Blogs from Arizona, United States, North America - page 273


North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix September 1st 2006

Phoenix - again? Hey ya'll!!! After a great delay here comes the begining of Part 2 of Nick and Mel's most excellent adventure! A big hello to all our Phoenix friends who are joining the blog - we miss you guys! From Tucson we headed back to Phoenix and the scorching summer heat! When we cruised in the heat was oppressive and we found most of the RV parks were 55+ and didnt want young hell-raisers like us!! Needless to say we were feeling a little dehydrated and rather despondent when we rolled into Orangewood Shadows RV Park (another 55+ park). Nick asked if we could possibly set up camp for a couple of days, Nancy at reception was suitably charmed by him and let us stay - just for a couple of nights though. The ... read more
OWS friends
OWS park models
OWS Lounge

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix August 31st 2006

Just a quick "Shari" update for you all. After nearly 20 hours of continuous travel she arrived at her starting point in central Virginia. Tonight (thursday) she is spending her first (of many) nights somewhere along the trail. I expect an update from her when she arrives at the first town along the way...about 70 miles. I'll share that with you as soon as I hear from her. In the meantime feel free to write any messages for her here on the blog. She'll be thrilled to hear from every one of you. Thanks for your support, Mike... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix August 30th 2006

Well, the pack is ready to be stuffed. The bounce box is ready to go. My dealings with the business are wrapped up and Mike is up to speed on everything. He's going to do fabulously while I'm away...even on the paperwork!!!!! I'd like to thank ALL of you who wrote such encouraging comments. I cannot tell you how much they mean to me. I will remember them on those lonely moments out there. People have asked me why the bald head. Initially, it was sheer curiosity. When Mike first shaved his head, I was curious to feel all those different sensations he was feeling: cold, sunburn, raspiness on the pillow as the hair grows back, etc., etc., etc. At the time I said if I ever go on another extended hike, I'm going to shave ... read more
My mug shot...all I need is a number!
Two Cueballs

North America » United States » Arizona » Nogales August 30th 2006

Hola from the border!!! I made it here safely...and with no major problems at all. In fact, traveling here was perfectly enjoyable...minus the 4:15am wake-up call! I've been catching up with Dave and Sue Thomas since I arrived in Nogales and tonight we'll be joining Dr. Pazos (my Mexican partner) and his family across the border in Nogales, Sonora for dinner. Yesterday Sue and I were able to meet with my Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) site coordinator, Brandon, and one of the other YAVs for lunch. It was exciting finally putting faces with names and talking about the exciting year ahead!! I will be in Tucson this Friday through next Tuesday for YAV orientation, so I'm pretty busy this first week here. I plan to explain my situation more in-depth once I return from Tucson, but ... read more

After leaving Death Valley we went back to Southern Utah to visit another highly recommended corner - Zion National Pak. Zion is a Hebrew word that means "refuge". There were a couple of places in the park that we were very keen to visit, but they are only reachable on foot, so we braved the heat and set off on a long walk along a river bed to reach The Subway. You need to buy a permit from the rangers for this walk, as they only allow a small amount of people on the track every day (we guess to help preserve the natural state of the place). As you can see in the picture, The Subway is part of a canyon shaped into a tube by the forces of nature, really cool. The walk does ... read more
ZION: Hot weather but chilly water / Tiempo caluroso pero agua fresquita
ZION: Ben taking a break / Ben tomándose un descanso
ZION: Snake/ Culebra

What's there to do in Phoenix? Little that l knew, when l was asked to travel to Phoenix Arizona for work, Arizona has some amazing desert views, 40 + degrees temperatures, monsoons weather and one of the worlds most natural wonders... Jo and l arrived in Phoenix from a long and tiring Delta flight, (travelling over the Atlantic always seems to hit me worst with jet lag than the Pacific) anyhow it was late and we were tired at 6pm on Friday evening, all we wanted was a beer and a big 9 oz steak! So that’s what we went and had and went straight to bed. With the over night temperatures of 33 degrees, and my jet lag kicking in l was awake, up and in the hotel swimming pool by 7:00am the next morning. ... read more
Jo and Nadia on the Canyon
Sedona, Arizona
The Grand Canyon

North America » United States » Arizona August 20th 2006

Day 16 - August 20, 2006 We went for a tour of Slot Canyon (renamed Antelope Canyon by the Indians). You can only visit this canyon if taken by one of the five approved tour companies. Woody, our tour guide from Overland Canyon Tours, owned exclusive rights with the Navajo Indians about twenty years ago. After seven years, he gave it up. (I think he regrets his decision now.) Woody definitely knows a lot about the area. Page is one of the towns built by the Bureau of Land Management. They come in and build the town before building the dam. They build “one of every church they can think of” (Woody’s words), along with an elementary school, high school, recreational facilities, and housing. Overland Canyon Tours, on Navajo St., is located where a long line ... read more
Pictures in a Slot Canyon
Pictures in a Slot Canyon
Pictures in a Slot Canyon

North America » United States » Arizona August 19th 2006

Day 15 - August 19, 2006 We left Bryce Canyon, and headed for the Grand Canyon. It takes about three hours to reach the Grand Canyon from Bryce. While in the Kaibab National Forest that precedes the North Rim (of the Grand Canyon), we saw a condor flying high above. (These really are as big-looking as they say.) There are lots of trees here (no, not all national forests have lots of trees), but unfortunately much of the forest here was hit hard by a large forest fire earlier this summer. The Grand Canyon is very grand, and we enjoyed our approximately fourteen minutes of viewing time of the North Rim. We’ll catch the South Rim some other time. I am glad to report that none of us stepped off the edge, unlike those unfortunate people ... read more
Robert on the edge
Another Grand View
I saw the sign!

North America » United States » Arizona » Sedona August 18th 2006

Psychologist Kay Vogt held a workshop in her beautiful home and retreat center in Sedona, Arizona, In August, 2006. A group of about ten people worked and processed together from noon Saturday until noon on Monday, with time out for dawn hikes in the glorious red rocks and good food. With Kay's intuitive and insightful leadership the weekend was a wonderful experience for all of the participants. But best of all, I got to finally come to that mystical, magical place, Sedona, which I have only imagined for so many years. Making the experience even more enjoyable was the invitation of my friends Sybil and Henry Melody to come down a day early and spend a day with them exploring heir charming home and the hills of Jerome, across the Verde Valley from Sedona. Their all ... read more

It can't be past 3:30 in the morning, yet I find myself responsive to someone's request to get out of bed. How can this be? I've never woken up this early! Why am I not dismissing them with an irritated grunt and burying my head in the pillow? Wait! This isn't even my pillow! Where the hell am I? And then, as consciousness slowly begins to set in, I realize where I am and what I'm doing. I'm in my friend Ben's cabin, and today is the day that we're going to hike to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon with his friends Kenny and Sabrina from Taiwan and Lukas from the Czech Republic. I don my jacket and pack, scarf some noodles with Kenny and Ben, and then run to the Backcountry Office to ... read more
On the edge
On the edge #2
Black Bridge

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