Blogs from Oceania - page 7302


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Concord March 15th 2006

tälleen ma-to ei oikein mitään jännempää meille tapahdu, ku ollaan vaan töissä ja töiden jälkeen ollaan niin väsyneitä, että raahaudutaan kotiin, syödään, katotaan töllöö ja mennään nukkuun.. tänään meidän junat oli jostain syystä ylihitaita ja myöhässä. Noh onneks me ollaan menty sillä aikasemmalla junalla täältä meiltä keskustaan, niin ei oo myöhästytty siitä jatkojunasta ja tänäänki kerettiin ihan ok. Töissä meillä oli tähystysleikkaus. Siel miehellä oli mahalukun ja ruokatorven välinen lihas ei toimi eli läppä ei mee kiinni ja ruokaa nousee ruokatorveen. ne sit korjas sen laittamalla pari tikkiä. Heräämössä vaan hengailtiin. Taas! Syötiin kinuskikakkua ja leikittiin maailman vanhimmalla verenpaine mittarilla! ;) meitä luultiin kaksosiks.. heh heh! noh molemmista näkyy vaan siniset silmät tuolla leikkaussaleissa, niin kai meitä voi sit kaksosiks luulla.. kyllä me vähän tolle naurett... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Glaciers March 15th 2006

So we survived the white water rafting, then braved the bungy... thinking this was the most horiffic thing in the world.... no!! Try the 'Sound' flight from Wellington (North) to Picton(South)!! Good lord alive!! Forget any rolercoaster... this was the worst!! 25 minutes of sheer hell!! Swooping and being blown around like a leaf in the air, dropping 50m in 1 second in an air pocket in a tiny 13 seater tin can! Never have any of us been so horiffically unprepared for such an ordeal. Genuine screams from Natalie and Luke, whereas myself and Amy were to scared to even make a noise! We had marks on the back of our hands from holding on to each other so tightly! Of course the 5 year old child behind us was fine about it!! Damn kids!! ... read more
Pancake Rock!!
The Family
Ahoy There Maties!!!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Raglan March 15th 2006

Hello I took my last drive through the Marlborough Sound. Leaving Nelson and the South Island was hard but that is the way. I got to the port town of Picton where i would catch the boat back to the North Island. That was the last day with my car. Ode to the Car by Adam Sandler. I will miss it and the freedom it allowed. I parked it and left the key and a note that read "Merry Christmas and god save the Queen", on the dash. That will make someone's day. Just pay that good Karma forward. Good times in Wellington. Sidenote) Dave and Colten , Wellington has the most beautiful women in New Zealand. FYI. I stayed there longer than i thought. They were having the annual Dragon Boat races there in the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand March 15th 2006

I still remember my first glimpse of Wellington. For most of the flight from Auckland, all I could see was a thick blanket of clouds. Then all of a sudden, we just dropped under the cloud line and Welly appeared in all her glory. The rugged coast, the green mountains, with civilization nestled happily in between... It's been almost 14 months since that day, and I'm still in awe of the place. A part of me is still there, and I think it always will be. In my time there, I managed to see most of the country- from the beaches, to the rainforests, to the mountains, to the glaciers, and everything in between. More importantly however, I made a life for myself complete with a great group of friends. I kept another blog while I ... read more
Pub Quiz

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 15th 2006

A front view showing the impressive Kangaroo bars!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua March 15th 2006

So today I paddled the Kaituna River in a Salto. Lets see what to say about th eriver its considered a III-IV run but is definitely harder than the Ocoee. Its a very short run, it took us only about an hour even with my screwing up. The drop pool. But big and fast water... not really any eddies to scout from either. There are a couple of bad weirs and holes that are not so great to get into... I didn't find any. The biggest rapid is a water fall -- Okere Falls. Its a 2.5meter fall, not bad. And pretty easy to run... especially in a creek boat. Most people take playboats down this river. I selected a Salto to see how I liked it for taking to the south island and the much ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Sydney Airport March 15th 2006

Dette er blot en hurtig besked skrevet fra lufthavnen. Vi landede i dag d. 15. marts kl. 16.00 lokal tid i Sydney Lufthavn Venter nu paa at blive hentet og bragt til vores hostel. Mht. Murphy afleverede vi den hos et auktionshus hvor vi har givet en mindstepris paa 800 $. Langt under hvad vi havde regnet med, men det er desvaerre ikke den store backpacker tid i oejeblikket. OEV!!. Skriver snarest. Mvh Mads og Andreas (nu i kaenguruland)... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory March 15th 2006

Geo: -25.2451, 130.986Dag 6 : 15/03/2006Het was al laat in de namiddag als we zijn geland in Yulara. Vandaar was het met een shuttlebusje naar ons hotel : Desert Gardens vlakbij Ayers Rock of Uluru zoals het oorspronkelijk heette bij de Aboriginals. We zijn meteen ons zwemgerief gaan aantrekken en hebben een uurtje aan het zwembad gezeten. Het is hier heet in het Red Hot Center maar aangenaam. 's Avonds koelt het hier wat af met een briesje. Rond 18u (1.5 tijdsverschil met Perth) werden we opgepikt voor de Sounds of Silence - dinner. Hier hadden we voor het eerst een prachtig zicht op Ayers Rock. De zonsondergang en champagne met lekkere hapjes maakten het plaatje compleet. Fris gewassen en met open zwarte schoentjes mocht... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 14th 2006

Hey everyone again i am now writing to you from Melbourne a day before the commenwealth games starts i will explain as i go on. Anyway the last week we have all been very busy!!! Last Saturday the one before the one just gone it was time for our second cricket match. Me and Harry got picked up outside our hostel at about 9 o'clock to set off to the ground. We arrived there very shortly and to our dissapointment the ground was a bit of a hole!!! The outfield well i have not seen anything like it before it was like a football pitch only longer and as for the strip that looked a complete mess like they had not spent any time preparing it. Anyway we won the toss and batted first we got ... read more
Harry In His Tight Whites Before Our Second Game!!!
Thousands of People at Mardi Gras!!!
Giles Livened Up a Lot After Mardi Gras and a few Bevrages!!!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns March 14th 2006

Since the last entry, Michelle and I booted around Syndey a bit, flew out to Ayer's Rock, and then caught a flight for Cairns. Sydney is a cool city but in the end, it's really just another city. The harbour with the Opera House and harbour bridge is very scenic and has lots o shops and restaurants. Seeing the opera house up close is actually kind of surreal. We then went to the Syndey aquarium. Highlights of the aquarium are the crocodile, the open water shark exhibit, and a large Great Barrier Reef tank. The next morning we flew out to Ayer's Rock Resort. The resort is a collection of a few different hotels and a campground that is the only settlement within 100's of kilometers of Ayer's Rock itself. The resort will have you believe ... read more
Uluru at Sunset

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