes. I did find out that "frango" is chicken. I'm good with that word. Oh and "obrigado" meaning thank you. That's pretty much all ... read more
Ipanema Beach
Rio de Janeiro
Ipanema Beach

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema November 24th 2008

My stay in Rio isn't going exactly as planned. With the exception of last Thursday morning the weather has been consistently bad, sometimes even raining heavily. As a result, Rio' s main tourist attractions - the beaches and the two hills overlooking the city - are off limits. Instead, I went on a favela tour, hanged out in markets, wandered around the centre a bit but mostly during the day I have been doing just nothing. This brings me to the other main problem about my stay here: the hostel. It turns out the night I stayed awake until 4.30 am chatting was not an exception, the hostel comes alive at night. People here sleep until very late and don't go to bed before 5 am. Some are partying and getting drunk, some are just watching ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema November 23rd 2008

I am sitting in a little internet cafe on the beach in Ilha Grande. This is an island about 150km South/West of Rio. It is beautiful and the moment I got here I knew it was just what I needed. The first 5 days of my trip have been pretty full on and I am really looking forward to just relaxing, chilling and re-chaging the batteries. Rio is a fantastic city and I felt a lot safer than I had believed I would. Everything I had heard before I arrived was that everone got robbed! While you definitley have to be careful, I didn´t really feel threatened once. Rio reminds me of Sydney in many ways, It is a city on the ocean surrounded by beautiful lush green national parks. Like Sydney it is so ... read more
Horizon of Rio
Some kids inside the Favella
Graffiti in the Favella

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema November 22nd 2008

Last time we wrote we were off to find Jesus. Unfortunately he proved very aloof and hid behind some clouds all day and we basically saw his feet and shadowy outline in the clouds and that was it. Which was a pitty as Kiran was goning to re-enact some of the scenes from Romeo and Juliet - she gave it a go anyway. I think Jesus was hiding from all the horrible lies happening in the gift shop below.... basically they had photoshopped most of the photos of Jesus (Christ The Redemor as he is known locally) so that he faces the other way to make a nice shot... I tell you these people are in big trouble on Judgement Day! The rest of the day we got to go through the urban forest in the ... read more
The amazing views
Romeo and Juliet
Under the Clouds

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