Blogs from West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 19


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Karamea June 9th 2007

Astrid was not on call this weekend, for the fist time in several weeks. We took the opportunity to go out to the Coast. We picked up Avery from netball in Westport. Her team had their first victory of the season. We stopped in at the seal colony at Cape Foul Wind as Astrid and Avery had missed this the last time. The weather was terrific and there were heaps of seals. We had lunch at the Yellow House in Westport. This is the only place in New Zealand that I have seen that brews Illy coffee. Sadly, the eatery is closing for the winter. The owners who are from the U.S. are headed back to New Jersey to enjoy the fine weather back home. After lunch, with a flat white in hand, we headed north ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Reefton June 3rd 2007

Paul has been fighting a bug and has charged me, Astrid, with summarizing the last three weeks, so here goes: The week before last was remarkable because Josh was attacked by another child at school. The fact that Precious might be the target of anybody's anger was disturbing in itself, but when the school called hoping to confirm that he had arrived home safely after class we knew we had a problem. A few days of researching alternatives passed, culminating in our deciding to switch the two younger kids to the other school in town. The other school only goes to year 8 so Avery has to stay where she is. We met with Father Phil who made it his business to thoroughly interrogate Paul to determine if his progeny might be more Catholic than not, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast May 20th 2007

You wouldn't think that buying milk would be all that much different here in New Zealand. However, the marketing is very different. Each company uses different terms. There is Skool milk (generally flavored milk), Medium - Light, Lite, Mega, X-tra, Trim, SuperTrim, Family, Slim and Skim and more. I suspect that all this different nomenclature keeps consumers largely in the dark. Avery has taken up Netball. I gather that Netball is played in Canada, but I had not heard of it before coming here. It is taken very seriously in New Zealand. I suspect that it is probably the most popular women's team sport. It is similar to basketball, but without the dribbling and much less physical contact. Each player has a more confined playing position and must wear a jersey displaying their position. I just ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast May 18th 2007

It was a fair drive to the beginning of the West Coast, roughly 4 hours, but it seemed to take longer. Around five we arrived at a very small place called Haast. This is located at the far bottom of the West Coast. We decided to stop here for the night, rather than contiuning on the road for the next 120km to Franz Josef. Im glad we did stop here, as it was only then I realised just how tierd I felt. The place we stayed in was quiet, but that suited me just fine. We cooked up a huge meat and vegetable stew, to get some goodness back into our bodies, then chilled out round the stove (chilled probably isn't the right word there, as the stove was obviously hot) with a couple of other ... read more
Franz Josep Town
Buller Gorge Swingbridge
Crossing North

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast May 15th 2007

Hi All, Hope you are all doing well. It is so weird to think that I have been gone for over 4 months now, while I have definitely had my moments of missing home and often wish that people from home were here to experience this amazing country with, I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by. I have just over a month left until I am home. While “I have done more this semester than anyone my age should” as my family keeps saying, there are still so many things that New Zealand has to offer. This past weekend, for example I went on another trip and saw a part of the country so different from what I have seen. Thursday evening Anna, Ally, Emily (a really fun girl who came through the ... read more
At Franz Joseph Glacier.
Mountains in the Mist at Franz Joseph.
Lake Mathison.

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Reefton May 13th 2007

On Sunday, the kids and I went over the hill (to Christchurch) to take the girls to the orthodontist. Avery has been without care since January and the elastics on her braces broke weeks ago. Avery is now back on track and we have agreed to start Adrianne out after confirming that her Toronto orthodontist could continue her treatment on our return. Tuesday was the annual Family Night at the Reefton Area School. Families enter as teams and engage in a variety of activities, from trivia to balloon races. One of the activities had the kids modeling their favorite Simpson character out of clay. Avery turned her back on her own family and joined up with another on a team called the "Egg Heads" (she sewed egg shells on to her hat in a show of ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Reefton May 6th 2007

We've settled back into a routine following our Easter trip. The Fall weather has set in. Many of the trees have changed colour and there is definitely an increasing chill in the air. On Monday I headed out to a new track - the Croesus Track: a route through the alpine landscape of the Paparoa Ranges which separates Reefton from the West Coast. As with many trails in this area, the track runs along an historic mining trail passing through several historic locations, including the sites of two hotels which were located high up in the hills catering to the miners. Just off the track there is a hut dating back to the 1930s. The walls were covered in a waterproofed calico (a canvas material), the rest was made up of corrugated iron. One can imagine ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef April 30th 2007

Day 14: I left Wellington early to catch the first ferry with everyone! I herd that the view from the ferry was really nice but since I was feeling pretty ill from the motion sickness I spend pretty much the whole 3 and a half hours sleeping which sucked! And then pretty much right after we got off the ferry we had to get back on the bus and drive for another 3 hours, so I pretty much felt ill the whole day, no good! When we got to Nelson I went for a walk around town. Its not at all like Wellington, from what I saw it just felt like a normal little town so I was not to sad that I was only spending one night there. When we got back to the hostel ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Reefton April 29th 2007

Thursday was our second appearance at quiz night at the local pub. Astrid got called out to an accident and did not show up until late into the game. This was no doubt the explanation for our pathetically poor showing - dropping from first place last month, to last place this month. The upside is that the worst team gets Moro bars to go with their humiliation (Cadbury's best selling Kiwi bar has a whipped nougat and caramel centre and is covered in chocolate). Friday night we were back at the Youth Centa. I spent most of the night with two young girls who had been bullying one of our kids a few weeks ago. I thought about throttling them, but I gather that this would be inconsistent with the role of adult volunteers at the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Fox Glacier April 26th 2007

This weekend, unfortunately Sara and O'Brien had work to do so Lola's girls were separated and Anne and I decided to go with a different group of girls (Greer, Jess, Laura and Jen) to do the Copland Track. We headed out on Thursday afternoon for the long 6 hour drive to glacier land along the west coast. Just as we were driving out of Dunedin we spotted some hitch hikers and thought it would be funny to pick them up and just as we passed them we realized that they were two of our friends, Grey and Mark. So we turned around and gave them a ride for a little bit. The rest of the time it was just Anne and I, but the drive along the west coast was so incredible that it made ... read more
the start of the copland track
the rock in the background looks like a dog's head
my pack looks way big for only a 2 day tramp- its all in the duter

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