Blogs from Oaxaca, Mexico, North America - page 15


North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca June 6th 2012

These are photos of my visit with Lucy to her home and to the beach at Chacagua. Both are Afro-Mexican communities. We went through Azufre but I did not get a chance to get photos there. Hopefully, I will get an opportunity to return to the coast in October for the reunion of "Los Negros" which will be a meeting of the Afro-Mexican communities along the coast of the states of Oaxaca and Guerrero. With their permission I should get lots of pictures then.... read more
La Madre de Lucy
Lucy en su Cocina
El Horno en la Cocina

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Puerto Escondido June 6th 2012

I did get the opportunity to go to Puerto Escondido from Santa Rosa with E-Costa for a political rally for the PRD candidate for president of Mexico, Obrador. The people of the coast turned out in great masses for this candidate. It was amazing. I have photos and videos. I will see if I can get the videos to upload this time.... read more
El Letrero para el Candidato
Los Danzas en la Campagna
Mucha Gente

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca June 6th 2012

After our great experience in Mexico City, we took an overnight bus (Sunday, June 3rd) from the Terminal Tapo to Oaxaca, the journey took 6,5 h and a recommendation to all travellers is to book the tickets in advance. Also we recommend the first class buses for longer routes, as they are extremly comfortable and safe. We arrived in Oaxaca at 6.40am and instead of taking a taxi for 50 pesos (=USD 3,50) we decided to walk 5km to our new host's place. We quickly realised that this was not a good idea, we need to work on our fitness :) However this walk led us through the different streets of poorer areas where we could see everyday reality of the less priviledged people. Although we arrived to Oaxaca during a teacher protest which has overtaken ... read more
city center covered in tents

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Teotitlan del Valle June 6th 2012

On my return from the coast I had an appointment with a medica tradicional or curandera. I wanted to learn about the traditional medical technics that are a part of the Mexican culture. The director of the school set up the appointment and I chose to have some of the traditional treatments such as a limpia (cleaning) and treatments for empacho, fear and stress. I can with certainty say that the herbal drinks for stress worked because before I could get home from the treatment (30 min taxi ride and 10 minute walk) I had to stop at a restaurant to eat and to have coffee. My muscles were so relaxed that I did not think that I could make it home. Maria Ruiz has been taught all of the methods of a curandera by her ... read more
Otra Vista en el Jardin
Una Mesa Llena de las Hierbas
Las Montanas para las Hierbas

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca June 5th 2012

Hello All, I am back in Tulsa as of the past Friday around midnight. My Friday am flight from Oaxaca was also canceled but United was able to get me a seat Aero-Mexico that departed one hour later than the original flight. I did have to go through Mexico City and I almost missed my connecting flight to Houston because I was mis-directed but luckily I got there just before they gave my seat away! Then I had a 7 hour layover in Houston but thankfully I did arrive home safe and sound. In this entry I will put in photos from my trip to the coast where I volunteered for E-Costa, an organization that promotes organic products. There I met Lucy, an afro-mexican and I got the opportunity to visit overnight with her and her ... read more
Preparacion para el Evento de Tiangas
Los Letreros para el Evento
La Gente Esta Llegando

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca June 2nd 2012

It is incredibly easy in Mexico to find a good, clean, high quality public bus to take you where you need to go for very little money. Somehow at the bus station i inadvertnetly manage to avoid all of these options and end up getting a “chicken bus” for the bus ride from Mexico City to Oaxaca. I'm sharing it with lots of families and an old Mexican granny with two long grey plaits down her back and smocked apron. It doesn't bother me – its comfortable enough and about ten pounds cheaper. It stops half way for a pee stop and someone comes on to the bus to sell tacos and chocolate. Which is the main thing. I have a bladder the size of a walnut and always need the loo at regular intervals. Once ... read more
Mr Toucan
Room with a view
The Beautiful Tula Tree

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca May 31st 2012

I have taken my friend Jan's advise and I am savoring my extra days in Oaxaca with no classes and no deadlines to meet. I went to the school today to seek out Ryota, the Japanese high-tech genius, and he found a solution to my photo upload problem. There is a computer in the office that was able to take my photo disk and upload the photos into the computer and then download them to my flash drive. Muchisimas gracias to Ryota and Heronimo (el hijo de la directora, de quien era la computadora que Ryota uso). In this entry I am highlighting my medical spanish instructor, Olga. She has a heart for working on the tourism and cultural projects in Oaxaca and Mexico. She is also a very capable instructor.... read more
Maestra y Estudiante

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca May 30th 2012

Well, the unimaginable happened this morning. My flight was canceled. It seems there was bad weather in Houston and the plane did not come in last night. There was a possibility of getting a seat on Aero-Mexico through Mexico City...Uuugghh! But that possibility disappeared when they found out an Aero-Mexico flight was also canceled due to bad weather. The only sure flight out for me was on friday. I did not even want to contemplate trying to get a flight to Mx. City and then trying to get out of Mx. City. The counter agent agreed that it might be a nightmare. So I paid another taxi to take me back to the posada and to ask for a room for an additional 2 nights. I did not get the huge room with 2 double beds ... read more
La Clase de Cocina
Tres de mis Amigas Favoritas
Mi Ultima Clase - C1

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca May 29th 2012

Hello All, I am now back in the city of Oaxaca after a pretty spectacular trip to the coast. I did some volunteer work for E-Costa, a green organization that encourages the people of the area who cultivate to not use chemicals and to produce only organic products. On saturday the 19th I helped with a "Tiangas" in which people brought and sold organic products. At this event I met Lucy, one of the Afro-Mexicans from the coast. I spent monday night with her and her mother. On tuesday she took me to the beach at Chacagua, which is another Afro-Mexican community and we went through Azufre, which is another Afro-Mexican community. I am told that are many more but I had to get back to E-Costa do do at least some semblance of volunteering. When ... read more
Abarrote y Restaurante
El Chofer
Los Mercados

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca May 16th 2012

Hi All, I am going to try to do another entry with photos. Today I will introduce you to persons in the school office, their lives and their goals. I am going to suggest to the blogging site that they fix the photos space to expand to include all of the typed information but as of now it does not. I do apologize to both participant and reader if all of the information from my interview does not appear. Due to time constraints, I will not be able to try another format. Today is my day of departure for the coast. I cannot take my computer because I am told that there are no satellite towers in this remote area. So until I am back in Oaxaca, "Nos vemos".... read more
Rachel Laberge Mallette
Asuncion Ruiz Martinez
Liliana Ruiz Lopez

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