Blogs from Franz Josef, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 36


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef June 13th 2007

Gletchervandring Australasia » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef By hove99June 13th 2007 I dag var jeg paa en heldagstur op ad Franz Josef-gletcheren paa vestkysten. Den er opkaldt efter den Oestrigske Kejser Franz Josef den 1. af den opdagelsesrejsende Julius von Haast, idet den mindede ham om kejserens hvide skaeg. Det var en rigtig flot tur. Det foerste stykke var der hugget smaa trin ind i gletcheren, saa det var nemt at komme op. Men efter det, var det oplivende tur mellem gletcherspalter og tonstunge isblokke, som hang faretruende over ens hoved. Man blev udstyret med pigge til... read more
Paa vej op
Frokost paa isen

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef June 12th 2007

We arrived in the beautiful Franz Josef with an afternoon to spend on an activity of our choice. Unfortunately I was full of cold and so decided I had to give the Glacier climb a miss. Instead I decided to take it easy with some kayaking on the lake. The views were stunning and it was a great way to see the area. Check out the pictures.... read more
Me, Vicki and Steph
We made it through the creek!
Beautiful background

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef June 12th 2007

The text on this blog was also lost on the crash and what I can remember from here is .............. hithed with Yana from Hokitika and was picked up by a crew of Irish people with the thickest Irish accent you ever heard... was brilliant... got dropped off to the smallest town ever in Franz Josef, booked into a lovely little hostel right across the road from the internet bus. Next day me Yana and some other girl hiked to the base of the glacier which was pretty cool and for the day after I convinced myself Id do a full days hike up Franz...originally I just wanted to see Franz and Hike Fox but as I was there I decided to do it.... All congrigated in the office on the morning of the hike ... read more
Franz Josef Glacier
Franz Josef Glacier
The Big Franz J

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef June 11th 2007

After the 5 hour drive, we checked into Glowworm hostel, where we got a family room with a t.v. and I secured the double bed (only fair seeing as Will always gets the nice bed). The next day, rising early and feeling fresh, we made our way to the Glacier Walk Centre, this time with blue skies and sunshine, and not a hint of rain. In fact, it was probably the best day weather wise we'd had in New Zealand so far! The walk to the base of the Glacier this time didn't involve walking through knee-deep rivers, but was much more enjoyable. When we got to the base, we split into 4 different ability groups (we chose the fastest paced) and put on our crampons and headed up what can only be described as a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef June 4th 2007

Hello, Well where do i start we have done so much since the last time i left you, well first of all chris went on a all day fishing trip.. i did not go!! wonder why? i did not wanna show chris up! so 7.30am comes around chris gets up an taken away by a bloke into the middle of learn how to fly fish!! chris said he had a brilliant time and then i got conned into buying him a fly fishing rod an stuff.. for his birthday?? which is not until oct!! After spending another day in Christchurch, which is a lovely town, we carried on our journey through arthurs pass which was beautiful even though it was raining really heavy it made it even more amazing the rivers were wild an ... read more
Franz Josef
Franz Josef
Franz Josef

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef May 31st 2007

Named after the Austrian Emperor at the time it was first explored by some Austrian dude, Franz Josef is most famous for its Glacier and scenic skydiving. Personally I'd have named it after myself rather than the Emperor of my country. We were booked in for the skydive and glacier walk the following day but sadly the weather wasn't good enough for the skydive. On the way to Franz Josef, hungover Chris, Will and I decided to get a fry up in the bushman's museum, and Dan went to the museum and missed out on the fry up. He did get to see a big old pig though, while we were probably eating its cousin. We actually weren't as in Australia and New Zealand, and from previous experience, in South East Asia, it is almost impossible ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef May 29th 2007

We had a bit of a mission to make our way back up the South Island to Franz Josef from Te Anau. The first leg of the trip involved a bus back up to Queenstown. Once there we had some lunch and caught another bus to Wanaka. The bus trip to Wanaka was really scenic and as we were the only ones on the bus the driver pulled over a few times to let us take pictures. It was also the first place we saw large scale wineries since arriving in New Zealand. The journey itself took about two hours. Wanaka is in the Central Otago region of New Zealand and is situated at the southern end of Lake Wanaka. As we were there at the start of winter it was gearing up for its hugely ... read more
The Gang
Lake Wanaka
The Franz Josef Glacier

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef May 26th 2007

Hi folks us again (you must be fed up of us by now), Anyway since my very exciting time in Nelson we have moved on again. We left Nelson and headed for the west coast of NZ. This is a place where lets just say there is not much about other than the most amazing scenery you have ever seen. The west coast is very isolated and remote due the conditions it faces. The weather when we hit the coast was just unreal. You thought it rained in England well I have never seen rain like it!!!! Along the way we stopped off on the coast where we saw a seal colony and then a place they call pancake rocks and guess what they looked just like pancakes. Unfortunatley the rain was so bad we ... read more
Pancakes & Lynds
View of the bay
The Lepoard Room

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef May 19th 2007

Well its raining... its pouring and this young man is snoring... Turns out that on the ride into franz joseph, i got the idea that maybe I should cancel my glacier hike. the weather looked bad, and i did not want to spend 135$ for a walk in the rain. Not that i mind rain, i just want to be able to get some great photos of the glacier. That and i destroyed my rain gear in a tumble in National park, so i am without rain pants. So, all excuses aside i got to sleep in and relax. The Rainforest retreat here in Franz Joseph is okay. Not the 5 star hostel i was staying at in wellington, but enough for my refined tastes. As for friends and strange meetings, i met up with ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef May 3rd 2007

Hey! Firstly, thanks to all those who wrote comments! For some reason I had entirely missed them yet was reading the messages - what a dope! Will be replying soon (hopefully right after this if the time doesnt run out!) Secondly - the sun has been out all day today - hooray! It's gorgeous! Since my last entry I have had picnic lunch at a lakeside in Nelson Lakes National Park, been horse riding for the first time in 7 years (at Buller gorge) - (I am still very sore!!), spent the night at Westport, the next daystopped at Punaki (may be spelt wrong) to see the pancake rocks and then experienced the traditional Kiwi Experience Poo Pub Party at a Manipua (spelt bit wrong!) Everyone who travels the South Island with Kiwi experiences the ... read more
Poo Pub Party!
Poo Pub Party!
Horseriding at Buller gorge

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