Blogs from Austin, Texas, United States, North America - page 20


North America » United States » Texas » Austin July 19th 2008

Welcome to Texas! The first day in Texas was great! We started by going to the Lyndon B Johnson Presidential Library and Museum. It is very infomative about his life, family, and presidency. We toured it for a couple hours. After lunch, we visited the capitol building. They are right.. everything is bigger in Texas! This building was IMMENSE and beautiful. The stone building sits in the middle of a large, grassy park. The dome gleams in the sun and a goddess is perched on the very top of the building, holding a Texas star. Next, we went to the Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center. What a dissappointment! I thought there would be actual FLOWERS there! Nope.. everything was dead. It must be better in the spring, but in the heat of summer, most of ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin July 19th 2008

Austin, Texas18th June - 23rd June: Our next destination was Austin, Texas. It had been recommended to us as a lively University town with lots going on. After a 3 hour bus journey, we arrived at the bus station which was on the outskirts of town. Luckily, there was a bus which would take us right to our hostel and it only cost 50 cents. Once we checked in to the hostel, where we were in separate dorms, we headed into town to 6th street which we had been told was the main street for entertainment. After a short walk around, we found a bar where beer was only 1 dollar. We spent some time here before, and after, dinner at the Spaghetti Warehouse. The following day we visited the Texas State Capitol building which is ... read more
Inside the rotunda
Instalation at the Blantom Art Museum
Steph by the hostel

North America » United States » Texas » Austin July 13th 2008

After the long drive yesterday, that took us into the wee hours of the morning, we decided to sleep-in this morning ! We thought "why not" it's not like we're in a big hurry to get anywhere and I don't think the Wal-Mart police were going to run us off anytime soon. Although the kids, the dog and Mike (Porkchop) were growing a little weary back at home, we assured them that we were on the home-stretch and it wouldn't be much longer. We had sent them some money for groceries a couple of days ago so we knew they weren't gonna go hungry or anything and we thought we had better enjoy what precious little time we had left !! We rolled out of bed sometime around noon and began the daily rituals of bathing, ... read more
Papa and Grace !!
I Like Gigi's Sunglasses !
Tim & Ginger !

North America » United States » Texas » Austin » Hill Country July 11th 2008

So, I made it safely back home after 19 days amongst my European brothers. After powering through a father unpleasant final 48 hours I have hopefully slept through my jet lag, but time shall tell. Here is what is going to happen. Over the next few days I am going to add my on the road writings to this and attempt to keep them just as they are. Bear in mind you will be getting some odd riffings from napkins, loose pieces of paper, and late night ramblings, but that makes it really fun. Please, forgive the language at the onset. But now, first thing is first. After spending three weeks in Europe I have discovered a relationship I need to mend. That's right, for my first act after returning to the US, I am going ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin July 9th 2008

Gabe got up early and headed over to do the client work while Rece, Samantha and I got the car packed up. We'd picked up frozen breakfast sandwiches which we microwaved into barely edible form. We giggled a lot when the directions were completely unhelpful. I'd never seen an analog microwave either - it had dials for the time. Those, plus some soy milk, and we were on our way. As I'd claimed "brownie points" for being so understanding about stopping for a work-related event in Austin, the original meaning of "brownie points" was questioned: According to wikipedia, Brownie points are a hypothetical social currency, which can be accrued by doing good deeds or earning favour in the eyes of another. The origin of the term is uncertain. We only had a short drive, about 175 ... read more
At the animal park

North America » United States » Texas » Austin June 29th 2008

Rest assured, everything is well. Tomorrow, I leave for Europe! Needless to say, I'm excited and can barely contain myself. I've added a few pictures from my Austin trip that I feel really captured my time here. ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin June 27th 2008

We are starting of on Rodney's Retirement Trip. But first things first. Rodney had the forth flat tire in the morning we were going to leave on his new run flat tires in 3 months. The people at Sterling Acura were nice enough to put on new tires and rims so we could leave on our trip. We plan to spend a week in Ruidoso and then head up to Canada via Boise, Salem, and Olympia. In our travels we have visited 45 state capitols and this should add 3 more with Juneau and Honolulu left. We had hoped to get to Juneau but couldn't work the ferry schedules and the distances in Alaska combined with the lack of roads make the task a little daunting so we plan to visit the Nortwest and Canada. Who ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin June 22nd 2008

Well, lately things haven't been turning out too well for me. Somehow, last night I managed to get myself arrested on 6th Street. Kasey, the bride to be, and I ended up getting caught giving kids alcohol. Sure, at the time that five year old really did look at least 15 years old. So we said, why not?! OK OK nevermind, just kidding. Life's been really good over here. I've been taken care of by wonderful friends and family. I'm glad to be back in Austin. Something tells me that this coming up week/end will be something to remember, especially considering I will be attending my good friend Kasey's wedding. ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin » Hill Country June 19th 2008

So, first off, my dad is awesome. Now, let me backtrack to clarify. Last year I apparently made some of the fine folk with airport security mad, because somehow, my brand new suitcase ended up before making it to London. Long story short, I had to buy a new one. To avoid the temptation to over pack I bought a slightly smaller case. I didn't realize how much smaller. So, as I stood there this morning debating between bringing a second pair of shoes or my toothbrush with me, my father swooped in, and bought me a larger suitcase. Why? BECAUSE HE KICKS ASS!!!! Speed bump one cleared, should be nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin » Hill Country June 19th 2008

So, a new chapter in the illustrious history of the Big Jim travel-blog begins. For those returning, thank you for keeping the faith. For those new, welcome to the family. To begin, this years trip goes a bit beyond the British Isles, please, allow me to give you the birds eye. At around 6 pm Texas time, I will be getting on a plane and flying to foggy London town, which I suspect shall be a bit light on the fog and will most likely be quite lovely and sunny, but lovely, sunny London doesn't quite have a ring of truth to it, so I go with the convenient lie. Whooray! I arrive on Friday around noon, London time, and get myself settled in the "lovely" Imperial Hotel, as I covered last year words like "Royal" ... read more

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