Blogs from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, North America - page 21


North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia November 9th 2007

Obfuscator writes: Some days everything goes right. Others, everything goes wrong. Of course, the vast majority of days are somewhere in between. Rarely can I think of a day that had so much promise, and headed so distinctly south by the end. We woke up at our campsite in New York, and having no reason to stay there, packed up and left. Despite the creepy vibe the place had given us (too close to the highway, reflective signs just on the edge of flashlight range, and a constant ranger patrol that never actually stopped to talk to us), it turned out pretty well. We had read on a sign that a ranger would come by to register us sometime in the evening, but none ever did. Consequently, we never were charged anything, and were able to ... read more
Grey Towers
The Finger Bowl
Ram's heads watch over the Finger Bowl

Today, I started on my return trip home, determined to capture the beauty that Pennsylvania had to offer. I drove for 12 hours through the farmlands, hillsides and mountains seraching for that special shot. I even ran across a parked car with the keys in it and running. I don't know how I'm going to make it without FULL SERVICE gas stations... read more
Unique site
Barns & Clouds
Beautiful Old Barn

Well, folks, it's time once again for my standard pre-departure entry. I'm currently in Philadelphia, working at the same law firm I worked at over the summer, seeing Brian, earning some money, and getting everything together to go to London School of Economics (henceforth, LSE) for the year. My flight leaves from Newark Saturday night, and I'm very excited (and a little apprehensive). Honestly, though, at this point my biggest fear is that for some reason or another I'll be turned away at the airport. I've gotten my student residency permit, but they still require you to show letters from LSE, my home school, and my parents proving that I am enrolled in a program and that I'm not going to be a burden on the extensive British welfare system, and I'm afraid that if even ... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia » Center City September 10th 2007

Philadelphia - an early start on Sunday to get the Greyhound bus to Philadelphia, another excellent New York deli breakfast for pennies before taking the bus to Mt Laurel, Philly. It was a fairly quick and easy 2 hours to Philly from NY, I got chatting to a guy on his way back to Cincinnati from a week partying with his friends in New York - he was on the bus for another 12 hours after we got off! Peter picked us up at the bus stop and took us back to their house, a condo on a gated community. The apartment is really nice and there is a communal pool and pond as well as an indoor basketball court and gym. Everything you need. There is a greenbelt forested area along the side of the ... read more
Inside the stadium
The baseball scoreboard
Phillies are in white

After my stay in New York, the main part of my travels. I went to stay with Kelsey, a counselor from last year. She is originally from Arizona, went to Uni in LA, and is now on a pre med school program at a college called Bryn Mawr, 30 mins west of Philladelphia city. I was there 10 days. Wed - Friday. Kelsey started classed on the monday, so the first 5 days, i got a tour around and met all her fellow course mates. All of them are post grads and around 22-25 yrs old. It was so much fun. We hit a bar friday night, and Sat night they had a course BBQ before going to a bar! I met up with one of the nurses one day and he showed me round the ... read more
Independance hall

Honestly Philadelphia has a lot of offer with little means to offer it. The most distinctive trait about Philadelphia is it’s people. Philadelphians appear to be a mob of opinioned, stubborn, and self-centered individuals held together by the cosmic glue of Philadelphia sports and good eats. You would seem like that too, growing up in a city where everything is against you. Philadelphia's subway system has only two lines and to supplements its lack of tubes it is overcrowded smelly buses. One would think a car would help one get around only to be stuck behind those buses. Philly is the city where taxi-cabs can be more expensive then limousines, and it can cost much to drive and safe, legal parking spots are the hardest real estate deals to find. When you do drive, be aware ... read more

Hi guys! Just a quick note to say that, after several months off from blogging (I haven't really been anywhere cool that I felt it was worth blogging about), you guys are about to be flooded with blogs! In less than a month, Brian and I will be going to France because Jo is getting married to her law-school sweetheart, Rocky, and they're having the wedding in France. I'm very excited for her! I'm also very excited, however, because Brian and I will be spending 10 days in Spain and Portugal after the wedding. After that I'm home for a month, and then I begin my year abroad at the London School of Economics. I'm sure there will be lots of travel opportunities (and lots of great photo opportunities too!), and I'll share all of that ... read more

(Lost this blog entry too & some pix) We walked around our neighbourhood in Philly, and I tried to capture the feel of it. Very old (for the USA) and beautiful- lots of cobblestone streets, colonial buildings, and American flags. ... read more
Posers outside the Khyber
Ghostbusters' building
Historic building

(This is the revised version of the blog I originally wrote, I couldn't restore it after the crash) After the party in Philly, I had a few days to relax & enoy the city (and hang out with my family). Madeline took us to her studio, which is down on Washington ave somewhere. It was really cool to see where she paints, and she had some amazing new pieces up on the walls. I tried to get a bit arty myself & snapped some random shots there. You can check out her new website ( (Oh- and a little plug for her too- she also sells her works, so if you like any of them shoot her an email! She's got a few shows coming up on the east coast, the details are on her website). ... read more
Mirror art
be nice!
Madeline's studio

Philly! First stop: Franklion Institute to check out the King Tut exhibit on loan from Egypt. The artifacts were pretty fascinating but some of the things we had hoped to see, such as the headmasks and any of the coffins, weren't there. However, they did have amazingly preserved artifacts on display that were found in Tut's tomb, as well as artifacts discovered in his family members' tombs. Pretty neat! Then we explored the rest of the museum for a quick minute, and off to lunch! We went down to the two competing cheesesteak places in Philly: Gino's and Pat's. We were going to buy one cheesesteak from each place and compare, but our hunger got the better of us and we just ordered from Gino's. It was pretty good, but you really can't help thinking ... read more

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