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South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni
May 22nd 2008
Published: May 27th 2008
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Donc, apres passe la frontiere, qui en fait n´est qu´un abri de jardin au milieu du desert (voir photo), on est partis voir la Laguna Blanca - un lac blanc du au borax (mineral).
Quelques minutes apres, on est alles voir Laguna Verde. la encore, la couleur vient des mineraux presents dans l´eau.
On s´est ensuite arretes au baño geothermico (bain geothermique) pour arriver plus tard a la Laguna Colorada ou on a vu des flamands roses sauvages. La couleur rougeatre du lagon vient des oligao-elements et du micro-plancton dont les flamands se nourissent... ce qui leur donnent aussi la couleur rose. par contre, notre guide Vasilio nous a dit qu´il y a deux ans, il y avait des milliers de flamands roses dans la Laguna, mais maintenant il n´y en plus qu´une cinquantaine. Ils ont migre et on ne sait pas ou...

Le soir, on est restes dans le refuge en plein milieu du desert, sans eau courante, sans chauffage (a part le poele qui a dure 1 heure) et a 4500 metres d´altitude. Resultats du mal d´altitude, un mal de tete pas possible et toute la nuit, mal au ventre, saignement de nez et souffle court... Mais ca valait la peine d´y etre car vraiment on etait entoures d´un paysage magnifique, en plus d ún formidable lever de lune le soir sur fond de ciel etoile.

After passing the border, which between you and me looks like a shed in the middle of the desert, we headed to the following places:
Laguna Blanca (the white comes from the mineral borax),
Laguna Verde (again, the colour of the lake is due to the minerals),
Baño geothermico (geothermal bath),
Laguna Colorada where we stayed for the night.

The Laguna Colorada has got many pink flamingoes (there used to be thousands but for the last 2 years, they migrated and no one knows where and why, so there are only a few (50) left nowadays...) which eat the minerals and plancton that are n the lake. It is those plancton and minerals that give the birds and the lake their colour.

We stayed at the Laguna Colorada for the night in a shed. 4500 metres high and all the problems that altitude gives: minues 15 at night, headache, stomachache, nose bleed and a constant out of breath sensation. But anyway, it was really worth it as the landscapes and the surroundings are stunning. Not to mention the amazing moon rise that we witnessed and the beautiful sky with the stars.

Additional photos below
Photos: 70, Displayed: 23


Les Pierres de Daly - Daly´s RocksLes Pierres de Daly - Daly´s Rocks
Les Pierres de Daly - Daly´s Rocks

Appelees aisi car elle furent une inspiration pour Salvador Daly. Called that because thay were an inspiration to Salvador Daly.

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