Blogs from Marahau, Abel Tasman National Park, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 9


Frohe Weihnachten Frohe Weihnachten Frohe Weihnachten So da sind wir wieder. Wie geplant und mit den erwarteten Straenden. Gestartet sind wir bei nicht ganz so vielversprechendem Wetter und unsere GEsichter wurden schon lang. Noch mehr Regen gerade im Abel Tasman Park beim paddeln, da hatten wir keine Lust drauf. Schon nach den ersten gepaddel kam aber die Sonne hervor und wir konnten die erste Traumbucht auf einer Miniinsel fuer unser Picknick ansteuern. Da wir diesmal nichts schleppen mussten, hatten wir viele Leckereien und sogar Wein dabei. Und die Sandflies hatten es wohl auch nicht uebers Wasser bis auf die Insel geschafft. Herrlich. Mit der ersten Nacht am Traumstrand in Te Pukatea ging es dann weiter - Palmen, Sonne, goldgelber Strand und wenige Leute. Da war endlich mal Bikini und Badehosenzeit angesagt und haben es uns im ... read more
Te Pukatea
Mit Robben
Grizmeks Tiere

Lake taupo After our wonderful mud bath in rotorua, we went to check out zorbing, a great nz passtime, where u get put in a big plastic ball (which looks like a giant golf ball) of water and roll down a hill. It sounds crazy and is, but for 30 secs i decided $45 was just a bit too much money. So our car journey continued to Napier, via lake taupo, stopping briefly for lunch and to look over the lake. Napier Napier is a wonderful art deco town which was mostly destroyed in an earthquake in 1931, so when they rebuilt it, they built all the buildings in art deco style, which still looks great today. After a walk on the beach and around the town, we were off again, this time all the way ... read more

Abel Tasman national park really does have everything...............this is how our three days went....... DAY ONE We started off by driving to Marahau, the gateway to the national park. The kind lady at the backpackers had told us that we could get our large backpacks transferred for a fee of $10 per pack to the campsite that we were due to stay at. As the bags weighed somewhere in the region of maybe 10-15kgs each with food tent, every sort of clothes, sleeping bags, camping cooker and well i am sure you can imagine, we decided that as we were to walk 22kms today that it would be a good idea to do that. The sun was shining which has been quite rare since we have been here! We sorted out the bags and off we ... read more
Day one
The tent
The Awaroa tidal crossing

I had to get up at 7am this morning to be ready for my 8am pick up. I was taken aback when I walked out the door as it was freezing, and wasn't really inspired at spending half the day on the water, but the sun was shining and the day had great potential. It took us about an hour and a half in the bus, through the most stunning scenery with snow topped mountians in the background. We arrived at Marahau where we were getting on the boat and getting all our gear in preparation for our morning of Kayaking!! We then got onto a speed boat and were taken to the beach where out kayaks were ready and waiting. By the time we were togged up and had gone through our instructions the temperature ... read more

Hello again everyone, we hope as ever that you are all well. It is with a tear in our glass eye(s) that we bring you one of our final blogs from New Zealand. It is only a couple of weeks now until we leave Kiwi land, but we are packing in as many hijinks as we can before we leave. We won't bore you with what we got up to during our last few weeks in Dunedin, as you've all heard enough about that side of things. Needless to say we had a couple of leaving dos before we left. I even managed to cry at mine when my colleagues gave an impromptu speech, and that was before a wee wine!! September 1st, we moved all of our worldly possessions out of our house and back ... read more
Eglinton Valley
Milford Road

heute morgen hiess es, nach dem die gepackten rucksaecke im bus verstaut waren, auf gehts zur kajak tour. da hatt ich natuerlich wieder mega bammel vor, wie vor allem, das ich noch nie ausprobiert liebsten haette ich mich spontan noch mal fuer reiten am strand umentschieden.aber ich bin dann gott sei dank doch dabei geblieben und ging mit den anderen mit.mein naechstes problem war dann, mich zu entscheiden ,mit wem ich in dem 2er kajak paddeln wollte.eigentlich wollte ich mit keith paddeln gehen, da ich den mehr oder weniger laenger kannte und verstehen konnte ( ist ja auch nicht unbedingt unwichtig so in notsituationen :-) )doch neben mir stand fiona, ein aerztin naus suedengland, die mich wiederum fragte. die wollte ich ja nun auch nicht vor den kopf stossen, also stand ich voellig unentschlossen, nichts ... read more

url='/Videos/3632.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3632.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Abel Tasman Double Click on any picture and then on slide show to see all the pics This Blog was lost due to the site crashing so I never got the text back and now months later I cant remember the route... this is all I can remember... Rocked into Nelson and was lucky enough to get talking to some guy that worked for Club Nelson Backpackers run by the sweetest guy in the world called Kevin...this BIG BIG Old house that I'm sure was built by some Irish guy way back when.... to make Jam or something..... as I said Im trying to remember things here after a few months...anyway bumped into Nik & Geom and I mentioned I was MAYBE going to do A ONE DAY trek in Abel Taz..... so we ... read more
Abel Tasman Views
Abel Tasman
Three set off for Abel Tasman

Angekommen an der Westcoast South Island- Greymouth. Die ersten Tage im Norden der Südinsel Neuseelands haben wir gut überstanden. Endlich mal wieder Zivilisation!! (oder so was ähnliches!!) Kurze Zusammenfassung unserer Reise: Angekommen in Picton mit der Fähre, dann weiter Marlborough Sound zum Queen Charlotte Coastal Track (26km in 5h gelaufen), übernachten in Nelson, weiter nach Marahau dem Tor zum Abel Tasman Park (in 2 Tagen 20km und einige Höhenmeter). Die Landschaft war super und der Weg steil. Am Abend saßen wir am einsamen Strand, 3h entfernt von jedem anderen Ort… einer Hütte OHNE Strom und ohne alles. Das heißt es war 17:30 Uhr stockdunkel und mega kalt. Der Hammer: wir lagen 18 Uhr im Bett…. Wir schlugen uns die Nacht mit dummen Witzen und Rätseln um die Ohren (immerhin bis 21 Uhr!), danach war auch das ... read more
Abel tasman Park
Gelaufen TAG und NACHT

Walking in Abel TasmanAnna Caswellurl='/Videos/2968.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2968.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'View of Awaroa beachurl='/Videos/2969.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2969.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Seal Delayed entry... After a really enjoyable tramp along part of the Queen Charlotte I decided to spend 3 days walking along the Abel Tasman track. The smallest, and oldest National Park in New Zealand, and named after the first European to see NZ. He sailed across the world, and discovered a new land. The Maoris saw him, and sent out a battleship to warn him that he was trespassing. Not being so good on the old foreign languages (unusual in the Dutch), he thought they were a welcoming party and sent 4 sailors in a small vessel to greet them. Well t... read more
1st Day
Sandy beach
Me & my bags

Today we have booked an Aqua taxi to drop us off and pick us up along the Abel Tasman Coastal Trail. We drive down to Marahau where we catch the 09.15 Aqua Taxi. As it’s low tide a tractor drags us out to the water. This area and the beaches in particular are absolutely unspoilt. Firstly we visit Split Apple Rocks an interesting rock formation (which amazingly looks like a split apple!) just of the coast. We continue further up the coast past Anchorage, Torrent Bay and Bark before stopping briefly at Tonga Island to view the seal colony. Finally we arrive at our drop off destination of Onetahuti Beach. We are walking a 20km section of the 65km Abel Tasman Track. Most visitors hike the track in 3 days, camping along the way. The ... read more
Sea Gull at Bark Beach
Tonga Island
Tonga Island

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