Blogs from Ceará, Brazil, South America - page 11


South America » Brazil » Ceará October 3rd 2006

Oí! jetzt haben wir die ersten tage unterricht hinter uns und resumee ist: lehrer sein ist verdammt anstrengend!!! haben uns nicht vorgestellt, dass so viel vorbereitungszeit fuer die schule noetig ist. die kinder sind sehr, sehr lebhaft und nicht gerade leicht zufriedenzustellen - keine ahnung warum ;-) ausserdem kommen da dann noch die sprachbarrieren hinzu: wir sprechen zwar englisch, aber die kids noch nicht wirklich, und wir sprechen wiederum kaum portugiesisch. ist also jeden tag eine neue herausforderung. aber der portugiesisch-kurs beginnt ja auch schon morgen und dann wirds wohl leichter werden... also hut ab vor allen lehrern und die, die es noch werden wollen... fuer alle, die sich noch nicht sicher sind: kommt her und porbiert es aus!!!! danach wisst ihr es bestimmt! sonst geniessen wir das leben hier in vollen zuegen - fernab von ... read more
Parajuru Kantine
Escola Gisi

South America » Brazil » Ceará September 30th 2006

Oí! Endlich haben wir es geschafft (keine internetverbindung moeglich gestern und internetcafe total ausgebucht - ja, es gibt sogar ein internetcafe in diesem kleinen ort mit drei computern!!! - wer haette das gedacht!) und fotos auf die website gestellt: abzurufen bei den anderen eintraegen zu rio und parajuru. waren wirklich tolle erste tage hier in parajuru - haben sogar schon unsere erste unterrichtseinheit - erfolgreich - hinter uns gebracht. ab montag gehts dann so richtig los - wir sind schon gespannt und eifrig am vorbereiten und unsere kinder wahrscheinlich ebenso :-) der strand ist sowieso traumhaft hier und die ersten caipis sind uns auch schon wohl bekommen ;-) hatten bis jetzt noch gar keine zeit zum verschnaufen: jeden abend volles programm mit diversen abschiedsfeiern von den lehrern (derzeit gerade reger wechsel), capoeira, ab naechster woche dann ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Fortaleza September 28th 2006

Oí amigos! Endlich ist es soweit - wir sind in Parajuru angekommen. totaler kulturschock nach rio: sandpisten, einfachste huetten, mega-hitze... aber es scheint die sonne (zum glueck: dachten naemlich schon nach dem regenwetter in rio - christusstatue am corcovado toal im nebel - es liegt an uns...). nach der ankunft wurden wir gleich von unseren "lehrerkollegen" ganz nett in empfang genommen - fuehlen uns jetzt nicht mehr ganz so verloren. haben auch an der ersten party teilgenommen und unsere "kids" kennengelernt. namen haben wir uns noch keine gemerkt, aber das wird schon werden... sind alle so freundlich und nett hier, unterkunft ist auch super und zum fruehstueck gabs bereits frische fruechte (banana, cashew, abacaxi, trauben...) vom baum. muessen das ganze erst mal verdauen und die ganzen eindruecke verarbeiten (haben das noch nicht mal von rio geschafft!!). ... read more
Parajuru Beach
Parajuru Kids of Johanna
Parajuru sunset

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Fortaleza September 12th 2006

So, I just figured out that if I change my IP address and do all kinds of funky complicated computer stuff, I can get internet access here at school in Fortaleza. Anyway, here's the email that I sent out a couple days ago... and the best part... PICTURES!!! Hello all, I'm officially in Brasil, sitting in a tiny internet cafe about 5 blocks from my house here in Fortaleza. Wow, it's weird to be thinking in English. I've been totally immersed in Portuguese for the last few days. My new family speaks not a word of English or Spanish, so I'm on my own to learn Portuguese ASAP! So far I'm doing ok, but I speak more a mix of Portuguese and Spanish, Portuñol, than actual Português. My host family is amazing, though. Let me tell ... read more
Teatro Alencar
all three floors of Teatro Jose de Alencar
Venecia and I in the theater

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara August 22nd 2006

Despite the towns of Praia da Pipa and Jericoacoara being constantly compared by travelers as equals, they´re truly not. In order to get to Jeri, you must hop on a all-terrain vehicle that drives you an hour over barren beaches and dunes and kilometers and kilometers of uninhabited land. I mean, the city is literally in the middle of absolutely nowhere. All the streets are composed of nothing but sand, so there´s a feel that you´re on the beach wherever you are. In Jeri you can do almost anything you can imagine from lounging lazily in front of your pousada to playing soccer on the beach to windsurfing to kitesurfing to hiking to horseback riding to taking yoga classes to learning capoeria on the beach to going on a buggy excursion. Once again, the four of ... read more
Dune run

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara August 15th 2006

Dear Bob, I quit. Please accept my conditional resignation as an educator in this district. Upon reflection, and a three-day visit to Jericaocoara, I have decided that working for a living just isn’t for me. Getting to Jericoacoara is about as adventuresome as pronouncing the name of this idyllic location, the one-hour jolting trip in an open truck, plowing through sand and surf, will serious make you contemplate the following demands. If they are not met, I’m gone. Here are my stipulations: 1. You must make sandals the official footwear of the workplace. In Jeri, nothing is paved, so there is no point in wearing anything else. 2. Dune buggies must replace yellow school buses as the mode of transportation for all students, faculty, and staff. 3. Hallways must be of sand, about eight inches thick. ... read more
Is this for real?
Low Tide
Got flip flops?

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Fortaleza August 10th 2006

At first glimpse, Fortaleza is what Natal will look like in fifteen years. It is little more than a broad, imposing, and expanding stage of high rise apartment buildings ranging from just-finished penthouses to soot-stained stepsisters that should be used as training exercises for the local fire department. Fortaleza’s vertical block residences surge into the sky as if the city were a Tetris board for God. People with the means choose to live in these palatial prisons and sequester themselves from the rest of society. Automatic gates and twenty-four hour manned entrances ensure that only those authorized to enter can do so. Yards of electrified barbed wire on all four sides stretch atop the walled compounds. Shards of sharp glass protrude from the top of each wall to complete security measures. Everything in Fortaleza, and for ... read more
Wise Move?

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Fortaleza August 8th 2006

Beaches and beach communities have never appealed to me. Activities are paltry. People arrive in such towns, which are devoid of meaning and cultural significance only to expose themselves motionless to the cancerous sun hours on end until they become red and crispy. Beach towns cater to those who come to forget something or never be found by the society from which they are trying to escape. I remember Budva last year while in Montenegro. It was a horrible combination of revelers from Belgrade, an amusement park, and endless noise. My experience there was so foul that I decided ahead of time to make Canoa Quebrada a brief stopover on my way through Ceará to points elsewhere. That was five days ago. No place provides greater inspiration to do nothing than this place. Conoa Quebrada could ... read more
Either Sleeping,
Piercing Sun
This View...

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara July 15th 2006

yesterday was my last day in the sate of cleara after 3 nights in foteleza inwhich i ate some cool food, went to the beach and experianced some intesting nightlife as well as watching the world cup final (lets face it it was crap) but it was quite intesting watching the barman lose a bet with one of his customers on penalties. jeri is a cool place but i think it has been slightly tarnished recently with the amount of money thats been invested in it. I learnt in jeri some new Portugese words for example chave is key, as i lost mine, the Pousada owners were realy nice and didn´t charge me which was cool. I am now in Natal in a English medievil themed hostel and bar am going to sink afew in the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara July 11th 2006

Pour contraster avec la forêt amazonienne, j´ai pris mon gros backpack pour partir à l´aventure sur la côte nord est du Brésil. En moins de 10 jours, j´ai parcouru près de 1300 km en longeant le littoral: Belèm, Ihla de Marajo, São Luis, Barrerinhas, Atins, Paulina Neves, Parnaiba puis Jericoacoara. Belém, état du Pará, 1,5 millions d´habitants, grande ville, grand port, inintéressant à mon goût donc cap sur Ihla de Marajo, une île à l´embouchure du fleuve Amazone et de l´Atlantique. Soure, ville principale de l´île est animée de concerts de samba, de pagode le soir, bien plus agréable que la chaleur étouffante de Belém. Aussi grande que la Suisse, à Ihla de Marajo on y fait aussi du fromage mais avec le lait des buffalos d´eau. Ces gros boeufs font partie de la vie quotidienne ... read more
São Luis, centre historique
De São Luis à Atins

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