Blogs from North America - page 8676


North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls October 11th 2006

So the trip down to Niagara Falls actually only takes about 2 hours and less if you're not on a Greyhound bus. I got there at about 8.30pm and after a very short yet exhausting trip from the bus stop to the hostel I ventured out to see the falls at night. They use spotlights to illuminate them from dusk until about midnight....the bright coloured spotlights that they use are, in my opinion, a little tacky but the effect is still quite impressive. So, some facts about the falls. They are the second largest falls in the world, second to Victoria Falls in Africa. 'Niagara falls' is actually made up of The American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and then the Canadian/Horseshoe falls. The American falls are 176 feet high and the brink is 1060 feet long ... read more
Niagra Falls
Niagra Falls
Niagra Falls

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle October 11th 2006

George Bush watch out! We are invading your country. Ok so we got to Seattle 2 days late but we got there nevertheless. Custom’s only held us up for 45 minutes. My sister got questioned a lot. I got fingerprinted and photographed (again). What was the point of the stupid USA visitor visa I wonder?). So they let us go (bad move USA if you ask me ;-)). We cruised around the outlet malls before getting into Seattle during rush hour (groan) and discovering that my attitude of (winging) the trip backfired. I had not booked accommodation and the desired hostel was full. Whoops!. On to the next who gladly took us. But because we were in the centre city there was no permanent parking. Arggg. What a nightmare, I ended up parking in some dodgy ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont October 11th 2006

Stowe, a small village tucks into the Green Mountains.... read more
On the way to the top of Mt Mansfields
Long Trail

North America » United States » Delaware » Newark October 11th 2006

Hola Everyone.......... This is the first published blog I've put together concerning my trip to India and I'm damn excited! I'm leaving for NY city in 3 hours and from there, a 29 hour haul to Mumbai. I'll update this thing every couple of days if everything goes well. Cheers, ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Sarnia October 11th 2006

I woke up at the insane hour of 2am while Caelis was still up chatting on the Internet, even though it felt like I had been asleep for over ten hours. My teeth were still playing knock and run on my nerves so I brushed them over before going back to sleep and not waking up for another ten hours. When I finally awoke, Tash and Spencer wanted to show me their Halloween costumes. Halloween is another big celebration here that has little or no showing in Australia. Tash had some devil horns but Spencer is always the show off and he got into an outfit that had everyone blushing! He was parading around showing off his ample assets and it seemed that only he could be the one to get into this outfit. I ... read more
Tash and Spencer
Tash's Devil Horns
Just married!

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 11th 2006

Heading to Seattle for Quan's wedding, I turn this opportunity into a road trip. Saturday, after landing at SEA-TAC and renting a car, I get lost several times driving to the church. The hilly terrain and excessive reuse of street names in Renton certainly don't help. I arrive just in time for the ceremony, and make acquaintance with the friends who helped put the wedding together. The care and love among the members in the congregation is simply touching. The afternoon is spent walking the park with the newlywed and their photographer. Evening reception is a traditional Vietnamese reception. Though we only occupy half of the restaurant, we still turn down the light and turn up the music for dancing. The next day, I head out to see the Museum of Flight. This is a nice ... read more
Meadow at Mt Rainier
Docking at Swartz Bay
Iguana Ranch

North America » United States » Arizona October 11th 2006

Shawne says... Day 16 Mileage Today: 36.4 Total Mileage: 658.6 Flats Today: 3 Total Flats: 21 We rose to the smell of breakfast cooking and roosters crowing at 6 a.m., a few hours later than we had anticipated. We walked into the kitched to find Evelyn had cooked up some homemade tortillas, scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon for some great breakfast burritos. We packed our freshly washed clothes as Jo laughed out loud at a young rooster that hadn't quite learned to crow like the others. His call was warbled and off track. (Jo says...He sounded like "AH-Ah, OOH-OOH, rooowooo". The others would correct him with, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" He kept trying, but couldn't get the hang of it!) Shane and Evelyn told us that he would often start making racket at 2 a.m. because he's still learning ... read more
Flat repair
Big weeds everywhere!
The enemy

North America » Canada » Ontario » Thunder Bay October 11th 2006

The trip to Sudbury was uneventful. Both Geoff and I had been to Sudbury before so there were really no surprises. We had decided to leave on the Monday instead of early Tuesday morning because we would have had to make it to Thunder Bay in one day. I’m glad we decided to do that because the drive to T- Bay turned out to be arduous, even with a few hours taken off. Geoff and I were both really surprised not only about the amount of time it took to travel there, but also the scenery leading up to Thunder Bay. The drive was the longest so far but it was also the most beautiful. I had no idea that area was so hilly. The fall colours added to the beauty of the scenery and I ... read more
bears are so cuddly...
wind chimes

North America » United States » Washington » Forks October 11th 2006

. This morning was another “errands” morning… Food, Fax and Post Office! Carl’s passport is now winging its way to Washington, DC for his visa stamp. Carl had mixed feelings about seeing it go as he had guarded it with his life ever since the “episode” in Madrid! Our host at the hotel was again very solicitous - after informing us that we were the last people to breakfast at 8am - and plied us with lots of sugary stuff. Yum yum, said Carl as he demolished most of it!! Statistics Starting Destination: Port Angeles, Washington Ending Destination: Forks, Washington Ending Destination GPS: N: 47° 56.848’ W: 124° 23.149’ Elev: 309’ Miles Driven: 137.1 Distance Walked: approx. 2 miles (3.2 km) Tunnels Driven Through: 2 Most Interesting Boat Name: Bananas The not so Hurricane Ridge img=http:/ ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke October 11th 2006

Vue de mon balcon : parce qu’il y a toujours deux côtés à une médaille…C’est ce que j’aime découvrir de la Thaïlande…ses deux facettes…celle où elle se montre belle et celle que vous ne verrez pas si vous êtes touristes…les vraies photos sont à venir…pas nécessairement du « dark side », mais comme je vous le dis : de ce que je pourrai en percevoir en passant plus de temps ici…En passant, le grillage c'est pas pour faire secher le linge...c'est pour se proteger du vol... ;) Je vous dévoilerai une pièce à la fois de notre humble demeure partagée. Cette semaine en vitrine vous avez : la chambre! Bon, en fait, c’est le salon, le bureau, la salle de repos…et nommez-en encore! Attendez de voir la salle de bain…En fait, on est tres bien et ... read more
Le lit...

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