Blogs from Keys, Florida, United States, North America - page 29


North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West December 27th 2008

David's and I first photo shooting trip together. ..when the Olympus underwater camera was still working. drove to Key West and I got to show him pretty cool sites on the way down.... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Keys December 22nd 2008

Petite halte circonstancielle, à Kay Biscayne, qui nous a fait un très grand bien. Un bon moment d'arrêt qui nous a permis de visiter et se préparer pour notre deuxième départ vers les Bahamas. Le 10 décembre, nous étions partis pour notre traversée, mais à 15 miles nautiques de Miami, nous avons du fait demi tour car le moteur a eu une panne. Rien de très grave, mais on ne peut prendre de chance en mer, impossible de penser continuer sans moteur c'est beaucoup trop risqué! Nous sommes donc entré à voile, pour revenir sur nos pas, à Miami. Nous avons pris trois jours à la marina de Crandon parc de Kay Biscayne afin de faire venir la pièce du moteur et réparer le problème.... read more
Signature du remorquage
Premier lavage à la main
Lavage d'équipe

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West October 18th 2008

Hello I knew it would be fast. Here we are on the 5th day of our holiday already! Our flight on Tuesday went without a hitch. Our room in Ft. Lauderdale was very nice and had a great breakfast. We are traveling in a Black Ford Explorer, so traveling is very comfortable for us all. Wednesday we headed south. Our first stop was at Coopertown, where we boarded an air boat for a 45 min. tour through the river of grass that is the Everglades. Scooter, our guide, was a good ole down south boy. Lives out on an island in the Everglades. Prefers the company of the birds and gators to the human kind. Saw several alligators. It is nesting time so the females are in hiding. Interesting fact, though we all were taught to ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Keys September 6th 2008

Florida Keys was next on the Itinerary. A chain of islands joined by a highway of bridges. Each island becoming more beautiful, the further into the carribean sea you went. Along the way to Key West, we stopped in at the Turtle Hospital where they house permanently injured residents as well as rehabilitate those where there is an option for release back into the wild. We arrived in Key West late afternoon and discovered that we could take a sunset cruise in the home of the Sunsets. This cruise also had the bonus of offering “complimentary” beer, wine and champagne. Not being shy of having a drink, Hayley and I got stuck into it. We also had the opportunity to captain the ship for about 15 minutes. If wasn’t all that difficult to keep the ship ... read more
Turtle Hospital
Hey there Skipper
Home of the Sunset

This is the picture that Debbie sent us of Jonner in full scuba gear along with his Dad, Donnie. We understand they were after lobster. This was Jonner's 1st dive. Think we were told he was down 22 feet. ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West August 24th 2008

The Florida Keys, and Colorado Springs, Co. Travel Mate- John O'Boyle Six months on the road. This was my first travel, and a lot of other firsts as well. I was 18, full of ideals and nievity, after a year of looking for a way to begin my traveling dreams I met John and he invited me to go to Key West with him. I made you're average rookie mistakes, over packing,under funding, believing what dead heads said, yada yada. But John knew the ropes and after a month on the go in the Keys, I got it down. I spent most of my time in the keys in Key West, chilling on the beach and sitting on Duval st. sipping wine and watching people walk by. The rest of the time was spent camping ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West August 14th 2008

An excellent way to see Key West and also to find out a lot about the history was on the Conch Train Tour. Apparently in 1982 the islanders were getting fed-up with a blockade that was in place to stop smuggling so they declared themselves independent of the United Status and formed the Conch Republic. They even have their own flag, which you see all around the island. This is blue and has a pink conch shell on it and not to be confused with the rainbow flag, which is also prevalent all around the island and is the symbol of the gay community. One of the main industries in the past was called Wrecking and was basically the salvaging of cargo from all the ships the were wrecked around the Keys. There seemed to have ... read more
Sloppy Joe's
St Paul's Church
Conch Republic

There is a road, called the Ocean Highway, that links Key Largo to Key West and several other keys in between, so we were able to drive all the way to Key West. There are of course lots of bridges, the longest of which is called the Seven Mile Bridge for obvious reasons. That was the one that Arnold Schwarzenegger blew-up in the True Lies movie, albeit the old bridge that still runs parallel to the current one. On the way there, we stopped at the Bahia Honda State Park for a break and some snorkelling. The beach here is supposed to be the second best beach in the United States. I tried to find out where the top beach was and it seemed to depend on which website you were looking at. The top beach ... read more
Bahia Honda State Park
Seven Mile Bridge
Seven Mile Bridge

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key Largo August 12th 2008

We had another day relaxing today and the kids had a chance to spend some time playing in the pool. And unlike if we had been in a Brit resort, we could stroll down to the pool in the middle of the morning and grab some of the many spare sun-beds, none of which had someone else’s towels covering them. The storms had stopped and the mosquitoes seemed to have calmed down again as a result. At least there would be no new bites to add to the ones we were still covered in from the Everglades. Later in the afternoon we went shopping for some jewellery for my wife, taking advantage of the fact that it is a fraction of the price that it is back in rip-off Britain. In the evening, it was back ... read more

After 60 some hours of travel from Bangkok, Simon and Lauren wound up in Miami and spent a weekend in the Florida Keys, diving on a reef and shallow wreck the first day, and doing a double dip on the USS Spiegel Grove the second. Lauren was pleased to be back home, and enjoyed showing Simon around the Keys and Miami. They witnessed the colorful sunset festival in Key West and vibrant fireworks displays in Miami, but the Spiegel stood out as the highlight of the weekend for both. Splashing in Florida is much more refreshing and less brisk than some colder climates. Here the summer ocean maintains a surface temperature just above 80º (or about 30C). Initially, Simon and Lauren descend an infinite line into the deep. But the blue, tropical Floridian water soon allows ... read more
Simon and Joe
Turtle over the wreck
Simon and Jewfish

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