Blogs from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, North America - page 23


Destination:Philadelphia, PA:March 16-17 After seeing grandma Susan off to the airport to catch her flight home to Colorado, Ty went to get us our final minivan rental as I finalized our packing. Yesterday was cold and rainy, today was suppose to bring snow and havoc to the city, so we thought it best to make our way to Washington DC. Another fine minivan held all of our luggage, all 6 of us and came nicely equipped with a navigational system. It took us quite a while just to get out of the city. As we drove through a small portion of New Jersey the weather continued to get worse which slowed traffic way down. Lola our navigational system had us going in the right direction. It was now sleeting heavily and the roads were very ... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia February 15th 2007

I figured I'd actually throw some content on a page I keep directing friends and family to. We're at T - 2 days until lift off, and I have absolutley nothing accomplished. OK, ok I have my shots and meds at the ready, but I have nothing packed, no extra toilettries purchased. Nothing, or Non vado niente as my Italian teacher used to say. Ah yes, this is procrastination at its best.... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia February 4th 2007

A day in Longwood - February 4, 2007... read more
Photo 2 Calla Lilly
Photo 3 Calla Lilly Detail
Photo 4 East Conservatory

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia February 1st 2007

Matt har fortfarande inte skickat mig nyårbilder (dåligt), men eftersom det är februari och det faktiskt har snöat idag (här är det så ovanligt att de stänger skolan & jag är ledig!)...så tänkte jag att det verkligen var dax att lägga upp de nyårbilder jag har. Vi träffades hos Matt & Ted, med några av deras vänner först innan det bar iväg till en annan lägenhet. Sedan tog vi (20 personer, gruppbilden har såklart Matt) oss till Philadelphia Constitution Center (där det viktiga pappret skrevs under ni vet..) för den maffigaste nyårbalen. Fancy mat & dricka, underhållning med live band, musik & dans & trevligt sällskap vad var som invigde mitt 2007! ... read more
Anhalt numero två
Happy New Year 2007

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia December 26th 2006

George W Vs Rocky Sick on the concrete jungle we decided to head for the Shenandoah National Park, near the boarder of Virginia and West Virginia, for some fresh air and hopefully see some live animals. Ian was keen to see the Natural Bridge which is a naturally formed bridge first discovered by George Washington, his initials were carved in the side of the arch, or at least someone pretending to be him. It was suppose to be on the scale of the Grand Canyon and though I haven’t seen the Grand Canyon I don’t think it would compare. We drove through Skyline Drive which winds through the Shenandoah National Park. We stopped off at a few of the more impressive lookouts, we even considered going on a trek, but than we realised that we were ... read more
Stewies on the steps from The Exorcist
Stewies with Abe
Stewie helping hold the flag

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia December 9th 2006

46 days until take off I'll start with an introduction and explanation. I'm currently a 4th year architecture student at Philadelphia University. I have the opportunity to take a semester abroad to study in another country. After a very confusing application process, I'm finally all set to leave on January 23. I'm traveling with 14 of my classmates and we will be living in Rome, Italy for four months. We will be studying architecture at the American University of Rome, and definitely traveling a lot. We just found out about our requirements for our Study Abroad Documentation project. We have to keep a journal with day to day entries talking about our experience in Rome. I was planning on keeping a blog to keep my friends and family updated anyway, so that just gives me more ... read more

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia December 9th 2006

Thanks to everyone who came to our leaving party at the Dark Horse. It was wonderful to see you all and we had a great time. Hopefully we'll get chance to catch up with some of you before we leave. Here are a few photos to enjoy.... read more
Sharon, Thayer & Meg
Amanda & Rob, Rachel & Romano, Melissa & Jeff, Pete & Deeana
Richard + his siblings-in-law

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia November 30th 2006

We made it, after 3,085 miles. We ate breakfast at Philadelphia at 5 am today after driving the whole day and night from Rockford, IL. Who in the right mind will be driving the whole way - crazy. It is so tiring but seeing Grandma's face and visiting everyone- Priceless. Things we learn on the trip: 1) Bring enough cash for toll 2) Microsoft streets and trips is a very helpful software 3) Freeways rest stops have nice restrooms 4) Kit Kat is a great motivator 5) Laughter is the best wake-up method... read more
First Stop at Philly
Wells Fargo Office

North America » United States » Pennsylvania » Philadelphia November 30th 2006

Moving back to the big city was quite an adjustment for me. Yes, I am moving back to the big city by choice. After a 3-month roaming around the world, it is now the time for me to temporarily resettle so I can restock my fund and let's see what is in store for me. Here are few shots of scenes around Philadelphia, in Philadelphia.... read more
Philadelphia Museum of Art
view of downtown from museum of Art
one of the Sunflowers by Van  Gogh at the Philadelphi Museum of Art

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