Blogs from Uyuni, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 13


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni May 24th 2008

Uyuni est une petite ville sympa. C´est bien d´y rester une nuit mais autrement je pense qu´on s´ennuirait assez facilement. Bref, ca nous a donne un premier gout de la vie en Bolivie. Le soir on est d´ailleurs sortis boire un verre, histoire de se relaxer apres ces 3 jours de desert! (ce qui explique les photos dans le bar). Uyuni is a nice little town even though there isn´t much to do there. At least it gave a first impression of a small Bolivian town. In the evening we went to have a few drinks at the "Extreme fun bar" (how touristy is that?) to socialise a bit better then in the desert.... read more
Bolivienne - Bolivian woman

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni May 24th 2008

Debout a 5h30 et en route pour le Desert de Sel d´Uyuni. Un endroit absolument incroyable, digne d´un film de science fiction. Une etendue blanche a perte de vue avec quelques "ilots" ici et la. Le desert est donc de sel et de borax, ce qui donne la couleur blanche. Il a une superficie de 12000 km2 et est tres sec durant l´hiver (tres humide au printemps). On y passe quelques heures, histoire d´abord de voir le soleil se lever, puis de visiter la Isla del Pescador ou on a pris notre petit dejeuner (a noter les "toilettes") et on a pu en profiter pour voir des cactus geants. On a aussi passer beaucoup de temps a faire des photos debiles... C´est tellement grand quón peut se permettre un peu n´importe quoi! A vous de juger ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni May 23rd 2008

Notre deuxieme sést passe principalement sur la route. Le premier arret le matin fut a l´arbre de pierre (El Arbol de Piedra), un rocher qui ressemble a un arbre pertifie. Les autres formations rocheuses autour etaient tout aussi etonnantes. Puis on est passe par 4 lacs: Laguna Honda, Laguna Hedionda, Laguna Shiarkota et Laguna Negra. Le dernier est interessant car tres different des autres (tres profond et dangereux car il y a un courant sous-marin qui aspire tout ce qui y passe au milieu). Sans oublier les rocs qui ressemblent a des champignons autour du Laguna Negra. Puis, on a vu le volcan Ollague, toujours en activite. Finalement, on s´est arretes a un hotel de sel a 3650 metres. L´hotel est construit en sel (murs, meubles et le sol est recouvert de sel - pas pratique ... read more
Autour de Arbol de Piedra - Around it

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni May 22nd 2008

Donc, apres passe la frontiere, qui en fait n´est qu´un abri de jardin au milieu du desert (voir photo), on est partis voir la Laguna Blanca - un lac blanc du au borax (mineral). Quelques minutes apres, on est alles voir Laguna Verde. la encore, la couleur vient des mineraux presents dans l´eau. On s´est ensuite arretes au baño geothermico (bain geothermique) pour arriver plus tard a la Laguna Colorada ou on a vu des flamands roses sauvages. La couleur rougeatre du lagon vient des oligao-elements et du micro-plancton dont les flamands se nourissent... ce qui leur donnent aussi la couleur rose. par contre, notre guide Vasilio nous a dit qu´il y a deux ans, il y avait des milliers de flamands roses dans la Laguna, mais maintenant il n´y en plus qu´une cinquantaine. Ils ont ... read more
Frontiere bolivienne - Bolivian border
Notre groupe - Our group
Laguna Blanca

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni May 17th 2008

At midnight on the 9th May we took a bus from Salta to La Quiaca in Argentina, the border town with Bolivia. After waiting for half an hour for the Bolivian border to open (it´s an hour behind Argentina) we passed into Bolivia and could see an instant difference between the 2 countries, although both were absolutely freezing at 8am and about 3400m! The women give it away as so many wear the tradional many layered skirt, tights, sandals, shawl or blanket round their shoulders and of course the bowler hat! We had decided to make Tupiza our first stop and after 2 and a half hours on a jam packed bus travelling on bumpy, dusty roads we arrived. The town centre is very small but it´s lovely, hardly any traffic, market stall after market stall ... read more
David and his horse getting acquainted
El Sillar at the beginning of our 4x4 trip across Bolivia

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni April 14th 2008

Sorry guys! I haven´t written anything in english for a while now.... As you probably have seen, I have got company, and it´s more natural to write in Norwegian. But we´ll try to make all the comment´s on the pictures in English, so that will hopefully give you a little overview! I will try to give you a little resume now and then, but meanwhile you can enjoy the pictures and read the comments there....!! (Unfortunately, it´s bit tricjy to upload pictures here in Bolivia, so it can take a little while) Tupiza Vi krysset for en uke siden grensen til Bolivia, til fots. Forskjellene var med en gang merkbare og vi har nesten opplevd mer paa en uke, enn de andre tre Siri har vaert med! Den foerste, veldig, merkbare forskjellen var bussen og veiene ... read more
Tupiza is situated in a......
western like landscape
We got inspired and......

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni April 10th 2008

Our next adventure. We took ANOTHER overnight bus (god how we hate them) to Uyuni from La Paz. It was the bus ride from hell. The first three or four hours were on bitumen but then we hit a gravel road - full of corrugations! The whole bus rattled and every tiny crack seeped dust into the interior of the bus choking us. By the time we finally arrived at 7:30am in the morning (surprisingly having slept some - thank you nurofen), with a new fine layer of dust, we were rattled to the bones and couldn´t wait to get off. We really pitied the poor tourists who were planning to return on that bus to La Paz. On arrival in Uyuni we were hit by tour operators from all sides trying to sell their tour ... read more
The miners were taking a break!
Go figure - an island in the middle of a salt flat

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni March 31st 2008

Friday 28th We all make sure we allow an hour for the fabulous buffet breakfast, but we can't quite do it the justice we did yesterday! We pay up, check out, and our transfer bus arrives on time. Nice big bus... We wonder why we can't have it for the whole journey, but no, we're on the public bus for 3 hours when we swap to a train to Uyani. Takes us a while to check the bags in... No one's quite sure what the limit is (10k/13k/15k?)'but they're checked as a group and we stump up 7Bs each to cover the overspill, before checking out the snacks. I resist! Sat next to Vicky on the bus (nice enough bus), and we chat all the way to Ororu where we're to get the train. We have ... read more
Long train ride
Train on the streets!
Through the water!

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni March 30th 2008

Here we are in Salar de Uyuni. There's lots of salt and it's very white!! ... read more
Bolivia train station
Long journey to Uyuni
On the train....yaaay!

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni March 30th 2008

Ironic that our last bus journey in Bolivia should be the worst... We asked at our hostel in Potosi for the name of some reputable bus companies which go to Uyuni, and chose the one which left at midday. After enduring a breakfast with loud and rude English tourists talking about bodily functions, we made our way to the place to get the bus. When a little rattly pile of junk clunked up to the office, we exchanged a few "no, that can´t be our bus" looks, only to be told that, duh, yes this is your bus. Once again the backpacks went on top as well as all manner of things such as hay and buckets. We squashed into our seats and I was up again as quicky as I had sat down - some ... read more

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