Blogs from Australian Capital Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 19


Sorry folks, I forgot to include the croc picture. Cheers ... read more

Hi all, Sorry for the delay in posting. We are still in Darwin and enjoying it although there have been no more big catches to brag about. We spent a day in Litchfield a couple of weeks ago and then I made a last minute decision to fly home for Finn's birthday and Christening. I was prepared to miss his birthday but when they threw the Christening in as well I decided I had to be there (and I am very glad I was). It was great to catch up with family and friends for a few days. John and Dennis went down to Corroboree Billabong while I was away but didn't manage to catch anything except a couple of croc pictures. We caught the ferry across to Mandorah Beach for lunch at the pub and ... read more
Termite Graveyard
water hole
Water Hole 2

From Saigon we headed across to Phnom Penh in Cambodia. I had thought that one of the night buses in Vietnam was the bumpiest journey of my life (imagine being woken up as your whole body has left the bed you are laying on) but i was wrong. It was impossible to read as my body jolted relentlessly from side to side, with my arms also moving all over the place but in different directions to the rest of my body. A strange experience. We arrived in Phnom Penh expecting the worst as we had heard from other people that it wasn't the nicest of cities. Maybe because of this review we were pleasantly surprised. The Cambodian people were all very friendly and we spent the afternoon at the national museum and then walked down the ... read more

Blog Day – 967 Yippee it’s Saturday and some hard earned downtime awaits us. Except that as usual Saturday brings with it a flurry of activity that we need to do in order to prepare for the week ahead, so once all the chores are done, the washing is hanging, the groceries are bought and stacked away Andy came up with the bright idea that we should go and shoot some Wombats. Last weekend Andy popped out to the Brindabella’s to meet a friend of his who was spending a long weekend in “the cave” (those of you who have read Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars may be familiar with this term). Andy drove out to the Brindabella’s and found them; however that is not all he found, there were wombats in ... read more
Brindabella Wombat

It was minus 4 in Canberra when I left last Monday morning but that did not worry me as I was heading for Darwin where I would be spending the week. The weather report was showing a ‘cool’ 30 degrees, was I looking forward to that? Caroline dropped me off at the airport early so that she could head straight to the office, and I had a couple of hours to kill, so grabbed a coffee and sat in the lounge, with newspaper. It truly was a beautiful day in Canberra, really sunny but to bl**dy cold for me, I do like the warmth in my bones. My flight was called, I had checked in the day before so I knew where I was sitting, by the window where I like to be. The flight time ... read more
Decked out
Swags for all.

Back in Darwin we decided to check out some of the local attractions. First up we went to Casuarina Beach to get some sunset pictures and it is such a beautiful beach that I could easily spend a lazy afternoon there ( particularly at sunset with a glass of champagne). Crocodylus Park was next and it was very interesting to read and hear a little more about these amazing creatures. I even braved enough to hold a baby croc for a photo, their skin is so soft that I can understand why they bring such big dollars for handbags etc. Not my thing but it is beautiful leather. They have a fish feeding area down on the harbour edge and it is amazing how many fish come in on the high tide to be fed. There ... read more
Early sunset
Sunset 2

After a few days in Darwin we flew to Gove to visit Ann and Bernie. It was great to catch up with them and as usual the hospitality was turned up to the max. They had managed to swap their ute for a mates Land Cruiser so that we could all explore the sights of Gove. Gove is solely a bauxite mining town (and also a life support system for the indigeneous population). In fact Rio Tinto just signed a new deal with the traditional land owners to the tune of $700 million, nice addition to your other benefits. There is a lot of red dust but also a lot of colour in the rocks and cliff faces around the coastline. We feasted on mud crab washed down with a few bubbles and John learnt how ... read more
A view from the lookout over mining area
Pile of ore ready for processing
Little Bondi

Someone said to me last night “You’re back again, where have you been on your travels?” we were at Woodstock and Helen had organised for a number of friends to come round for dinner, 14 in all and we had met everybody when we stayed at Woodstock before, but I think everybody thought we had been on the road, I explained that we had still been living in Canberra, where we have been since mid January 2010. Jo remarked that the last time they saw us was when we had dinner with them during the Christmas of 2009, it feels like yesterday yet it also feels along time ago. When I had thought about it since we had seen everybody we have managed to see a few places despite being very busy with work. We have ... read more
A Bucketful of Mice
The Puppies New Home
5 for trouble

On our way again This is the year of the big cruise. We are joining the Dawn Princess in Dubai, and cruising around the Mediterranean, then up to le Havre, ending the cruise in Dover. We are going to be a little on tenterhooks today with the Chilean ash cloud disrupting domestic flights to Melbourne. While currently all appears okay, we will need to decide whether to risk a flight to Melbourne, or find another way there. Aside from that, we are about as prepared as we are going to be, and just need pack the dinner suit and a few other odds and ends to be ready to go. ... read more

Well I am nearly caught up with our blogging. Before leaving Alice we decided to have a quick look at the East MacDonnell ranges and see some Rock Art. I guess by now you are all getting tired of rock pictures but they are so colourful and all just that little bit different. After this our next stop was the Devils Marbles with a plan to stay overnight, but as we got there around midday we had plenty of time for lunch, a good look around and plenty of pictures so we decided to keep on driving. We had decided that we wouldn't spend much time doing the touristy thing (Johns words) from here on as we would be coming back on this road on the way back down and turning off for Qld at Tennant ... read more
Rock Art
Rock Art
The Story of the Rock Art

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