Blogs from Arizona, United States, North America - page 271


North America » United States » Arizona » Page September 29th 2006

Nachdem wir nun 2 Wochen lang ein sehr dichtes Programm hatten, lassen wir es heute ruhig angehen. Wir sind in Page, das ist eine kleine Stadt am Lake Powell, die wohl nur waehrend der Hauptsaison von Touristen bevoelkert ist. Um diese Zeit ist sehr wenig los, und daher ist es auch kein Problem, spontan eine gefuehrte Tour zum Antelope Canyon zu unternehmen. Da der Canyon auf Navajo-Land liegt, darf man nur in Begleitung eines indianischen Fuehrers hinein. Dieser Canyon laesst sich am ehesten mit einer Klamm vergleichen - nur, dass er aus Sandstein ist und somit die Erosion durch das Wasser unglaubliche, weiche, wellenartige Formen ergibt. Man geht auf dem sandigen Boden des Canyons, da dieser kein Wasser fuehrt, solange es nicht regnet. Wenn es aber regnet, kann innerhalb kuerzester Zeit der ganze Canyon mit Wasser ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Page September 28th 2006

We’re on the road again, this time to Page and Monument Valley in Arizona. Alan is attending a photography workshop while I tag along in search of writing material. The drive takes us through most of Arizona’s climactic zones. Leaving Tucson, we travel through desert until reaching the outskirts of Phoenix. Then, its big city driving on jammed-packed highways at morning rush hour. After we negotiate our way through Phoenix, the road starts to climb; and, for a few more miles, saguaros still dot the landscape. Soon, the highway becomes a rollercoaster of downhills and uphills with plenty of twists and turns. We end up on a grass-covered plateau in high desert country. The road eventually drops down into the Verde Valley, a green oasis of trees and water. Then, we climb back up in elevation ... read more
Smokestacks coexist with stunning scenery
Alan prepares to capture a sunset
Colorful bluffs in geometric design

North America » United States » Arizona » Monument Valley September 23rd 2006

Die Buergerpflicht ruft! Seit Tagen haben wir ein Postamt gesucht, um unsere Wahlkarten nach Oesterreich zu schicken, denn: jede Stimme zaehlt! Man sollte ja glauben, einen Brief aufzugeben, kann nicht lange dauern - hier in Tuba City, Arizona, ist dem aber anders. Nachdem die Angestellte den Brief zuerst fuer Austrialien frankiert hat, dauert die Prozedur des Suchens eines Storno-Formulars und neu Frankierens circa 15 Minuten! Als diese Huerde dann ueberwunden ist, fahren wir durch die Halbwueste ins Monument Valley. Auf dem Weg dorthin kommen wir durch kleine Ortschaften, die von Indianern bewohnt sind . Monument Valley selbst besteht aus sehr beeindruckenden Felsformationen - wir fahren stundenlang herum und staunen und fotografieren. Kurz vor dem Ausgang bemerkt Robert, dass er bereits gestern die Aufloesung des Fotoapparates auf ganz niedrig gestellt hat, also die Fotos eine eher s ... read more
Goosenecks of San Juan River

Road Runner’s Move Over After visiting with family and the final drive through the valley, it is once again time to pack up and move out. This park was small, so we needed to off load the car and then disconnect the trailer so we now needed to reverse this process before we could pull out. Everything done we pull onto the Venture free way heading towards Pasadena and pick up the 10 freeway. This drive will take us through Pasadena, Irwindale, Azuza, Pomona and down the line heading towards the Arizona border. You pass through Eagle Rock and until now never knew why it got this name. There is a large rock formation to the left of the freeway and it bears a remarkable resemblance of an eagles profile. Ya learn something every day. The ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Tempe September 22nd 2006

Well folks, its that time. The crazy idea is becoming reality. I am going to Chicago this weekend, so this will be my last posting for a while. During breaks, I will try to mail updates to my Dad, who can then update the blog letting you know the latest. Here is a rough itenerary... most of the dates are guesses. I have also included mail instructions if anyone wants to drop me a line from home. Itenerary 81 Days: 9/25 - 12/14 9/25 - 10/14 Backpacking, Gore Range of Colorado 10/15-17 Town Days, Leadville, Colorado 10/18 - 11/2 Rock Climbing, Joshua Tree National Park, California 11/3-4 Town Days, Moab Utah 11/5 - 11/20 Canyoneering, Robbers Roost Canyons of Southern Utah 11/20-23 Town Days, Leadville, Colorado 11/24 - 25 Altitude Acclimatization, Climbing Peaks in Loveland Pass, ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona September 21st 2006

Unser Tag am Grand Canyon! Entlang des Canyons kann man nicht mehr mit dem eigenen Auto fahren, sondern nur mit Shuttle-bussen. Diese bleiben an mehreren Aussichtspunkten stehen. Bei jedem dieser Stops kann man aussteigen, eine Zeit lang die Aussicht geniessen und dann den naechsten Bus nehmen. So faul sind wir dann aber doch nicht! Nachdem wir uns den Ab- und Aufstieg in den Canyon (ca. 1700 Hoehenmeter in Gluthitze) erspart haben, wandern wir ein ordentliches Stueck am Canyonrand entlang. Erst dabei koennen wir die Landschaft so richtig in uns aufsaugen. Unendliche Weiten, verschiedenfarbige Gesteinsschichten und tief unten im Canyon der Colorade River - ein gewaltiger Fluss, der durch die grosse Entfernung aussieht wie ein kleines Rinnsal. Irgendwann muss aber auch hier Schluss sein, und so machen wir uns weiter auf die Reise, nachdem wir uns noch ... read more
Grand Canyon (ist ja gross genug fuer 2 Fotos :-)

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix September 20th 2006

I have uploaded a small fraction of the pictures from my trip. They cover the drive from Phoenix to Vegas and into Zion NP. All of the Zion photos did not upload, but this set will take you on hikes to Hidden Canyon as well as Angel's Landing. You can view them here. If you have the time and bandwidth, I recommend watching them as a Slide Show. More to come...... read more

it is bloody massive.. took a day trip out there with the boys and wow it was truely amazing and a worthwhile journey.. words just cant describe it, just look at the photos for yourself.... but yeah really amazing.. and saw some indians and managed to buy some hand made products which was really cool... overall just an amazing day.. ... read more
what a view!!
on the way there
the canyon

Stevie, Raven and I made a pit stop on our trip cross country at the ol' Grand Canyon. One night of sub-freezing temperatures there was enough for the unprepared (we consequently changed our itinerary to a more southern route.) The first evening we walked around the rim, where Raven Do could check out the canyon too. It was a nice flat route with amazing views over the canyon, the other side being at times 10 miles away! The next day we hiked down the "skeleton trail," or something like that. As we cheerily skipped down, the people we met along the way made it clear the way up would not be so "skippy." We passed the "wheezers," and ones who could only whisper a quick "hi" between gasps, those clutching their hearts, those left behind, those ... read more
what a view
Grand Canyon

North America » United States » Arizona » Bisbee September 16th 2006

Last night, we arranged with Ranch Manager, Susan, to eat a late breakfast. Our plan was to sleep-in since we are leaving today. Ranch dog, Dharma, had other ideas as she barked our wake-up call around 7am. This morning’s sky is solid blue, not even the hint of a cloud can be seen. Alan and I sit in the gazebo with our coffee and watch geese glide on the lake. A light breeze sways the beige cloth panels that hang on the corners of the gazebo. Birds twitter as they fly by. Relaxation doesn’t get any better than this! Breakfast is an omelet stuffed with portabella mushrooms, artichokes and goat cheese, toast with marmalade, a mix of fried potatoes and sweet potatoes, plus coffee and juice. We need physical activity to walk off this delicious food. ... read more
Donna checks out the trail map
Eating Alan's hat
Dharma finally stands still

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