Blogs from Terrace, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace August 30th 2011

Sorry it has taken so long to update the blog. Sometimes the opportunity does not present it's self. Sunday August 28, 2011 Rain! When I left the bar last night it was raining. When I woke up this morning it was raining. I can only assume that it was raining all night. It rained until 3 pm. I had spent the whole day in my tent except for a few pee breaks. I had to move on. I broke camp and crossed the border into Stewart and had my first meal of the day at around 5 pm. I was absolutely starved. The grocery store was still open. I was surprised that a grocery store in such a small town would still be open on a Sunday. By the time I had my food packed into ... read more
The Portland Canel
The Portland Canel
The Portland Canel

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace August 6th 2011

July 30, 2011 Saturday Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Provincial Park, BC or in the native tongue, Anhluut’ukwsim Laxmihl Angwinga’asanskwhl Nisga’a. 53 degrees rained all night, but see some sun peeking through. Starting mileage at 13456. Approximately 250 years ago, a volcano erupted and killed about 2000 of the Nisga’a people in this valley when the lava covered several villages. You can take a guided tour of the small cone. The new community is located on a hillside instead of along the river valley as the older villages were. After taking several pictures of the lava flow, we left the park and drove toward the town of Terrace about 60 miles away. We stopped and took a walk to Vetter Falls. The cedar trees and the foliage undergrowth of this area look very similar to the forests ... read more
AK2 July30 Vetter Falls in lava beds park
AK3 July30 A pond in Lava Beds Provencial Park
AK4 July30 Rocky in his rain gear at parade

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace August 6th 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011 Furlong Bay Provincial Park, Lake Lakelse. 53 degrees, foggy with some blue and some high clouds. Since we all had various chores and activities we wanted to do before leaving in the morning, we agreed to meet at the Wal-mart parking lot after the first activity which we expected to take about the same amount of time. Jim, Diane and Rocky went to church and Valerie and I went to a cattle sort, an event for River Boat Days. Let me see if I can adequately explain a cattle sort. We drove a couple miles out of town to what looked like a very small fairgrounds type facility for horses and went into a covered arena. In the center of the arena they had constructed a good size figure 8 with metal ... read more
AK2 July31 Cattle sorting in action
AK3 July31 Participant and horse--first timers

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace September 25th 2010

Still sitting at home, waiting to go. It is pouring with rain outside so I can only dream of the sunshine. We leave for the first part of our trip on Wednesday...all the way to Terrace. We have to take the city bus that runs between the communities. Will spend the night with Don and Glenda and then it is off to Victoria the next day. We don't actually leave the country until Oct. 7. Let me know if you are able to read this so I know if I'm doing it right or not.... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace July 29th 2009

Jo, Fotos von meiner 3-Tage-Wanderung in der Naehe von Terrace (noch in British Columbia). Sie war Anfang Juli - man bin ich weit hinterher mit meinen Beitraegen!!!... read more
Photo 4
Photo 2
Photo 3

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace July 3rd 2009

Jaaaaa, die Ueberschrift bedeutet genau das was ihr erwartet: Ich bin verliebt! Leider kann ich grad keine Fotos von meiner grossen Liebe hochladen, daher muesst ihr euch erstmal mit nen paar Beschreibungen zufrieden geben ;) Es mag vielleicht nen bisschen ueberraschend kommen fuer die Leute, die die Beitraege nicht richtig gelesen haben, aber es hat sich schon laenger angedeutet! Nach allem was ich mit ihr durchlebt habe...und es wird wohl hoffentlich noch mehr werden!!! Ich weiss, die Maenner die das lesen wollen gleich wieder ihre Mase wissen: Also hier in Kanada isses nen bisschen anders, aber ihre Daten sind: 3,854,085 und 33,701,000, was einen Index von 8.3 ergibt! Fuer die, die sich darunter noch nix vorstellen koennen muessen sich halt selber schlau machen :p Zu ihrem Aeusseren: Im Moment is sie noch ziemlich weiss, aber das ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace June 30th 2009

...WURDE GEFUNDEN!!!! Ich darf ganz herzlich Miss Caroline K. alias Prinzessin Caroline zu dem Hauptgewinne, einer handsignierten kanadischen Postkarte mit noch unbekanntem Motiv, gratulieren!!! Die Einsendung der Loesung erfolgte am Dienstag, dem 30.06.2009 um 14:12Uhr. Hmmm, so spaet isses doch noch gar nich! Immer diese Deutschen mit ihrer komischen Zeitverschiebung :P Sie is bis jetzt uebrigens auch die einzige, die eine richtige Loesung eingeschickt hat! Tztzt! Ach ja, bin ich ja noch die richtige Antwort schuldig! Alsooooooo: Wenn man sich die Bilder VOR der Bergbesteigung und NACH der Bergbesteigung anschaut erkennt man eindeutig dass .......*Spannungspause*... .....MEINE HAARE KUERZER SIND!!!!!!!!!!! Richtig, nachdem ich immer ueberlegt hab was ich besonderes mit meinen Haaren machen wollte hab ich mich entschlossen, Martin, der vorher noch nie irgendwe... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace June 28th 2009

Sooo, ich bin hier grad bei nen paar Typen im Wohnzimmer und waehrend die genuesslich schlafen schlaf ich mir die NAcht um die Ohren um euch mit Bildern zu versorgen...also schaut sie euch wenigstens mal an ;) Ich hab Bilder zum Westcoast Trail, zur Ertsen Wochen auf Vancouver Island und bei Tofino hinzugefuegt und der Beitrag ueber den Strathcona Park is janz neu! Viel Spass beim Anschauen! Es ist grad 7:30 morgens, ich hab noch nich geschlafen und in 2 Stunden wollen wir los zum Fischen! Na hoffentlich beissen sie im 5-Minuten Rhytmus an, sonst schlaf ich noch am Ufer ein! Liebe Gruesse an die Bildschirme in ihrem Wohnzimmer...oder wo ihr auch sonst meine Beitraege lest! Vielleicht mibbm Laptop aufm Klo? naja, viel Spass jedenfalls...und spuelen nicht vergessen! LG, Jaja... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace July 6th 2008

Happy Independence Day all...we have so much to be thankful for. I an so thankful for all service members this holiday as we celebrate our Nation's birthday. You are not forgotten and I am very proud of each and every one of you. Today, after leaving Jack Gunness and the Muncho Lake area I pushed with a little more vigor toward Alaska. However, day two of rain fell in my tracks and after drying everything out the night before, it was already starting to get wet. My packed gear always has stayed dry, but my boots were not rainproof and after about one hour my feet we soaked and starting to get cold. Temps were hovering around 55-57 during the rain. You need to be extra vigilant in the rain as the roads get slippery and ... read more
Entering Into Yukon Territory
Watson Lake - Sign Post Village
Sign Post Forest

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Terrace September 16th 2007

Hello folks For the past nine days I have been in Terrace. Terrace is a town of approximately 20,000 people in Northern British Columbia (BC). Terrace is a relaxed, pleasant, very green town. There are a few nice hiking trails in Terrace, including Ferry Island, which has piles of small faces carved into the trees and tiny toads hopping across your path. I have been helping McElhanney (a consulting company) to establish the locations of important forested habitat for wintering moose and foraging grizzly bears. (In the words of Brad Pollard) "In BC, there is a provincial policy to manage wildlife as part of forest harvest planning. There is an assumption that the majority of species/biodiversity will be maintained with general forest harvesting procedure (retention of within cut block reserves, retention of old growth management areas, ... read more
Ferry Island
Group shot
Northern BC

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