Blogs from Austin, Texas, United States, North America - page 19


North America » United States » Texas » Austin November 28th 2008

So......I....and didn't it...... Couldn't it have been......and then..... brilliant! Accidentally, oops. All covered in hair. Running towards me. A fireworks display in the village. 1 girl was very badly burnt. This post is logded in honour of Rowley Birkin, QC, who has been a trusted friend and mentor to me for many years. It's 1.45am, and has been a quite considerably long day. I intend to elaborate on what thanksgiving actually means, but for now just take my word for it, it's all good. I'm afraid I was very.....veeeerrrrry drank.......... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin November 27th 2008

Arrived in Austin. Layla's Dad Gareth met me at the airport at 430pm. Been on the piss ever since, now 230am. Not sure how I can type. All good. night.... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin November 27th 2008

I thought I'd best elaborate a little on yesterday; I was a man of few words by the time I got home. Was a bit sad to leave San Francisco, it really is an interesting place and, I think, my kind of town (no gay jokes please). But checked out of the Queen Anne and headed to the Airport for a nice easy 11.15am flight to Austin, about 4 hours and 2 time zones away. A few days ago I mentioned a guy sitting next to me on a bench, telling the world and his mobile phone that he's just come out of rehab........well same kind of thing happened at the airport. Sitting near a guy who was travelling to his mum's wedding but felt compelled to tell anyone within earshot (maybe only 20 or 30 ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin October 1st 2008

I had a list of things to do for the month of October that were Halloween themed. I had to read Dracula and Frankenstein and watch all of the Universal Monster Movies and read several ghost story books such as the Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark Series. It was great fun! Sure made the month interesting. On that list (along with visiting a cemetery and doing Day of the Dead things) was going to go see the Bats leave the Congress Avenue Bridge. There is Three Best Ways To See The Bats: 1) Invent a flying bat backpack attachment to fly out with the bats in search for insect food. 2) Stand at the Congress Avenue Bridge and watch the bats flow out. 3) Take a Capital Cruise boat under the bridge to watch ... read more
Stevie Ray Vaughn Statue
Austin Skyline During the Day
Austin Skyline in Sepia

North America » United States » Texas » Austin September 3rd 2008

This was our first visit to South America, and we came away with a good introduction to the culture and life in Argentina. Our 10 day trip consisted of 8 days in Buenos Aires and 2 days in Puerto Iguazu. All in all, it was a great trip! Visiting a new continent for the first time, we were a bit nervous, but we realized life there is much like it is here, people are working hard and trying to get by. At a human level, we all have the same goals. However, life there did seem a lot more relaxed and slower paced. They really take their time during meals instead of rushing through them and really slow down on the weekends to enjoy time with family. Buenos Aires is a huge city...they have all the ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin August 28th 2008

My first Cali. trip was back in 2005. It didn't last too long though, after a few days of sitting around an L.A hostel, this young truck driver named Bill, whom was staying there as well, invited us to go with him him to Austin, TX. Austin, TX. After two days on the road we jumped out of Bill's truck to a blanket of dry overwhelming heat in the downtown of Austin, and then the mosquitoes attacked. Yup Texas is Known for it's annoying bugs and poisonous creatures. Austin is pretty much just a desert with a river running through it. The people there are complete health nuts, and as far as Texas goes it's the most liberal it gets. We walked around this town for 3 months and I have never seen so many ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin » Hill Country August 21st 2008

It is my fathers birthday tomorrow, August 22, 2008. He will be 56. I have been in Buda and Austin for a while now. I was off of Fitzhugh road earlier today helping/learning about wiring a detached garage with him. I decided to use this summer as a money making time (Omni Southpark) as well as a learning period for electrical work. I feel like I have gained a great wealth of knowledge from my father about the skilled trade of an electrician during the summer of 2008. I go on calls with him whenever I can. However, it is time for the first semester for my senior year to begin. The beginning of the end. That is of my B.B.A. I don't beleive I made the blog that I have travelled to Oklahoma during 2008 ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin August 18th 2008

No, I wasn't abducted by aliens in June... I just got behind. It was pretty well impossible to find a reliable internet cafe in western Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan that wasn't packed out with 12-year-olds shooting each other online. Then I got back to Europe and things got a bit hectic. I will update retrospectively with the rest of the trip, but for now you can browse the photos on my Shutterfly site. I've now moved on to Austin, where I'll be spending a few months working out what to do with the rest of my life - cunningly I budgeted some savings for this instead of just sinking them all into the travelling.... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin August 4th 2008

AUSTIN & SAN ANTONIO Our stop in Texas was not initially in our itinerary, but since we had to forcefully stop in Dallas on our way to Mexico, we decided to visit some good friends we had here and stay for a few days. Our flight from California was into Dallas, about 4 hours drive from Austin, and we made our way down on the Greyhound bus from the city centre. I would not exactly recommend choosing the Greyhound bus, at least not in Texas. It was full of people that either looked drunk, drugged, or just plain dangerous, and we did not exactly feel safe, but we made it through. We got to Austin and my friend Nirmal (from school in Swaziland) picked us up at the station and went out with his wife Sulma ... read more
Texas Capitol
Don´t mess with Texas
Nimi´s Place

North America » United States » Texas » Austin July 26th 2008

Just 3 weeks to go until we fly to Buenos Aires for our short, but thrilling (hopefully) adventure. We'll be there for 10 days, and since we're going all the way down there, we of course, have got to swing by Iguazu Falls for a couple of days. What do we want to get out of this trip? Well...mainly just to explore a new place...see what the culture and people are all about....and just get away! Planning for this has fallen on my shoulders as Shel ties up his master's degree. He's 'heads down' for another 2 weeks and then he's free! What will he do with his new found time? worries, I have a long list of things to keep him busy ;-) So, as I plan for the trip, one of the big ... read more

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