Blogs from Franz Josef, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 34


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef September 19th 2007

Hello Everyone. Still in NZ. Just been on an 8hr hike up Franz Josef glacer today. It was absolutely amazing. Check out all of the pictures, especially Glynn going through and ice tunnel half naked!! We'll try and add more notes soon. (Look at our previous entries from time to time because we add more text and photos when we can) Missing you all Lisa and Glynn xx... read more
Check out the sign!
The glacier
IN the glacier!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef September 18th 2007

Sad to leave Queenstown after an awesome time, we got in our newly aquired Mazda Familia. We hit the road early(ish) Sunday morning on a 4 hour drive to Milford Sound; a national park south of Queenstown with incredibly beautiful lakes, mountains and rainforest areas. The drive down was very impressive with stunning views around every corner. After soaking up the views, we headed back North to Te Anau for the night. Here we had a wander, and a beer at the local, before bed. Monday morning was another early start for the drive to Wanaka. We arrived in the afternoon and had lunch by the crystal clear Lake Wanaka surrounded by snow topped mountains with bright blue skies. Having had enough of the natural beauty and in need of another adrenalin rush we decided to ... read more
Mountain Veiw
A Cold Dip

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef September 14th 2007

ARTHURS PASS HEY thats me back in the cold climate that is New Zealand! I was absolutely shattered by the time i finally got into my hostel in Christchurch. I had been travelling for a good 30-odd hours wen i arrived. I spent 6 hours in Hong Kong airport on the way here. The place certainly looked mysterious to me from what i could see from the airport viewing windows. Huge green hills covered in fog, it looks very tropical. I had some tasty shrimp won ton soup before trying to sleep for a couple of hours in an uncomfy seat! So i have spent the night in Christchurch but wont say too much about that for now as im coming back here later in my trip. I met Jenny and Irene in Arthurs Pass, a ... read more
Franz Josef
In the air
Arthurs Pass

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef September 13th 2007

So today we left Uncle Les and Lake Mahinapua and it was Franz Josef today’s destination. Only one stop along the way today, Pukekura (Pook-e-ku-ra) where we visited the Bushman centre. This showed us how people make a living from various things including possum trapping and helicopter deer recovery. They showed us a film of men basically throwing themselves out of helicopters onto deer’s back, crazy! And we met their resident pig, which Sam had to feed, the pig was huge and hungry, Sam was very nervous, ha ha. Then it was on to Franz Josef. Now Franz Josef is famous for its glacier and that was tomorrows plan, so today we went to the tour office to find out exactly what walking on ice involved and what we should wear, then it was off to ... read more
A sign in the Bushman Centre
A sign in the Bushman Centre
The Huge pig in the Bushman centre

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef September 11th 2007

Today we headed up the Franz Josef Glacier - a glacier that is moving at rate of up to 5m a day in the middle of a tropical rainforest!. We were originally going to do a half day trip but we heard that we wouldn't get to see much - so instead we got up at 6.30am and did the whole day (8hrs on the ice!). The walk from the car park took about 45mins to the foot of the glacier and then we had to put on our crampons/spikes. We headed up the initial steps (that the guides were carving as we went) and got to the point where the half-day trip ended within the hour - and we hadn't seen that much yet! We kept going and stopped for lunch a couple of hrs ... read more
In a crevis
On the glacier
A tight crevis!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef August 11th 2007

Hello all! We have decided we deserved a day off so today is just that. Also we arrived in Franz Josef yesterday and it hasnt stopped raining, sometimes torentially, since then. We thought rather than getting very wet on the glacier we would have a rest from driving and walking and do our blog instead to keep you guys up to date. We arrived in New Zealand last friday and collected our van....which was much bigger than it should have been. We investigated Christchurch that day and stayed the night. First thing on Saturday we went to the Antartic centre which has been rated as New Zealands top visitor attraction twice. In fairness it was really good. Thy have a room there where they simulate a polar storm, and add some massive fans for wind chill ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef July 31st 2007

We arrived in Franz Josef quite late that afternoon at the little 'Glow Worms' Hostel that we were staying at for a few nights - it was great there and we got upgraded to the best room ever and well, for us, it was luxury. Chris persuaded me to go for a late night walk into the forest to look at the glow worms, but when we arrived at the spot, I was far too scared, as once the lights from the car were turned off, all around us was darker than dark and even though we had those silly wind up torches the hostel had lent us before we headed off, . . . . .nope, just not enough light for me to be on our own, in the middle of nowhere, pitch black, funny ... read more
 bit closer. . . .you cant see the top here. . .believe me, so much more to come. . .
 caroline, just b4 starting the climb
 view down one side of glacier

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef July 24th 2007

um 8.15 trafen wir uns in der orts mitte beim visitor center, glacier walk center....(in der nacht hatte das paracetamol gewirkt, mir gings erheblich besser.die einzige frage, die mich beschaeftigte war, was mache ich, wenn ich auf dem gletscher mal zum klo muss???sollte es da eistoiletten geben oder nur loecher???? dort wurden wir dann erstmal komplett einheitlich eingekleidet...d.h. von struempfen ueber schuhe, regenhosen, regenjacke, muetze und handschuhe.erinnerte mich irgendwie an die niagarafaelle, dort sahen auch alle passagiere des bootes gleich aus wie pinguine. wir wurden dann mit einem shuttle bus in die naehe des gletschers gebracht.45 minuten wegmarsch bis hin zum gletscher, 6 stunden hoch und weider runter vom gletscher und 45 minuten wieder zum shuttle bus. einen tag frueher, haett man mich wohl von der gletscherzunke kratzen muessen.das war unglaublich, auch uebrigens d... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef July 23rd 2007

um 7.30 aufstehen, mit bleigewichten an den fuessen und reissen in den verliess ich um 8.30 im bus bibbernd sitzend, barrytown. erreichten dann gegen halb 10, mit handyempfang, ein staedtchen hokitika, in dem die apotheke nun von inzwischen 6 erkrankten gestuermt wurde. ganz verdutzt habe ich nur den apotheker angesehen, der mich fragte, aus welcher stadt in deutschland ich denn kommen wuerde. ich fragte ihn darauf nur, ob mein englisch so schlecht sei, und so eindeutig deutsch akzentuiert, dass er wuesste, dass ich aus deutschland schmunzelte nur und zeigte auf meine hamburger visacard, mit der ich die medikamente bezahlt hatte....(weiss allerdings nicht, warum er daran deutschland,aber nicht hamburg erkannt hatte) so gegen 2 kamen wir in franz josef an. der ort ist fuer seinen irren gletscher bekannt, der 1865 von einem oesterreicher julius haast ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef July 21st 2007

We spent ten days seeing as much as we could of South Island. At the Antarctic Centre in Christchurch we zoomed in 'Hagglund' Antarctic vehicles over hills and through a lake; there is also a snowstorm and a lot about Antarctic exploration - I find the last page or two of Scott's diary very moving however many times I hear it. We then got a train down the coast (5 hrs) and over the mountains (4 hrs). It felt much too short - I can no longer believe an hour on a train is a long journey. The train has an open-air carriage to enjoy the scenery at its best, as long as you wrap up well and squeeze through other passengers all wanting photos at the same places. Anyway, next we hired a car ... read more

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